Chapter 916 Changes
Chapter 916 Changes
"I'm here to investigate the missing Aunt Huang. I didn't expect to meet you here. In this way, let's go together. It would be dangerous for you, a little girl, to run into Sumeng. I'll go with you."

Xiao Yuhan pretended not to hear her targeted words, watching her calmly invite two people to investigate together.

Bai Qingyue looked at him strangely when she heard what he said, "Are you also looking for Aunt Huang? Why are you looking for her? Are you two familiar? I haven't heard her say that she knows you!"

"I do not know her."

"You don't know her, why are you looking for her? If I remember correctly, you are a medical student, right? You are a professor of Western Medicine in our school, and you are not from the police academy. Are you still looking for someone part-time?" Bai Qing Yue didn't understand even more, two people who didn't know each other, why did he come to her?
"No, I'm investigating something, and I need to find this aunt surnamed Huang. Since you want to find him too, of course we should be safer together, isn't it okay? Once it’s over, don’t mention it again.”

Xiao Yuhan didn't tell Bai Qingyue about the human experiment. After all, seeing that Bai Qingyue and Aunt Huang had a good relationship, if she knew that Aunt Huang was taken away to do human experiments, she would be very worried. of.

"What do we need to find her for the investigation? Since we need to find it, let's go together, as you said, it will be much safer." Bai Qingyue didn't ask the bottom line, she could tell that Xiao Yuhan didn't want to investigate the matter Say it, and forget it.

"Then let's go. Let's take a taxi to Lanzhou Street now. It's not too late. This kind of missing person should be found sooner. It's like what you said just now. What will happen to her for the rest of her life if she is taken to sell her organs?"

Xiao Yuhan took Bai Qingyue out of the alley without hesitation, and the two talked about it while walking.

"I think this must be a large-scale kidnapping group, specially to kidnap these people who have no relatives in this city. If they are kidnapped, no one will call the police. They can escape. These people are too bad and they are not afraid of retribution. "

When Bai Qingyue spoke, she still felt very angry, she clenched her hands together, as if she had already caught that person, and even made a tearing movement.

"Are you on good terms with that Aunt Huang? Is she your nanny?" Xiao Yuhan looked at her sideways and asked his guess.

"Yes, she has been working in our family for many years, and she has always been very kind to me, especially the food she cooks is very delicious. My parents are not in China mainland all the year round, and they have been doing business overseas. I see her every year. It’s only been a few times, but the meals cooked by Aunt Huang always make me feel at home, and I can eat a lot every time.”

"She has no relatives or friends here, but her parents in her hometown are very old and sick. She also has high blood pressure and needs to take medicine for a long time, so she always works very hard. Sometimes I feel sorry for her. I will Pay her a salary higher than the market price."

"But I didn't expect that she was still short of money and went out to work. If I knew, I would give him some more. This time I found him, I must pay him more wages, and never let her go out to work again. How dangerous it is !"

When Bai Qingyue spoke, she was a little annoyed. She felt that she was spending money lavishly all day long, and she was wearing luxury goods all day long. However, there were still people who were struggling to make ends meet, and she felt a little pain for them unconsciously. She has also grown a lot, she is no longer as unreasonable as before, she has become sensible, and she already knows how to love and care about others.

Listening to Bai Qingyue's words, Xiao Yuhan could feel that she was genuinely distressed and not just putting on a show, because her eye circles were red, and when she said this, she walked a little faster, just wanting to Hurry up and find the feeling of that Aunt Huang.

She doesn't seem to be the unruly and willful eldest lady in my impression, she doesn't understand the sufferings of the people, but she understands!

Xiao Yuhan slowly changed his view of Bai Qingyue in his heart. At the same time, he felt that he had gone too far before. He defined a person based on his sloppy appearance, and he still had prejudice against her. In fact, he wanted to It's wrong to think that Bai Qingyue is just a little girl.

"If this Auntie Huang knew that you were so worried about her, she would be very touched, and I will help you find her back." Xiao Yuhan made a promise to Bai Qingyue with a little guilt.

"You help me find her back? Professor Xiao, if I remember correctly, the two of us are going to find her together now! How can you say that you helped me find her back?" Bai Qingyue deflated deflated mouth.

"Okay, I'll accompany you to find her, okay? Miss Bai!" Xiao Yuhan looked at her with a funny expression.

In fact, Bai Qingyue can be considered a famous figure in school, after all, the family has money, but most people discuss not her family's money, but her appearance.

All the boys said that she could be regarded as the beauty of the school, she was beautiful and had a good figure, but he didn't take it seriously, thinking that students should focus on their studies, but now it seems that Bai Qingyue is indeed very beautiful, no wonder they will So say.

"I really want Aunt Huang to come back as soon as possible. I'm going to participate in the Mathematical Modeling Contest soon, and she said that she will accompany me to celebrate after I win the prize! She has always wanted to go overseas to have a look, He also said that she has stayed in China mainland all her life and never went out, and I have already promised her, why did she suddenly disappear?"

As Bai Qingyue spoke, she glanced up at the sky and stopped the tears she wanted to shed.

"Are you still going to participate in the modeling competition? That competition is a bit difficult." Xiao Yuhan heard another important message in her words. He thought that Bai Qingyue was a young lady who only knew how to eat, drink and play. The university should also have made connections at home.

"I'm going! I've already participated in my freshman year, and won the first place." Bai Qingyue nodded, speaking calmly, as if she didn't think this competition was so good, but she still emphasized No.1 , and then looked at Xiao Yuhan and asked seriously: "What? You must also think that I am a vase, unable to do anything, only have one face, right?"

"First?" Xiao Yuhan had a bit of embarrassment on his face. It seemed that he had completely misunderstood Bai Qingyue. From the beginning to the end, the Bai Qingyue he thought was quite different from the real person.

Looking at the expression on his face, Bai Qingyue knew that she had guessed right, but she waved her hand indifferently.

"Forget it, everyone sees it this way, and there is nothing wrong with you thinking so, I don't blame you!"

(End of this chapter)

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