Chapter 754 Strange Manager

Chapter 754 Strange Manager

The box office of the movie has been soaring all the way, and the crew has to go to various places to promote the movie, including several surrounding cities. Lin Suer has been running between the school and the crew, following the director to various cities to promote the movie.

The name Lin Xinxin is becoming more and more famous. You can see this name even when you open the Internet page, and it has been searched again and again. During this time, the name Lin Xinxin is more popular than the name Lin Suer.

"Su'er, are you going to the next city tomorrow?" Xia Xiaonan saw that Lin Su'er was packing up her clothes again. These days, Bo Qingang sent Lin Su'er one after another. Many dresses and professional suits were completely in line with Lin Su'er's usual ones. Dress in different styles of clothes, and there is a whole suitcase.

"Yes, tomorrow I'm going next door to promote the movie. The box office of this movie is getting higher and higher. The director is laughing from ear to ear. It has also greatly helped him to gain popularity. Many producers have come to him to be the director. He said that we will take advantage of this limelight to step up our efforts to promote a wave of movies."

Lin Suer picked up the suitcase. She always felt that she was not getting enough sleep these days. As long as the school had unimportant classes, she would ask for leave to promote the movie. Came to talk to her.

"Then you should pay attention to rest, seeing that you have dark circles under your eyes, Young Master Bo knows that your heart will be distressed!"

Xia Xiaonan looked at Lin Su'er's panda eyes. It was the first time she had known Lin Su'er so tired for so long.

"It's okay, it will be fine after a while, I'll go first." Lin Su'er dragged the suitcase out of the school.

All the crew members gathered in one place, and then took the car arranged by the crew to go to the next city. Lin Su'er and Rong Linger happened to be in the same car, and Rong Linger's manager was also in the car.

It was also this experience that made Lin Suer know that it was really not easy for her to be an actress. Her manager pointed at her in front of the actresses of the same crew. It was not like her business partner, but rather like her Like her parents, she is always in charge of her.

Lin Su'er took out her specially prepared drink from her bag and put it in a beauty drink bottle. If she didn't drink it, she wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two. Lin Su'er saw that Rong Linger would go to promote with her these days The movie is specially prepared for Rong Linger, which can help Rong Linger supplement various nutrients.

"Drink a bottle, it's good for the skin, and don't worry, there is no fat in it, so you won't gain weight." Lin Suer handed the bottle to Rong Linger, and drank a bottle herself, but what she drank was Authentic beauty drink.

Rong Linger took a look at her beauty drink, and when she was about to drink it, the manager snatched it up, "Are you sure this is a beauty drink sold online? The packaging is the same, why do you have it? Isn't it hard to buy?"

The manager looked her up and down like a prisoner, but Lin Su'er had no choice but to make up a lie, "Don't you know that the female owner of the online store and Bo Shao are boyfriend and girlfriend? The female owner of the online store and I It’s a very good relationship, she specially gave it to me.”

Lin Su'er was talking nonsense in a serious manner. She had already clarified her relationship with Bo Qing'ang in the film crew, saying that Lin Xinxin and Lin Su'er were good friends, and that Bo Qing'ang only took care of Lin Xinxin because of Lin Su'er's relationship.

Although the crew believed her words on the surface, they would still point out secretly, saying that Bo Shao wanted to take everything, that he was in a relationship with Lin Su'er, but he wanted to take her friends as well.

Hearing what he said, the manager also believed it. After all, she had seen many times that Bo Qingang came to pick up Lin Xinxin in front of her.

"Then you drink her, change your bitter face, look at you like this, people's fans don't want to like you anymore, be more energetic! Smile, don't hunch your back, you have to think about having puppies all the time Will come to shoot, imagine that you are a first-line female star, you must pay attention to your appearance anytime, anywhere, and pay attention to your manners!"

The manager stuffed the beauty drink back to Rong Ling'er, and also scolded her by the way.

Lin Su'er looked very strange from the side. She had also seen many female celebrities with their managers, but this was the first time that they saw their managers scolding their artists so unscrupulously. Shouldn't they be equal?Even if the manager can take care of the female artist, he shouldn't be yelling at her like a slave.

Rong Ling'er seemed to be used to this way of getting along with each other. Even if the manager said something so harsh, she still calmly straightened her back, adjusted her posture, and drank the drink that Lin Su'er handed her.

Lin Su'er has been observing Rong Ling'er from the corner of her eye. Most of the time, she is communicating with her manager about her upcoming schedule. It can be said that her schedule is more full than that of first-line female stars, but They are all commercial performances, and even go to shopping malls, platforms, or street to sing.

She accepts such small announcements, as long as she can make money, she can do anything.


Rong Ling'er's cell phone rang suddenly, and she immediately took out the cell phone anxiously, as if there was something urgent to know.

Lin Su'er was sitting next to her, and unintentionally glanced at her mobile phone, and found that it was a text message sent to her by someone else, and she couldn't read all of it, but she could see words such as "very dangerous and need to renew".

After reading the news, Rong Ling'er frowned, her hands were shaking, and she immediately transferred tens of thousands of dollars to an account.

Lin Su'er recalled that at the last celebration banquet, she also seemed to be saying that she wanted to send money, and it was tens of thousands of dollars after less than half a month. It seemed that she was really short of money. Who in her family was sick and needed money?It's been half a month and I still haven't been discharged from the hospital!

Although she was full of doubts in her heart, she still pretended not to know anything in front of Rong Linger's manager.

When the crew arrived in the next city, they went to put down their luggage first, and then went to the designated place to promote the movie at night.

Lin Su'er watched Rong Linger and her manager enter the same room, it seemed that the two of them were going to live together, so it would be difficult to talk to her.

Thinking of this, Lin Su'er went back to her room to sleep first. She was indeed a little tired these days, so she should seize the time she could rest and take a rest. She knew that it was not easy to work in the entertainment industry. Proportional to high returns.

Lin Suer was about to lie down and go to sleep, when she heard the sound of high heels knocking on the ground through the hotel door, she thought it might be Rong Linger, so she jumped out of bed and opened the door, she really saw Rong Linger The back of the son walked all the way to the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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