Chapter 794 Worry
Chapter 794 Worry
"Wuuuu...Su'er, you have nothing to do! We both said that we would graduate from university together. You said that you would start a pharmaceutical company and open a Chinese medicine clinic in the future. If I don't want to be a western doctor and want to learn Chinese medicine, I can still go to you. You said you would take me to work at your company, why is this happening now? How could it be like this? "

Xia Xiaonan started to cry again, probably because her lacrimal glands had been buffered, and she started to cry again.

Ouyang Luo felt distressed watching it, but he also knew that Xia Xiaonan and Lin Su'er had a very good relationship, even if he tried to persuade Xia Xiaonan not to cry, she couldn't stop her.

And he didn't dare to tell Xia Xiaonan that when he jumped out of the window, he turned around to see if Bo Qing'ang had protected Lin Su'er and ran over, but he saw Bo Qing'ang pounced on Xiao Mengqiu.

He didn't know what happened, but he knew that if Xia Xiaonan found out about this, not only would she feel sorry for Lin Su'er, but she would go to find Bo Qing'ang desperately. ?It doesn't work at all.

Now that she's sad enough, don't make her feel sad about her best friend's relationship.

Ouyang Luo put his arms around Xia Xiaonan and let Xia Xiaonan lean on his shoulder. He patted Xia Xiaonan's back to comfort him, "It's okay, I found the best doctor for Lin Su'er, and have you forgotten? Her father and brother She is such a genius, such an excellent doctor, she will definitely be fine, you know she is amazing, she has a strong willpower, and she will definitely be able to survive."

"Woooo...really? You just said that she might not be able to be rescued, and the doctors said that they can only do their best. Su'er was seriously injured. I just asked the doctors, and they said she was sent to the hospital. When I came here, I was covered in blood, and it looked horrible."

Xia Xiaonan didn't believe Ouyang Luo's comforting words at all. Although she was not as smart as Lin Su'er, she was not stupid. She was also a top student at Huaxia University, and she was also from a medical family. She knew that before the doctor entered, the painful look in his eyes represented What, what does it mean to do your best again and again?
For minor operations like appendicitis, the doctor would usually smile and say to relatives, don’t worry, nothing will happen, but this time the doctor’s expression was so tangled that he could only say the words “do his best”, which means They were not sure that they could cure Lin Su'er.

So what if her father and younger brother are geniuses?But they can't replace her pain.

As for willpower, if the injury is really serious to a certain extent, what is the use of strong willpower?

"It's okay, you don't have to worry, my hospital, whether it's doctors or surgical equipment, is the best, she will be fine, and don't you think Lin Su'er's life is only 20 years? She lives so chic , so storytelling, she will not only live for 20 short years."

Ouyang Luo could only comfort Xia Xiaonan non-stop, as if he was comforting himself. He really regretted that he should have dragged Lin Su'er to run with him. He never thought that his good brother would be in such a critical moment. Leaving his girlfriend alone, if he had dragged Lin Su'er along to run away, Lin Su'er would have already run away.

He knew that Boss Zhang's house had a back door, so he rushed out of the back door when he ran out. If this was the case, then Lin Su'er would not be lying in the operating room now.

After walking back and forth countless times, Xiao Shuo also sat down on the bench in the hospital corridor. He could feel his hands trembling slightly. This was the first time he had such a feeling of fear.

He had just met his daughter, and he didn't start to make amends. He actually had to watch his daughter push into the operating room. What he did as a father was really a failure.

"Crack! Crack!"

Xiao Shuo bowed with his left and right hands together, and slapped himself hard, which was especially loud in the hospital corridor outside the operating room in the middle of the night.

Qin Yuhan immediately turned around and grabbed his hand, "Dad! What are you doing? My sister is still lying in there, and I'm still worried. Do you want me to worry too?"

"You beat daddy, it's all my fault, I didn't take good care of your sister, she is only 20 years old now, she has just grown up, her good life has just begun, she suffered such a serious injury, even if it is an operation I saved her life, and I can't even guarantee that there won't be any sequelae."

Xiao Shuo had received a call from the hospital and rushed to the hospital. He saw Lin Su'er being pushed into the operating room. There was blood all over her body. It seemed that she was seriously injured, and her face was also scratched. It's like it was picked up after being soaked in blood water.

I don't know how many wounds she still has on her body. Can she be cured after entering the operating room like this?

"Don't say such depressing words here. Who is she? She is my sister. My sister is the most powerful. Since I met her, there is nothing she can't handle. She said that she will lead me to live a good life in the future, even if She will take care of me without my mother, she will never break her promise, why are you talking nonsense here?"

Qin Yuhan yelled these words at Xia Xiaonan and Xiao Mengqiu angrily. He was also very scared, afraid that the doctor would come out and tell them, "I really tried my best, but there is really nothing I can do to save them."

He was afraid that he would never see his sister again, and that the two of them would be empty in the house, leaving him alone.

But he is still willing to believe in Lin Suer, Lin Suer said that she will take care of him for the rest of her life, she will definitely do it, he is his relative, the closest person in his life!

When Qin Yuhan spoke, he only clenched his fists, as if he was in pain. He felt some pain in his heart, so he immediately covered the position of his heart with his fists, and tried hard to suppress the pain.

Xiao Shuo and Ouyang Luo saw that something was wrong with him at the same time, they stepped forward to support him, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Qin Yuhan shook his head, but the pain in his heart became more serious, he squatted down in the corridor of the hospital, Ouyang Luo was a little worried and wanted to call the doctor, but he grabbed him.
"Don't go, I'm fine, I'm also a medical student, have you forgotten?"

When he said this, Ouyang Luo suddenly realized, "Do you have a telepathy with Lin Su'er? You two are twins. Although it is not like the rumors outside, one person is hurt a little, and the other can feel it." , but now it is such a critical situation, Lin Suer is lying inside, you should be able to feel some of her feelings, right?"

Qin Yuhan frowned tightly, feeling the pain in his chest getting worse and worse. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit it, as if this was Lin Suer's pain, and he could feel it.

(End of this chapter)

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