Chapter 807 Discharge
Chapter 807 Discharge
When the butler spoke, his voice didn't even fluctuate, as if he was reporting something, Xiao Mengqiu frowned and nodded thoughtfully after listening.

"Okay, I see, thank you housekeeper, you can go to work first, if anyone comes to see grandpa in the future, can you tell me? I think grandpa is not in a good mood today, and I don't know if someone is here Talked nonsense to him, you also know that grandpa is old and can't stand any stimulation, I always want to care about grandpa more. "

Xiao Mengqiu took out her coquettish technique again, and twisted her body towards the housekeeper with a fawning look on her face.

The housekeeper also reluctantly pulled the corner of his mouth towards her and said: "Okay, the young lady cares so much about the master, the master must be very happy, if someone comes to him next time, tell the young lady as soon as possible."

"Then thank you butler!" Xiao Mengqiu smiled and handed a bag to the butler, "This is a tonic I bought, it is very good for your health, take it and eat it, and tell me after you finish eating."

Of course she knows that the mouth of others is soft and the hands of others are short. Since this person is willing to help, of course she must give some benefits.

But the housekeeper didn't accept it, just shook his head and said: "This is what a housekeeper should do. How can I accept the things from the young lady? If the young lady has nothing to do, I will retire first."

After the butler finished speaking, she quickly walked out of her room without waiting for Xiao Mengqiu's answer. Xiao Mengqiu looked at the butler's back and rolled her eyes thoughtfully. It seemed that she was going to plan for herself. If she starts to doubt her, she must be fully prepared.

In fact, from the day Mr. Ang recognized her, she had already started to use the Ang family's money to prepare power. The people around her were all hired by her, and she also bought some real estate that they didn't know about. Even if she leaves the Ang family now, she can live a good life.

Just think about it, how to escape the prosecution of the old man of the Ang family, pretending to be his granddaughter, what a crime it is in the Ang family.

After the butler left his room, he went to the study and told Mr. Ang all about the conversation he had with Xiao Mengqiu just now.

Mr. Ang closed his eyes with a look of boredom, and rubbed his temples with his hands, "It seems that this little girl still thinks that we don't know anything, and she can do such immoral things as someone else's granddaughter. You go Contact Xiao Shuo, I want to see him! I want to hear what happened back then, what kind of version is it in Xiao Shuo's mouth?"

"Yes." The housekeeper immediately agreed. He was so kind to Xiao Mengqiu before because he transferred all his love for Ang Qingqiu to Xiao Mengqiu. Ang Qingqiu was raised by him, just like his own granddaughter. .

At that time, Xiao Mengqiu had a face so similar to Ang Qingqiu's and came here with her token. He hardly doubted that he really regarded Xiao Mengqiu as Miss Sun. To be angry, he also wants to know how his young lady is doing now.

the other side.

Although Lin Su'er's injuries were still serious, she was much better after eating the fallen leaves from the medicine spirit jade space. Basically, she can walk without any problem, but she still can't do strenuous exercise or run.

But she still decided to go back to school, otherwise she would stay in this hospital all the time, and she would be prone to wild thoughts. She was waiting for Bo Qingang to come to her, but she wanted to take a look. If she didn't take the initiative to contact Bo Qingang, he would Will he come and explain it to her?

Xia Xiaonan helped Lin Su'er pack her things in the hospital, looked at her and asked with uncertainty, "Su'er, do you really want to go back to school? Do you want to stay for another two days? You have too many injuries. What if something happens when you go back to school?"

"What's the matter? It's going to be fine. Aren't you staying with me? Besides, I don't go to gym class when I go back to school. How could it be?" Lin Su'er put all her things in her bag and was about to carry her back. Put on the bag, but Xia Xiaonan snatched it up.

"You still want a backpack? Let me do it!"

Xia Xiaonan helped Lin Su'er out of the hospital like she was helping a [-]-year-old grandmother. The second she walked out of the hospital, Lin Su'er took a deep breath, even though the air she smelled was not fresh, and there was even some car exhaust. Taste, she also felt very happy.

"I'm very happy. During the few days when you were lying in bed, I was really worried. I really want to smell the air now. Let's go. Today Gu Cheng said that he knew you were discharged from the hospital and wanted to invite the two of us to eat. Big meal, but I said you haven't fully recovered from your injury, he said it's okay, let the chef of the hotel deliver the food to the dormitory."

She helped Lin Su'er into the car, and the two of them sat directly downstairs in the dormitory, just in time to see Gu Cheng beckoning the hotel waiter to bring the food upstairs, and the auntie in the dormitory couldn't stop shaking her head when she saw this scene, "Tsk Tsk tsk, these students are living a really good life now!"

When Gu Cheng turned his head and saw the two of them, he ran directly to Lin Su'er's side, looked him up and down, saw that she had no major problems, and nodded reassuringly.

"Sister Su'er, I haven't seen you for the past few days. I'm very worried. If you don't come out of the hospital, I will go to the hospital to see you. You don't know. Xia Xiaonan has been in a trance for the past few days in class. She's the top student in our class, and it's the first time I've seen her not being serious in class."

Lin Su'er looked at Xia Xiaonan gratefully, "I know Xiaonan cares about me very much, and I will repay her well in the future."

"What do you say to repay and not repay, well, I have been worried about you these days, so worried that I didn't eat well. Now that Gu Cheng treats me to a big meal, I will definitely have a good meal. Let's go! Let's go back Go to the dormitory, Gu Cheng, you can come up with me."

Xia Xiaonan helped Lin Su'er upstairs, Gu Cheng had already made an agreement with the aunt in the dormitory, and followed them to the girls' dormitory.

The waiter of the hotel set up a table in the dormitory, and the table was filled with dishes like a man-han feast, and he introduced with a smile, "Master Gu Cheng has a vision, and Bo Shao and his girlfriend came to our hotel together before, and most of the dishes they ordered were delicious. Same as you, especially this one, his girlfriend keeps boasting about it."

The waiter wanted to sell the hotel's dishes, but when he said this, Lin Su'er's already pale face turned even paler. She never went to this hotel to eat with Bo Qingang, just think about it Thinking about it, everyone knew who the girl friend of the waiter was talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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