Chapter 813 Break up

Chapter 813 Break up

Zhang Song had already seen that Weibo post, and he was having a headache. When the staff asked him this question, he felt a little helpless, so he could only say, "Then don't answer any calls from the media and reporters, just pretend you don't know anything. Wait for Bo Shao's own response."

"Oh, that's the only way to go." The staff of the public relations department breathed a sigh of relief. Not answering these calls simply reduced their workload. After being interrogated by these reporters every day, she felt that the whole People are going to have a nervous breakdown.

Zhang Song looked at the trending search on his phone and shook his head speechlessly, hey, his own boss is really in a rough relationship!There is a Miss Xiao who wants to chase him by all means. I don't know whether it is good or bad. This Miss Xiao is also strange. She is so good-looking, can't she find a boyfriend?Don't come to pester your boss.

Huaxia University.

As soon as Xiao Mengqiu's Weibo post was posted, it was immediately on the top of the trending searches. The students of Huaxia University School of Medicine almost ate this fresh, water-free melon immediately. They had studied in school and had been classmates with them. Regarding the matter of her and Lin Su'er, these classmates were very enthusiastic about eating melons.

But they also knew that this Lin Su'er could not be provoked casually, they could only hold the mobile phone in a low voice, and gather together in twos and threes to discuss this matter.

"Look at Xiao Mengqiu, who took the initiative to post on Weibo saying that she and Bo Shao are fiancée."

"I see, it's just like the netizens said, Bo Shao got tired of playing and thought she had to find a good family. Lin Su'er was obviously abandoned. She is a small Internet celebrity, how can she be worthy of Bo? Such a wealthy family."

"That's right! For a real wealthy family like her, you still have to find a celebrity like Xiao Mengqiu to find a wife. This kind of small internet celebrity is not on the stage."

"You said that now that Lin Su'er and Bo Shao broke up, can I go after her?"

"Hey, do you still have thoughts about her?"

"That's for sure. She looks so good-looking. Didn't you guys think about chasing her? It's just that she was too aloof before, and she has a master, mainly Bo Shao. How dare you provoke her? I dare not! It’s definitely going to be up to the challenge now.”

Lin Suer was sitting on her seat, watching the textbooks being copied and taking notes, when suddenly a male student in the class came up to her, "Hello, Lin Suer, I would like to ask you to have a supper tonight, I wonder if you are free ?”

Xia Xiaonan was stunned, she knew that there were many people who liked Lin Suer in the school, especially after Lin Suer showed her bare face, a large number of people in the school ran to the gate of their class to see her, walking on the road Lin Su'er's rate of return is high, but after all, she is Bo Shao's girlfriend, no one dares to ask her out so blatantly.

When Lin Su'er didn't respond, Gu Cheng stood up and pointed at his classmates and asked, "Lu Ming, what are you doing? Did you take the wrong medicine? You're so courageous, don't you know that Sister Su'er and Young Master Bo are together? How dare you come to ask him out, don't die."

"Didn't they break up already? Bo Shaodu and Xiao Mengqiu are together, why can't I chase Lin Su'er?" Lu Ming looked at Gu Cheng with a natural face, not afraid of him at all. Although Gu Cheng's family has a little money, but this Lu Ming's family is not bad either, the two families can be said to be evenly matched, and he is not afraid of Gu Cheng at all.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who told you that Su'er and Young Master Bo broke up, you don't know don't talk nonsense here." Xia Xiaonan yelled at him while protecting Lin Su'er.

Lu Ming took the phone away with a puzzled expression, and called up the trending search, "Don't you all look at your mobile phone? It's clearly listed on the trending search, and Xiao Mengqiu has already admitted that he and Bo Shao are fiancee. And even went to Young Master Bo's office to take pictures, Young Master Bo cooperated with her, which means Young Master Bo also admitted that Xiao Mengqiu is his fiancée."

"Then how could you still be with Lin Su'er?"

Xia Xiaonan and Gu Cheng were taken aback when they saw the above content at this time, and took out their mobile phones in disbelief, while Lin Su'er's face was already pale, and her hands began to tremble slightly as she flipped through the book.

Lu Ming looked at Xia Xiaonan's appearance and reacted belatedly, "Don't you know that Bo Shao and Lin Su'er broke up? Or Lin Su'er doesn't know? You can't be broken up, even Bo Shao broke up. Didn't I take the initiative to tell you? It seems that Xiao Mengqiu is really the mistress!"

His words were heard by other students in the class, and there was a commotion immediately, everyone started to discuss how pitiful Lin Suer was, and even found out that they broke up only after seeing Bo Shaoyou's fiancée.

Lin Su'er left the classroom directly with the book in her arms. She didn't want to listen to their discussion anymore, and it was useless. She didn't know whether she should go to Bo Qing'ang to ask for clarification. She kept persuading herself, since Bo Qing Ang said to give him time, so give him a while.

But now this matter is getting bigger and bigger, and even the fiancée has spoken out. Will it be his and Xiao Mengqiu's wedding when she hears about Bo Qingang again after a while?
Xia Xiaonan and Gu Cheng also hurriedly followed her out of the classroom. Now that Lin Su'er's injury has not healed, it would be bad if something happened to her because of this news?
"Su'er, you..." Xia Xiaonan followed Lin Su'er, not knowing what to say, feeling that it was inappropriate to say anything now.

She looked at Gu Cheng with some embarrassment, and Gu Cheng could only shake his head solemnly, there was really nothing they could do, they just had to stay by Lin Su'er's side to make sure she was safe and well.

Lin Su'er lowered her head and hugged the book and walked forward slowly, not knowing whether she should go back to the dormitory or rush to Bo Shao's place to ask him for clarification, her head was like a ball of paste.


As she was walking, she suddenly felt a pain in her lower abdomen. She felt a bad feeling in an instant. She covered her stomach in pain and squatted down. Xia Xiaonan and Gu Cheng who followed immediately ran forward, "Su'er, what's the matter?" ? Are you okay?"

Lin Su'er was in so much pain that she couldn't answer his question. She was worried that something might happen to her child, so she immediately grabbed Xia Xiaonan's hand and said, "Call the ambulance to take me to the hospital!"

She was in such pain now that she couldn't feel her pulse at all, and she felt so painful that she almost lost consciousness.

After Gu Cheng heard Lin Su'er's words, he immediately took out his mobile phone and called the emergency number, but Lin Su'er felt his consciousness slowly withdraw, and finally fell back directly, and his eyes were plunged into darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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