Chapter 859 Free Babysitting
Chapter 859 Free Babysitting
Hu Daxiong was sitting in the living room and heard the sound of the key turning the keyhole. He immediately turned his head and looked at the door. When he saw Su Ling walk in, he let out a disdainful voice from his nose, "Huh! You still know to come back? Immediately." Kneel down to apologize to me, kowtow a few times, maybe I will forgive you, take you and your old mother back to live, and prevent you from sleeping on the streets."

He took it for granted that Su Ling came back to admit his mistake to him, and thought that she had recognized the reality that a middle-aged woman as old as her would not be able to live without him, but he didn't expect Su Ling to ignore him and go straight to the bedroom , Xiao Su'er followed her into the bedroom to help pack things together.

Hu Daxiong heard voices from the bedroom in the living room, and thought that Su Ling came back on purpose to move things to sell and steal his things.

He rushed into the bedroom immediately, and saw that Su Ling was packing clothes in the bedroom. She didn't take any extra things. Even when they got married, she took off the gold ring and put it on the bedside. The only piece of jewelry for many years, but now she doesn't care about it anymore, she would rather be alone than be wronged again.

Seeing this, Hu Daxiong kicked her suitcase away, grabbed her by the collar, and forced her to look at him, "What are you doing? You're really fucking planning to run away from home, and you don't even look Can you live without me?"

"Let go!" Xiao Su'er looked at him, and pushed his hand away to protect Su Ling behind her, "Just now you have agreed to divorce, then you can choose a date, you go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the divorce certificate , she has nothing to do with you anymore, don't you dislike her using your money? She will never use it again. "

"It's none of your business, you smelly doctor? This is our family's business! Even if I want to divorce her, it's not your turn to gossip here, get the hell out of here, or I'll clean you up later!"

After Hu Daxiong reprimanded Xiao Su'er for a few words, he continued to look at Su Ling behind her, and said in bad words: "Come over here, shall I let you go? Divorce if you say divorce, how can it be so easy, I'm too lazy Arguing with you, I thought you would figure it out on your own, but after a long time your mind is still not clear, you are so old, what else can you do without me?"

"I'm afraid I can only pick up the trash. Kneel down and beg me. I can continue to take Nian to be my nanny at home and give you a bite to eat. Otherwise, you will starve to death, you bitch!"

Hu Daxiong directly expressed his dirty thoughts at home, he just wanted to keep Su Ling by his side as a free nanny, and he didn't regard her as a wife at all.

"I'd rather go out to pick up trash than be a free babysitter for you at home. Live by yourself! I don't want to see you again in the future. I will leave today after packing up my and my mother's clothes. I will never take more You have every penny."

Su Ling was no longer submissive as in the past, and loudly refuted Hu Daxiong's words.

"Free nanny? I give you food and drink, and I give you clothes for free. Isn't what you eat money? Isn't what your mother wears money? You still use my money to go to the doctor, what did I say? ? You and your mother are really unfamiliar with the white-eyed wolf, right? Then I will beat you to death today!"

When Hu Daxiong heard Su Ling's words, he was like an emperor whose authority had been challenged. He picked up the clothes hanger on one side and was about to hit Su Ling. It didn't look like he was treating his wife at all, but like being right to someone who made a mistake. The child who got into trouble had to beat her to relieve her anger.

But he ran forward cursing, but suddenly stopped, Xiao Su'er plunged the gold needle into his acupuncture point, pulled Su Ling back two steps, "Hurry up and pack your and your mother's clothes, leave him alone .”

Su Ling felt it was amazing, she stared at the golden needle on Hu Daxiong's body and asked, "That's all right? I thought the golden needle sealing acupuncture points on TV and touching people's acupuncture points were all lies, and it was true after a long time. Su'er, you are amazing!"

She sighed and squatted down immediately, and put all the clothes in the suitcase. Although it was two people's clothes all year round, the two suitcases were completely full. How aggrieved it must be.

Su Ling put away her clothes, pulled the suitcase and was ready to go out, without even looking at Hu Daxiong, "Let's go quickly, leave him alone, or he will go crazy again after you take the golden needle away , it won’t be good to hurt you then.”

"I have to remove the golden needle for him. If other people come to take it, it may be dangerous, and he must die to understand."

Xiao Su'er gave Su Ling a comforting smile, and asked her to take the suitcase to the door first. Only Xiao Su'er and Hu Daxiong were left in the room. She took a step forward and pulled out the golden needle on Hu Daxiong's body.

"Huh..." Hu Daxiong immediately collapsed after he lifted the shackles. He had been in the same posture for so long just now, and his muscles were already sore. Looking at Xiao Suer's appearance, he also became a little frightened, thinking that the little girl in front of him The girl is just a liar, and she doesn't know any medical skills at all, but she never thought that she would seal the acupoints with gold needles like the one shown on TV.

He was worried that Xiao Su'er could kill him with just a few more injections, so he didn't dare to provoke her again, but he still said cursingly, "What are you doing? Divorce certificate, she has to listen to me, you ask her to come back to me."

"From today onwards, she is no longer your wife, and you don't need to keep saying that she can't find a job. She will be the accountant of our clinic in the future. I will tell you where she works now because I am not afraid of you at all. If If you dare to come here to trouble her in the future, don't blame me for giving you a few more injections."

"Go and get a divorce certificate from her honestly. As for your house, you will find a lawyer to file a lawsuit. Just be ready! I will warn you again, don't play tricks on me, and don't go to look for it again." Her trouble!"

Xiao Su'er stretched out her index finger and said these words to Hu Daxiong in a threatening manner, then turned and walked out of the bedroom.

In fact, it can be seen that the decoration of this house is not bad, and the European-style decoration is large enough. They have done a good job in this city. Even though Hu Daxiong looks like a greasy middle-aged man, he still has some pimples on his body. A few branded items, I think he earns a lot in a month, but sometimes the class of a person's life does not represent the quality of this person.

Marrying such a man is really the most unlucky thing in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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