Rebirth Space: Rich and hot wives are not easy to mess with

Chapter 847 There is a problem with the price

Chapter 847 There is a problem with the price

Chapter 847 There is a problem with the price

Xiao Su'er couldn't help laughing at his serious look, "That's right, if you really consider yourself a teacher, then be a good example to others, and don't do what you shouldn't do."

"What is something you shouldn't do?"

That is, don't be prejudiced against students. You are already dissatisfied with Bai Qingyue, and you feel that everything she does is not right. How can you stand on a fair point of view? "

Xiao Su'er put down the chopsticks and looked at Xiao Yuhan seriously, blinked his eyes, and nodded thoughtfully, "Sister, you are right, but don't worry, I won't be partial, I just don't like her bullying .”

"Brother, you said that you have such a high opinion of that girl. The students in the university are already adults. You said that she has also been filming in a movie. She should be about the same age as you. Have you taken a fancy to her? If If yes, it happens that the teacher-student relationship is very good now, you should find a girlfriend and come back."

Xiao Su'er propped her chin and looked at her younger brother. In all these years, she had never seen Xiao Yuhan so interested in a girl. They were all compliments. It seemed that the little girl should be very fond of him.

"Sister, what are you thinking? Why do you get so excited every time you talk about this topic, acting like your brother is no longer wanted, I'm not in a hurry now! Well, I'm going back to prepare lessons, and tomorrow It’s a lecture, and it’s a lecture for graduate students, so I won’t tell you, please collect the dishes.”

After Xiao Yuhan finished speaking quickly, he stood up and ran upstairs. Every time this topic was mentioned, he could be seen running away. Xiao Su'er stood up and shook her head helplessly. With an elm head, I really don't know when I will be able to get out of the order.

"Mom, uncle has no shortage of girls to pursue. Don't be so anxious about his lifelong affairs. It's better to let nature take its course instead of letting the seedlings grow!" Xiao Wang opened his eyes wide and educated Xiao Su'er like a wise man.

"Did you memorize all the idioms that your uncle bought for you, and now you can say so many idioms in one sentence to teach mother a lesson." Xiao Su'er saw through her son.

"Books are for reading, and I can read the next one after memorizing them early." Xiao Wang stuck out his tongue at her and jumped off the stool, "Mom, I went upstairs to communicate with the people in the team. It seems that someone is threatening us again today, I will go first, and I will tell you before going to bed."

"Don't go to bed past nine o'clock in the evening, you know?" Xiao Su'er looked at his back and reminded.

"Understood." Xiao Wang answered neatly, and ran up to the second floor with his characteristic "short legs".

"This child..." Xiao Su'er looked at his weak back and shook her head, the two children in this family really did not let her worry at ease!Xiao Yuhan is such a big person, but he always feels a little childish, and his child looks like an adult when it should be childish.

the next day.

Xiao Su'er sent Xiao Wang to the gate of the kindergarten, and warned him again and again, "You can't run around anymore today, you know? You should go and apologize to the kindergarten teacher, saying that it was your fault and you made people worry by running around. If you still run around today, mom will really be angry."

"I know, I won't run around anymore, mom, you can rest assured and go to work, come on!" Xiao Wang clenched his fists and made a gesture of encouragement, turned around and ran out of the car.

Xiao Su'er drove to the clinic. She didn't know what she was going to do today. It seemed that she wouldn't be able to see patients in the short term. She might have to do odd jobs for a while, but she didn't know what she was going to do today. She couldn't let her Go clean up.

"Go to the warehouse today to sort out the medicinal materials. Some of the medicinal materials may be damp and need to be taken out to dry. There is also the inventory list of incoming goods. You should also sort it out."

When the front desk was arranging work, Xiao Su'er felt awkward again, but in the end she didn't say anything. It's okay to sort out the medicinal materials. After all, it has something to do with the medicinal materials. She can also go and see the medicinal materials used in this clinic. Guan, it's a doctor's job, she comforted herself, and walked into the warehouse.

But after taking inventory in the warehouse for a while, she realized that something was wrong. The quantity and price were clearly written on the purchase order, and the quantity was correct, but Lin Su'er felt that something was wrong with the price.

Although the prices of Chinese herbal medicines such as Panax notoginseng, Baiji, and Chonglou fluctuate all the time, Xiao Su'er has grasped the prices for these two days. The prices written on the purchase list are a little outrageous. More than twice as high.

Although this is not the case for all the medicinal materials, almost two-thirds of the medicinal materials have something wrong with their prices. Xiao Su'er decided to ask after thinking about it. She went directly to the front desk, pointed to the purchase order and asked, "Do you know what is the price?" Who is responsible for the purchase? The prices of these medicinal materials are not right."

"Is the price of the medicinal materials? Liu Yan Finance is in contact with the purchaser, and the funds are allocated directly from her, which can save some intermediate costs, and she knows a few suppliers of traditional Chinese medicine. Go ask Ask her, she has been buying goods all these years, and she hasn't had any problems."

Looking at the prices at the front desk, she didn't seem to think anything was wrong, Lin Su'er asked in disbelief, "Has it been the same price for so many years?"

"Of course not, it will still fluctuate up and down. You know Chinese medicinal materials! If the sales are good for a year, the price will fluctuate if the sales are not good for a year."

"Is there a big difference between the price fluctuation and the current price? For example, last year." Xiao Su'er narrowed her eyes slightly when she spoke. She remembered that last year, because too many people planted Chinese medicine, the Chinese medicine market was hit hard, and the prices of many Chinese medicines fell out of the market. People in other industries don't understand the record low, but she has been paying attention.

"Last year, last year was not very different from this one. I know that the Chinese medicine market was hit last year. It seems that many Chinese medicinal materials were much cheaper than usual when we went to buy them, but generally speaking, the difference is not too big. , there is no price difference of more than 100 yuan."

The front desk thought for a while and said this, which made Xiao Su'er feel strange. It is impossible that the price difference does not exceed 100 yuan. There are many Chinese medicines, and it can be said that there is a price difference of several hundred yuan. It seems that this There is a problem with the purchase.

"Okay, I see." Xiao Su'er nodded and turned to go to the office of Liu Yan, the accountant on the second floor. Liu Yan was writing down something with a pen at the moment. And it happens to be keeping accounts of medicinal materials.

"Finance Liu, I think the purchase price of our medicinal materials is a bit wrong. Where did you buy it?"

(End of this chapter)

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