Chapter 880 Apologize
Chapter 880 Apologize
"Hahaha..." Liu Yan was still smiling and leaning back and forth, tears streaming from her eyes, and she looked at the clinic doctor next to her with a begging face.

"Help me pull out the golden needle quickly! Haha...she must be joking, how could it be impossible to pull it out casually, haha..."

She had to say many sentences in a row to make up a complete sentence, but none of the doctors in the clinic dared to step forward to help her pull out the golden needle, because they knew that what Xiao Suer said was indeed the truth, and the golden needle cannot be pulled out casually , but everyone is still trying to persuade Xiao Su'er.

"Doctor Xiao, just pull out her gold needle for him. What if you laugh out something later?"

"That's right, although you can laugh a little more in normal times, but now you laugh too much, maybe you really laugh and twitch, and you will be responsible if something goes wrong!"

"Actually, what Liu Yan said is not wrong. Although she usually has a sharp mouth, she is reminding you today that you should not go too far."

"Did he talk about your sore feet? Even if it's true, you can't go too far. What if someone dies later?"

At the beginning, the people in the clinic tried to persuade her to pull out the golden needle, but they became more and more exaggerated later on, thinking that Xiao Su'er was going too far.

But Xiao Su'er turned a deaf ear to what they said, and just looked at the watch on her hand and said: "Do you have nothing else to do today? You are going to work soon, and my patient is due to arrive in 5 minutes, drag Liu Yan Go back to her office, or who will be responsible if it affects my consultation later?"

Liu Yan stared, covered her stomach and ran to Xiao Su'er's side, "You pulled out the golden needle for me, haha, I'm almost dying of laughter, be careful, I'll call the police and say you intentionally hurt."

"I asked you to apologize, did you apologize? If there is no apology, why should I pull the golden needle for you?" Xiao Su'er looked at her bloodshot face from laughing, but there was still no wave.

The people next to her felt a little displeased when they saw her like this. This Xiao Su'er seemed to be going too far, she was from the same clinic. Wait a minute, something really happened, what do I think she should do?
"Okay, stop talking. Whether you want to have a baby is Dr. Xiao's own decision. She treats her child very well. If Liu Finance talks nonsense that she uses her child as a tool, he will definitely be angry. Liu Finance, please apologize quickly. Come on, or wait a while and really laugh out loud."

Su Ling couldn't help but open her mouth. She has always been on Xiao Su'er's side, and even felt that whether or not to have children is her own problem. Others should not interfere too much. Whoever says unmarried mothers must be shameful. Maybe Xiao Su'er has also met someone who is too much like Hu Daxiong, so it's better to give birth to a child by herself.

"Okay, I apologize to you, I was wrong, I shouldn't say that about your child, I shouldn't say that about you, hahaha, pull me out quickly."

Liu Yan couldn't bear the laughter, and felt her stomach was twitching, so she apologized to Xiao Su'er, Xiao Su'er reached out and quickly pulled out the golden needle on her body, and she immediately collapsed on the ground and gasped heavily, the first time For the first time, I felt that laughing was such a tiring thing.

"Let me tell you, having a child is my own decision, and it has nothing to do with anyone. You are not qualified to say anything about me. As for whether I love myself or not, it's not up to you to say. I'm a colleague with you. I'm sorry. Just do your own work, please don't talk about my affairs in the future, or the consequences will be the same as Liu Yan, especially don't talk about my children."

Xiao Su'er stood up and looked at everyone in the clinic, and said these words loudly, and now almost the entire clinic was standing on the scene, everyone could only shut up after hearing her words, because she Really angry.

And her words made it very clear that she and everyone in the clinic are just colleagues, and they are not friends, so they are not qualified to teach her like pointing fingers.

Su Ling walked in front of Xiao Su'er, looked at her and smiled softly, "Su'er, don't care about other people's opinions, only you know how your life is going well."

"Well, I know, thank you." Xiao Su'er also smiled at her.

Except for Dr. Song and Su Ling, everyone in the clinic had a bad impression of Xiao Su'er. They felt that she was misbehaving, domineering, and bullying others. It was just because she had some medical skills and was good at acupuncture, she poked around with a golden needle. .

But Xiao Su'er doesn't care about their opinions. She came to this clinic to learn experience and prepare herself for opening a clinic in the future. Enough is enough, she doesn't care about other people at all.

the other side.

Xia Xiaonan took a day off, got up early in the morning and began to dress up. She wore what she thought was the prettiest lace dress, put on light makeup, and then went to the clinic address mentioned in the hot search.

Sitting in Ouyang Luo's car, she could see that she was burning with anxiety. She kept looking at the distance on the navigation and urged Ouyang Luo to hurry up.

"My aunt Xiaonan, do you know how fast I have reached? Do you want me to run a red light? You have been teaching me before, not to run a red light casually."

Ouyang Luo shook his head helplessly, it seems that no matter how long Lin Su'er has been away, as long as she appears in Xia Xiaonan's heart, the most important thing is.

"This navigation looks very close. Why have you been driving for so long and you haven't arrived? Did you do it on purpose? Did you take me around?" Xia Xiaonan pouted and looked at Ouyang Luo with an unhappy expression.

"How dare I? Didn't you see it? I followed the navigation. It's the rush hour for work. If you don't go to work, others have to go to work. Naturally, there will be a little traffic."

Ouyang Luo couldn't figure out why he, who was so powerful in the company, became like a little white rabbit when he saw Xia Xiaonan. His girlfriends in the past probably wouldn't believe it if they saw it.

"Okay, okay, don't talk to me anymore, you look at the front seriously and drive faster, I can't wait to see Su'er, five years, a person suddenly came back from the dead, you know I have How excited are you?"

"Of course I know how excited you are. Last night you didn't sleep all night, but this morning you woke up after only sleeping for an hour." Ouyang Luo shook his head even more violently.

Xia Xiaonan didn't speak, just bit her lips tightly, she was looking forward to seeing her Su'er again, that was her benefactor, where has she been these five years?how is she doingShe desperately wants to know.

(End of this chapter)

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