Chapter 886 Re-investigation
Chapter 886 Re-investigation
Listening to his questioning, Xiao Su'er felt very strange, why she was able to ask these questions in a high-sounding manner, as if she cared about Xiao Wang very much, which made her feel a little dazed, could it be that those things five years ago never happened? ?Is it because he is unfeeling and doesn't let the child recognize his father?
In order to avoid falling into this kind of self-doubt, Xiao Su'er took two steps back and looked at Bao Qingangbi in front of her with a pause gesture, "That's enough, you don't need to say any more, what's the point of asking so many questions? You What do you want to express?"

"I want to know why you didn't let my child see me, and even hid his existence from me. If your colleague didn't tell me today, when will I know his existence? Is it in this life? don't you know?"

Bo Qingang was very angry, but felt that something was wrong. He really couldn't figure out the relationship between all these things. Why did it become like this? Xiao Su'er misunderstood the relationship, and it was impossible for her to turn around and throw herself into someone else's arms, and let her child recognize someone else as her father.

"Bo Qingang, don't you think you're funny? You were the one who didn't want him back then, and now you're the one who's questioning me over and over again. You've let me say everything. No matter what I do, I'll do it. Is it wrong? It is my fault that I kept him, I should kill him in front of you, and let you know that he is no longer alive in this world is right?"

"What position are you standing on now to ask me these questions, don't you think you are hypocritical?"

Xiao Su'er also imitated his example, throwing out a lot of questions, but every sentence was questioning the meaning of Bo Qing'ang's actions.

She really didn't understand that it was Bo Qing'ang who asked her to abort the child, not only the person Xiao Mengqiu arranged, Bo Qing'ang also said so in front of her, so why is he saying this now?Is he amnesia?

But Bo Qing'ang never thought that Xiao Su'er would ask him such a question, and said it so sharply, as if he wished for his child to die.

"Su'er, I don't know what you're talking about. There must be a misunderstanding between us. Can we have a good chat and I'll explain to you what happened back then."

He was still anxious to clarify the secrets of the year, so that Xiao Su'er could not continue to misunderstand him. He did not betray him, even during the few days when he was with Xiao Mengqiu, he did not do anything wrong to Xiao Su'er.

But Xiao Su'er stretched out her hand to block in front of the two, with a very resistant look, "I don't want to hear it, I told you, I don't want to hear these meaningless explanations, they don't make any sense, don't come here again, you're annoying! "

Putting down these words, Xiao Su'er turned around and walked towards the other side. She was destined to take a different path from Bo Qing'ang, and she promised that she would never set foot again when she saw Bo Qing'ang.

Bo Qing'ang was still thinking about what she said just now, especially the last sentence that you are annoying, as if three big stones fell directly on his head.

After a long time, he finally recalled it, took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Song, "Go and investigate what happened five years ago, especially the few days when I was not with Su'er, what happened to her ?”

"Okay Boss, I'll go investigate right away." Zhang Song readily agreed, he knew that his boss had hit a wall when he went looking for Xiao Su'er these days, it seemed that he was also starting to find the reason.

Bo Qingcheng did not go after Xiao Su'er anymore, but left the clinic. Since there were so many things that puzzled him, he resolved them one by one before coming to Xiao Su'er.

In fact, Xiao Su'er has been hiding in the corner watching Bo Qing'ang, and he came out after he left, looking at Bo Qing'ang's back as it was five years ago.

Did he really forget everything?Five years was enough time for him to turn things upside down and ask himself the "victim"?
She stood still and watched Bo Qing'ang's back getting further and further away, until she was out of sight, then turned and returned to the clinic.

The nurses in the clinic were originally gathered together in twos and threes, eating their own or takeaway box lunches, discussing what happened just now, but when Xiao Suer's footsteps stopped at the clinic door, they saw her and closed their eyes instantly mouth.

"Da da da..." Xiao Su'er stepped on high heels and walked to the center of the clinic, looked at all the colleagues in the clinic and asked coldly, "Who told Bo Qingang just now that I have a child?"

Although she didn't mind letting Bo Qing'ang know, she didn't like people telling stories behind her back, especially spreading her affairs around like wearing a trumpet.

If in the future, when all the people come here to ask, someone will immediately explain everything in detail, then what kind of person will she become?She doesn't need someone to "do her best" to promote her.

The nurses in the clinic lowered their heads guiltyly when they heard her words. Although they didn't say it, they were a little excited when they discussed this matter just now. They were even thinking about what her and Bo Qing'ang's children looked like. I opened a group chat and asked Liu Yan to send the photos she secretly took at the kindergarten gate to the group, zooming in and out to see Xiao Wang's appearance.

Discussing other people's privacy behind their backs like this is indeed a bit like being a thief when being caught by the master.

Xiao Su'er stood there and waited for a few seconds, but no one answered her. She asked again, "If you don't tell me yourself, if I ask who said it, the consequences will be very serious."

"Why? We didn't speak ill of you. Don't you plan to let others know that you have a child? Young Master Bo just said it was his child. You gave birth to someone else's child and don't let others know?"

Liu Yan was unhappy when she heard his almost threatening words, she stood up and questioned loudly as if to embolden herself.

Xiao Su'er actually knew it was Liu Yan when she thought about it with her toes. She just wanted to see if Liu Yan had the ability to admit it. Since she admitted that she should be punished, she still had to ask for it, so she casually talked about other people's affairs behind their backs. Well, if you think about it, you will know how much she added oil and vinegar when she said this, it will definitely not be a good word.

As if to confirm Xiao Su'er's conjecture, Liu Yan opened her mouth again in front of her.

"I think you haven't figured out whether the child is Bo Shao yourself! Do you know who the child is? Have you done a paternity test?"

(End of this chapter)

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