Chapter 752 Punishment
Chapter 752 Punishment
Lin Su'er looked at Xiao Mengqiu's distorted facial features in pain and humiliation, sneered and took two steps back, throwing Xiao Mengqiu away.

Xiao Mengqiu immediately sat down on the ground, covered her throat and looked at Lin Suer, "What did you feed me again, Lin Suer, you are too cruel! How could Aang like someone like you?"

Lin Su'er squatted down, stared at Xiao Mengqiu who was sitting on the ground with no warmth in her eyes, and said with a sneer, "Don't worry, the food I gave you just now is not poison that can directly poison you to death. It will make you miserable every month, just like your menstrual period, there will be a few days that will torture you so much."

"However, its medicinal properties are much better than your stomachache during menstruation. Enjoy this torture! You pretend to be me to find my grandfather, and I have to work hard to convince my grandfather that I am his. Granddaughter, if you torment me, I will naturally punish you, hum!"

After leaving these words, Lin Su'er turned around and left without mercy, leaving Xiao Mengqiu sitting on the ground alone, the hatred in his eyes was like countless golden needles, wishing to directly tie Lin Su'er into a sieve.

She slowly got up from the ground, clutched her already aching stomach, looked at Lin Su'er's leaving direction and gritted her teeth and said, "Lin Su'er, don't blame me for being rude!"

Lin Su'er returned to the banquet and was about to find her grandfather, when she found a group of people gathered in a corner, and the people around her looked anxiously, looking towards that corner.

"What's going on here?" She asked the person who pulled aside strangely.

"Grandpa Ang had a sudden heart attack just now. The private doctor has already gone to see him, but he seems to be out of control. He is in a hurry now! I have already called an ambulance, but the hospital is a bit far away from here. I don't know when it will arrive. , I'm dying of anxiety."

After hearing this, Lin Su'er immediately pushed aside the heavy crowd and squeezed into the innermost place, and saw the old man leaning on the stool with his hands on his chest and his face full of pain.

She hardly stopped, and immediately took old man Ang's hand, ready to take the pulse for treatment, but the private doctor next to her immediately pushed her away and took the old man's hand to question.

"What are you doing? Can't you see that the old man is having a heart attack now? Go away! Don't all gather around here, the old man won't be able to breathe any fresh air at all, and it will get worse."

As soon as the private doctor finished speaking, the people around immediately dispersed, but Lin Su'er still refused to leave, but said confidently, "Let me try, I can save him."

"You can? Who do you think you are! Isn't it an actress? If I really ask you to save the old man, something will go wrong later, and I will die!"

"If you don't let me save you, if something happens to the old gentleman, don't you think you are not responsible?"

Lin Su'er looked at his stern questioning, and the private doctor was also a little worried. He is the old man's personal doctor. If something happened to the old man, he would of course have to bear a great deal of responsibility, and there was a moment of anxiety that he didn't know what to do. feel.

The director of the film crew stepped forward immediately, "Let Lin Xinxin try it. I had a severe cold when I was filming before, and my fever reached forty degrees. But after taking the medicine she gave me, I was completely sick within an hour. Well, she has really learned some medical skills, let her try it."

"Is it really that powerful?" The private doctor sized Lin Su'er up and down in disbelief. No matter how you look at it, she is a yellow-haired girl, how can she be so powerful?Moreover, heart disease and cold and fever are completely different diseases. Can she really cure them?

Lin Su'er saw his words, and continued: "If you don't let me try it, I'll just die, the nearest hospital is a long way from here, even if the ambulance arrives, it may not be in time. "

This... the private doctor was a little uncertain, and turned to look at the butler of the Ang family who came to the celebration banquet together. The butler saw the old man's pale face and painful expression, gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and said directly, "Okay, then Just try it."

After getting the consent, Lin Su'er immediately stepped forward and began to feel the old man's pulse. It took only three seconds to confirm the old man's current condition. on acupuncture points.

The old man's face gradually got better, his frown slowly relaxed, and the painful expression on his face completely disappeared.

He slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Lin Suer's expressive eyes. He seemed to see his daughter, and he called out without thinking, "Qingqiu..."

When Lin Su'er heard him calling her mother's name, the tip of her nose felt a little sore immediately, and she smiled at him.

Xiao Mengqiu rushed over from the bathroom, happened to see this scene, and gritted her teeth angrily beside her. Could it be that she can't compare to Lin Su'er until now?Even though Mr. Ang already believed in her in his heart, did he still feel that they should be closer the moment he saw Lin Su'er?
She felt that the flame of her jealousy was about to burn herself out, and she wished she could go up and stab Lin Su'er twice.

Mr. Ang slowly came to his senses, and realized that he had identified the wrong person, and smiled guiltily at Lin Su'er, "Miss Lin, I'm sorry, I recognized you as my daughter just now, you wear the same clothes as her and your eyes look very similar. .”

Lin Su'er shook her head indifferently, "It's okay, you have to pay more attention to your body when you go back, and don't eat irritating things, including drinking less tea."

Mr. Ang was a little puzzled when he heard what he said, "Does Miss Lin also know medicine?"

The private doctor immediately answered for Lin Suer, "Mr., just now this young lady gave you the injection and cured you. Otherwise, I really don't know what to do. I just took the Suxiao Jiuxin Pill for you, and it didn't hurt anything." use."

After Mr. Ang heard what the private doctor said, he was even more surprised. He looked at Lin Su'er with a different figure, and smiled kindly at her, "Miss Lin, thank you for treating me. When I saw you, I thought you looked like my daughter, we are destined to be together, and I will definitely thank you for saving my life today."

As he spoke, he handed Lin Suer a business card with his contact information on it. Lin Suer was thinking about how to meet him in the future, and now she had this opportunity, so she took the business card unceremoniously.

"The old man was joking. You don't need to be so polite. Being good at medicine is supposed to cure diseases and save lives."

"Grandpa, I don't want to stay here anymore, I want to go back early, shall we go home?"

Xiao Mengqiu saw Lin Su'er and the old man chatting so happily, stepped forward to interrupt the conversation between the two on purpose, hugged the old man's arm and started acting like a baby.

"Okay, you don't want to be here, then let's go home." The old man naturally obeyed his granddaughter, and immediately smiled apologetically at Lin Su'er, "Then Miss Lin, I'll go first, and I'll take my granddaughter home. "

(End of this chapter)

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