Chapter 820 Weak self-esteem

Chapter 820 Weak self-esteem

Xia Xiaonan was ashamed, her face and body were covered with dust, but she still clenched her teeth and hugged Lin Su'er with all her strength. Lin Su'er looked at her like this, and couldn't help but shed tears. Xia Xiaonan was desperately trying to protect her Well, with a friend like this, she didn't come to China mainland for nothing.

"Let me tell you, if you dare to touch Su'er today, I will definitely kill you. Let her go, why are you so cruel, she and the child are life, why are you so cruel, you will be punished !"

Xia Xiaonan's eyes were bloodshot, and her hands on the ground were worn out and blood oozes out, but she still didn't want to let Lin Su'er go.

Lin Su'er felt helpless and sad for the first time. She always thought that she had the ability to protect herself and the people she wanted to protect at any time.

But now she didn't even have the ability to resist at all, and the wound on her body seemed to have opened in the process of arguing with them, and a second trauma occurred, and she felt a tearing pain all over her body.

"Let me go, come here to meddle in your own business, if you don't let go, believe it or not, I'll kill you!" Several medical staff tried to pull Lin Su'er away from Xia Xiaonan's grasp, but they couldn't pull her away. They were also a little annoyed when they saw her look like she wanted to protect Lin Su'er as if she wanted to protect Lin Su'er.

"I won't let you go! Just kill me if you have the ability. Don't you think that if you kill me, you won't be held legally responsible?" Xia Xiaonan still didn't want to let go. Lin Su'er had always been protecting her, and her classmates spoke ill of her. It was Lin Su'er who stood in front of her and quarreled with them.

Lin Su'er helped her lose weight, she is her good friend and even her benefactor, now that she can protect her, she will not let go even if she tries her best.

Seeing her stubborn appearance, the two doctors in white coats looked at each other, and one of them punched Xia Xiaonan hard on the back of the head. When she got up, she shook her head, trying to get rid of the dizzy feeling, but the more she felt dizzy, the strength in her hands gradually lost.

Seeing that she still hadn't passed out, the doctor punched her hard again. This time Xia Xiaonan was completely knocked out by her, and she collapsed on the ground limply, and fell into the dust on the side of the road.

"Xiaonan!" Lin Su'er yelled and wanted to throw herself on the ground to hug Xia Xiaonan, but these people didn't give her any room at all, and dragged her to the hospital where she escaped just now.

She and Xia Xiaonan ran 400 meters at most before being caught by this group of people. It was too easy for them to drag them back for such a short distance. Lin Suer felt extremely desperate. , the first thing that comes to mind is self-help, but ever since she was with Bo Qingang, the first thing that comes to mind is that Bo Qingang will definitely come to save her.

But now, the person who came to hurt her was the person sent by Bo Qing'ang. The person she relied on the most has now become her enemy and wants to harm her child.

At that time, Bo Qingang's first reaction when she knew she was pregnant was to let her get rid of it, but she didn't say the reason. Now she seems to understand a little bit. After all, Xiao Mengqiu has become his fiancée. The reason why he doesn't want this child is, It's already obvious that the doctors said just now that the only person who can give birth to a child of the Bo family is the young lady of the Bo family, and they will not allow a person like her to give birth to a child of the Bo family.

Who is she?What is she in Bo Qingang's heart?Is she a fool?Let him play with it and throw it away, but Bo Qing'ang was with her from the beginning just to cure her of the cold poison.

Now that she detoxified him with herself, she is no longer useful, so is Bo Qingang going to kick her away?He didn't even care about taking his own flesh and blood.

The more Lin Su'er thought about it, the angrier she became. She felt a surge of anger in her heart, burning from the soles of her feet to the top of her head. She used all her strength to shake off the two people holding her, and ran forward desperately. She felt the tears on her body The open wound was already bleeding again, and it felt like she must be in a mess like a lunatic now.

But she couldn't care less, she wanted to go to Bo Qingang and ask him clearly, what exactly does he want to do?Whether to destroy her or to kill her.

Lin Su'er's tears flowed out uncontrollably. She has lived two lifetimes. In Ghost Doctor Valley without parents, she also lived for 19 years. After traveling to the Chinese mainland, she was bullied by Lin Aotian and Lin Rouer Under the circumstances, she also won time and time again.

She has never cried because of other people's bullying, but now she just wants to cry loudly, to cry out all the grievances of these days.

When the explosion happened, Bo Qing'ang gave up saving her and rushed towards Xiao Mengqiu. She was enduring the torment of her wounds, and when she was fighting death in the hospital, Bo Qing'ang was with Xiao Mengqiu. She finally woke up but saw All the trending searches belonged to the two of them. In the pain and struggle, she called Bo Qingang and he didn't answer the calls, and he didn't reply to the text messages she sent.

Yesterday she just asked if she wanted to take care of their children, but Bo Qingang took action today, he wants to take care of them!But how did he manage it?He called a group of people to kill their two children. Is this how he manages?

Then he might as well leave her alone, might as well forget about her, as if the two of them had never known each other, she would just give birth to the child and raise it by herself, and she would not threaten the Bo family with money, let alone intervene Why can't he let her go in his life with Xiao Mengqiu?
"Ah!" Lin Su'er was pushed down by someone who was chasing after her. She fell to the ground fiercely. Her first reaction was to subconsciously hug her lower abdomen. When her head hit the ground, she bled instantly, and her arms and legs also rubbed against her. Scratched the skin on the ground.

"Do you think you can run away? Young Master Bo wants you to kill the child, do you think you can stop it? Stop wishful thinking and want to use this child to enter Bo's house? Young Master Bo has never liked you, so he will be with Xiao now Miss is married, don't you know?"

Their words were like sharp needles that pierced Lin Suer's little bit of self-esteem. Her eyes were covered with blood, and her eyes were bright red. She couldn't tell whether she was living in real life or in hell. .

This was the most embarrassing time in her two lives, and it was also the most painful time in her heart. She didn't want to struggle any more, but when she thought of the young child in her belly, she didn't want to give up, so she could only sit on the ground and desperately face her. Crawling forward, fingers rubbed against the ground, blood was already coming out.

(End of this chapter)

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