Chapter 761

Chapter 761

"Old man, I am indeed still studying, but you can see his sincerity when getting along with people! I feel that the Dean Xiao Shuo I know is not the kind of person you said. There should be something Misunderstanding, do you want to meet him, you can talk to him face to face, if he really ran with your daughter, it means that they were in love once, there should be some misunderstanding."

"It's impossible for him to abandon the person he loves easily. And if he does such a thing, shouldn't he be very guilty? But I heard that he has been looking for someone all these years, and he said that person is his own lover. "

Lin Su'er still tried to explain, and wanted to restore Xiao Shuo's reputation with Mr. Ang, but Mr. Ang believed Xiao Mengqiu's nonsense, and seemed to have decided that Xiao Shuo was a scumbag. No matter what she said, he always said that. .

"Silly boy, don't trust others so easily, of course he has to maintain his image in front of you students, as for you saying that he should have a guilty conscience, some scum doesn't feel that he is wrong after doing something, how can he be guilty? "

Seeing that it didn't make sense, Lin Su'er stopped talking, and changed the subject, "Grandpa, lie on the bed first, and I'll give you acupuncture."

"Okay." Old Man Ang lay down on the bed obediently. Lin Su'er unbuttoned his shirt, tied a few important acupuncture points on him, and helped him massage the joints of his hands and feet to dredge his blood circulation.

Mr. Ang closed his eyes and said enjoying himself, "Well, you are indeed very good. My personal doctor rarely gives me massage."

"Western doctors rarely master the technique of massage." Lin Su'er is doing her best to massage her grandfather. She hopes that the old man can prolong his life, and it is best that he can spend enough time with her when he knows his true identity.

When she calmed down and massaged seriously, she didn't think so much, and immediately smelled a strange smell in her nose. Her sense of smell was originally more sensitive than ordinary people, and when she smelled this smell, it was similar to the smell of blood. Although it was not strong, it was just It was faintly lingering around her nose, and she sniffed it carefully to make sure it was the smell of blood, not anything else.

"Old man, why do I smell blood in your bedroom? Are you injured?" Lin Su'er couldn't help being concerned.

"No, my lungs are very bad, and I often cough up blood, so I always bring a personal doctor by my side, because coughing up blood often smells like blood in the room, which is normal."

Listening to what Old Master Ang said, Lin Su'er was relieved a lot. She was afraid that he was injured. The physique of the old man is no better than that of young people. If the injury is not treated in time, it will be very serious.

After Lin Su'er finished acupuncture for Mr. Ang, she chatted with her a lot. Lin Su'er could feel that Mr. Ang missed her daughter very much. She missed her to the point where she often dreamed. Every time she woke up from the dream, she couldn't sleep anymore. Short, so I can only sleep for one or two hours a day, no wonder the under the eyes are all blue and black.

After Lin Su'er knew this, she directly took out a lot of leaves of the medicine spirit tree from the medicine spirit jade space. These fallen leaves are full of spiritual power, and just soaking them in water can achieve the effect of calming the nerves and helping sleep.

Grandpa Ang looked at the handful of leaves she handed over, and he couldn't understand, so Lin Su'er could only explain casually.

"Old man, don't look at these leaves. They are not. They are herbs I planted. I brought them here specially. You can soak them in water and drink them to help you sleep and calm your nerves. It is very helpful for your sleep. , You old people should pay attention to sleep and rest more, so as to have a good body."

"Then thank you Miss Lin." After listening to her explanation, Mr. Ang carefully put the leaves into the empty tea pot.

After Lin Su'er left the Ang's villa, she was still very happy in her heart. She felt that she was finally closer to her grandfather, and she had successfully become his personal doctor. She could go to the Ang's house to treat him freely in the future, and the old man's body was actually It's not particularly good, and she doesn't feel relieved to let others treat her. Now that she can treat grandpa with her own hands, she feels much more at ease.

In the following days, almost every day after class, Lin Su'er would go to Ang's house, and now they no longer needed to go to evening self-study, and when the time was free in the evening, she would go to Ang's house to treat Mr. Ang's illness with acupuncture and moxibustion.

After coming here for a few days, she noticed that the servants and housekeepers of the Ang family looked at her with some changes. Although they didn't say it on the surface, the disdain and sarcasm in their eyes could still be seen.

And not only seeing, but also hearing their voices, almost everyone sneered at her.

"I run here every day, but I just want to have a better relationship with the old man, and I don't know what kind of thoughts I have."

"Girls nowadays don't know what the three views are. They only know how to climb the dragon and attach to the phoenix. When they meet a rich man, they only know how to flatter them."

"I also said that I am a college student, I don't know how to study, and I come here all day, that is an old grandfather, I can be your grandfather, I don't know what I think, do I still think that I can marry into the Ang family ?”

They had all sorts of thoughts and all sorts of nasty things on the surface that they couldn't say, but they had already scolded Lin Su'er in their hearts, and even thought that she wanted to marry an old man of the same age as her grandfather.

Lin Su'er listened to these voices, lowered her head and smiled helplessly, without defending herself, as if she hadn't heard it.

No matter how much these servants and housekeepers don't like her, she still comes every day, because Mr. Ang will say that he hits her off every day when he sees her, very similar to his daughter. These words are the driving force for her to move forward, she is Relying on this sense of intimacy to let grandpa know that the two of them are relatives, and the eyes of outsiders are not important.

Lin Su'er thought so, and was about to go up to Mr. Ang's bedroom on the second floor, when she saw Xiao Mengqiu sitting in the living room on the first floor, reading a magazine, drinking coffee, and looked towards the door when she heard footsteps, It happened to meet Lin Su'er's eyes.

Seeing her, Xiao Mengqiu put down the cup, raised his chin and looked at her provocatively, his eyes were full of hostility.

Lin Su'er came here every day these days, but today was the first time she met Xiao Mengqiu. Basically, Mr. Ang said that Xiao Mengqiu went out shopping with other famous ladies. It seemed that she was tired from shopping today, so she changed to read magazines for a rest.

"Da da da……"

Xiao Mengqiu walked out of the living room step by step on high heels, and stood in front of Lin Suer, "Yo, you are very punctual!"

(End of this chapter)

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