Chapter 899 Encouraging
Chapter 899 Encouraging
Xiao Su'er didn't actually leave, she just went to the waiting room where she sat last time and played with her mobile phone. She just wanted to give the two of them a safe environment to get along with.

Bo Qingang arrived at the piano room almost early in the morning today, and even pushed back the most important meeting of the company. Nothing is as important as his precious son.

Hiding in the classroom next door, listening to the movement next to her, she immediately left the classroom after hearing Xiao Su'er leaving, and stood at the window to watch Xiao Wang practice the piano like last week.

Xiao Wang was in no mood to practice the piano when Xiao Su'er left the classroom, he kept looking at the window from the corner of his eye, turned his head and saw the moment when Bo Qingang was smiling, his face was as warm as the spring sunshine.

"Uncle!" He yelled loudly and ran to the door, Bo Qingang squatted down, took out a lunch box from behind and handed it to him, "Yesterday you said you liked this seafood porridge very much, so I brought it to you again, do you have any?" Eat breakfast?"

This week, he followed the agreement to visit Xiao Wang in the kindergarten every day, and asked the chef to make different dishes to bring to the kindergarten every day. He memorized all the things Xiao Wang liked to eat. He is most interested in this seafood porridge, and he will keep some of the other things no matter what.

"I didn't eat enough when I had breakfast this morning, so I specially left some stomach to eat uncle's food, am I very smart?" Xiao Wang hugged the lunch box and raised his head to beg for praise.

"Yes! Xiao Wang is the smartest. Today's seafood porridge was specially boiled in the morning. I brought it here in an insulated box. I don't know if it is cold now. You can eat it quickly." Bo Qingang and Xiao Wang can be said to be close now There was no gap between the two of them when they spoke.

He walked into the classroom with Xiao Wang in his arms, watched Xiao Wang gulp down all the porridge, and stretched out his hand to help him wipe off the oil stains around his mouth without hesitation.

"Oh, I'm finally full. I can practice the piano well. Uncle, you can sit and watch me practice the piano. I will finish practicing soon. The teacher will come to teach new pieces in an hour. I finish practicing in half an hour, and leave half an hour to chat with my uncle, and then my uncle can do his own thing."

"I know you are very busy. If you spare this little time every day to accompany me, you might miss work."

Xiao Wang thoughtfully arranged all the time, accurate to every minute and every second, and also thought of Bo Qingang's work.

"Okay, I'm here to watch you play the piano for half an hour. How are you and your mother these two days?" Bo Qingang still couldn't help but want to ask about Xiao Su'er, and wanted to know how she was doing. .

"Mom, she..." Xiao Wang subconsciously wanted to tell about Chi Siang, but he still didn't say it after thinking about it. After all, there is still some misunderstanding between father and mother that has not been clarified. If father misunderstands mother and others If the man you love is together, it is estimated that the two people will never be able to reconcile in this life.

Thinking of this, Xiao Wang replied solemnly: "Mom has been busy with the clinic for the past two days, and it seems that she has encountered some difficult patients. She doesn't care about me when she is looking up the information."

"She will figure it out. There is no disease in the world that she can't cure." Bo Qing'ang said confidently. In his heart, Xiao Su'er is the one who stands at the pinnacle of human medicine.

"I think so too. Mom is very smart and will definitely solve this matter." Xiao Wang's fingers flew across the black and white keys quickly, and an intoxicating piano piece flowed from the piano.

An hour later, Bo Qing'ang walked out of the classroom and was about to leave, but unexpectedly ran into Xiao Su'er downstairs who was going down to breathe.

Xiao Su'er sat alone in the waiting room for an hour, and she was tired of playing with her mobile phone. She had asked all the necessary questions, and she really had nothing to do. She went downstairs to wander around boringly, thinking that it was time to go, and she was about to return. Just in time, they bumped into Bao Qingang who was going downstairs, and the two of them looked at each other with a feeling of embarrassment, as if something that had been a tacit understanding was suddenly pierced.

"You..." Xiao Su'er opened the door but I didn't know what to ask, why is he here?If he said he came to see Xiao Wang, how should he answer?

Xiao Su'er didn't know why, but she actually felt a little guilty. It was clear that it was fair for her to bring her own child here to learn piano, but it seemed like she had done something bad.

"Bo's is going to invest in music-related projects. I'm here to investigate. I heard that the teachers here are the best in the city. I'm going to dig two of them. Why are you here?" Bo Qingang asked. , and even found a perfect question, and successfully threw the topic to Xiao Su'er.

"I brought my child here to play the piano, and he was practicing on it. I felt bored and came down for a walk. Now I'm going to go back, so I'll go first." Xiao Su'er didn't expect that Bo Qing'ang would be able to talk nonsense in a serious manner, and her face was not red. do not jump.

"Okay..." Bo Qing'ang nodded and staggered to let Xiao Su'er enter the building. Xiao Su'er just walked into the hall, and Bo Qing'ang called her again, "Su'er!"

Xiao Su'er turned around and looked over, the two of them were looking at each other through a glass door, Bo Qing'ang suddenly smiled slightly, "No matter what difficult patients you encounter, they can be cured, don't worry, you are very good. "

"You..." Xiao Su'er didn't expect Bo Qing'ang to say such words, is this to encourage her?Could it be that although he didn't go to the clinic to pester her these days, he was also secretly following her news, knowing that she was suffering from a headache?
In any case, Xiao Su'er felt that hearing this sentence made her feel a strange feeling in her heart. At this moment, she seemed to have forgotten everything in the past, and did not remember the harm Bo Qingang brought her, and only stayed in the On the touch of this moment.

It was just a gentle word of encouragement, which seemed to have touched the two words called moving deep in her heart.

"Thank you!" Xiao Su'er quickly said these words, and ran into the elevator. As the elevator slowly ascended, she barely calmed down, stretched out her hand to cover her chest, and wanted to scold herself.

How is this going?Why are you so worthless, haven't you heard anyone encourage you?Didn't my younger brother and son say to work hard every day, and they will definitely be cured?Why do you feel so moved when someone else says it?

She questioned herself, but she couldn't answer her doubts. She could only walk into the waiting room in a daze, as if stepping on a floating cloud.

After she fled in a hurry, Bo Qingang was still staring at her back, until she disappeared in the elevator, the smile on her mouth still remained.

(End of this chapter)

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