Chapter 815 Romantic Atmosphere

Chapter 815 Romantic Atmosphere

"I said, just do it according to your idea. If you think it's good, then do it." Bo Qing'ang really obeyed her and said it again.

Xiao Mengqiu was so ecstatic that she almost didn't jump up, hugged Bo Qingang and kissed him heavily on the cheek, a bright red lipstick mark appeared on Bo Qingang's side face, she was so happy He hugged Bo Qingang and said, "I finally moved you, let me just say, there is no such stubborn person as you in the world."

Bo Qingang's hand on the dining table shook slightly, but in the end he remained calm and did not reach out to wipe the lipstick marks on his face. As long as today is over, he will be able to grasp all the information.

Find the exceptional position on Xiao Mengqiu, and use the method Zhang Xuehua told him to untie the connection between Xiao Mengqiu and Lin Su'er. By then, the depression threatened by Xiao Mengqiu these days can be completely recovered.

Thinking this way, he didn't send Lin Suer a message, didn't even return Lin Suer's call, just waited another day, and everything would be fine after tonight, but Lin Suer didn't know what he was doing. Bo Qingang's cell phone number that no one answered the phone.

Xia Xiaonan watched from the side after he made several phone calls, and couldn't bear it any longer, and took Lin Su'er's hand, "Okay, Su'er don't call anymore, Mr. Bo must be busy, let's go eat Bar."

"Maybe I was blacklisted, that's why I can't get through his phone. If that's the case, then I'll send him a message directly. If he can see it, he can't see it."

Lin Su'er said so, and directly opened WeChat to send a message to Bo Qingang, which made her heartbroken and helpless: "Do you still want our child? Even if you don't have feelings for me, the child in your stomach is yours." , please show some manliness!"

For the first time, she felt that Bo Qingang was such an irresponsible person. She always thought that Bo Qingang was different from other men, but she never thought that they were all the same.

After Lin Su'er finished sending the text message, she turned off her mobile phone, put it aside and lay back on the hospital bed again. She felt so tired and didn't want to go anywhere.

"Xiaonan, can you buy me a meal? Thank you, I really don't want to move." She said to Xia Xiaonan in a muffled voice.

"Okay, no problem, I'll go buy food for you now, you wait here for me and don't run around, you know." Xia Xiaonan helped Lin Su'er cover the quilt as if coaxing a child, followed Gu Cheng downstairs, she Unable to hold back anymore, he directly called Ouyang Luo with his mobile phone.

Ouyang Luo answered almost instantly, after all Xia Xiaonan called and even the ringtone was different from others.

"What's wrong with Xiaonan? Miss me?" Ouyang Luo's voice came from the receiver, with a smile that couldn't be hidden.

"Ouyang Luo, can you help me ask Bo Shao, what does he mean? Even if you want to break up with Su'er, you have to say goodbye seriously. It can't be so baffling. He even has children. Don't you want it? Su'er is pregnant with his child, does he know it!"

Xia Xiaonan now only feels that she loves Lin Su'er so much that she is in no mood to listen to Ouyang Luo's happy voice.

"What do you mean?" Ouyang Luo also put away his hippie smile when he heard Xia Xiaonan's exasperated voice.

Xia Xiaonan told Ouyang Luo that Lin Su'er had called Bo Qing just now but he hadn't answered, and he was in no mood to be polite to Ouyang Luo any more, and scolded him directly.

"What's going on with Young Master Bo? Even if he's very capable and great in China Mainland, it's not too much. Su'er is his girlfriend, and it's not like he's taking care of Xiaosan. How can there be such ambiguity! "

"Xiaonan, don't get excited, I know you are very angry now, but I don't know how to explain some things to you, but don't worry, Aang didn't abandon Lin Suer, he went to solve some troubles for Lin Suer, You go and persuade Lin Su'er not to think wildly, after all these things are settled, Aang will definitely come to her."

Ouyang Luo didn't know how to explain it at all. Bo Qing'ang told him why he accompanied Xiao Mengqiu before. He knew some inside information, but this inside information couldn't be explained clearly, that's all he could say.

"What do you mean by solving some troubles? What troubles require him to be with Xiao Mengqiu all day long, and even eat, live, and sleep together. I think he's committed his own lust. Are you boys like this?"

Xia Xiaonan couldn't find a place to vent her anger, so she vented all her anger on Ouyang Luo. Ouyang Luo also caught fire at the city gate, which affected Chi Yu. She was a little helpless, but understandable, so she let Xia Xiaonan vent her anger.

the other side.

The message sent by Lin Su'er was not seen by Bo Qing'ang, but by Xiao Mengqiu. While Bo Qing'ang was going to the bathroom, she picked up Bo Qing'ang's cell phone, just in time to see the message from Lin Su'er.

"Child? I forgot that you are pregnant now." Xiao Mengqiu's face immediately changed after seeing Lin Su'er's news. The joy that was still in her eyes just now disappeared, leaving only viciousness and gloom.

Now that Bo Qingang is with her, how can he allow other people to give birth to Bo Qingang's child? That is absolutely impossible, so the child in Lin Su'er's stomach must not be kept.

Xiao Mengqiu thought so, and directly pressed the delete button to delete the message sent by Lin Su'er. At this time, Bo Qingang just came back from the bathroom, and he immediately returned the phone to Bo Qingang, "Young Master Bo, your The inside of the phone is so clean, there aren’t many girls sending you messages to clean yourself up, it’s very good!”

Bo Qingang took the phone and put it in the bag, and stretched out his hand to Xiao Mengqiu, "Come on, follow me to the hotel room."

Xiao Mengqiu looked at Bao Qing'ang's hand stretched out, it was white and slender, with well-defined joints, what beautiful hands, such a perfect person will soon belong to her!

She couldn't wait to reach out her hand to hold Bao Qing'ang's hand, stood up and leaned directly on his shoulder, "Let's go, I want to take a look at the room you prepared."

Bo Qingang hesitated for a moment, but still put his hand on her waist, and took the elevator upstairs with his arms around her.

In the room he arranged, there were roses and candles, and the whole room was extremely romantic and warm. Xiao Mengqiu opened the door and saw the heart-shaped roses on the ground, and then looked at the candles and red wine placed on the window sill and beside the bathtub. .

The whole person was moved to the point of tears. Bo Qingang specially prepared these for her. After waiting for so many years, she finally got his initiative!
(End of this chapter)

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