Rebirth Space: Rich and hot wives are not easy to mess with

Chapter 951 Overlapping with the Dreamland

Chapter 951 Overlapping with the Dreamland

Chapter 951 Overlapping with the Dreamland

"She scratched this wound herself. The wound she scratched on the glass just now is not so serious." Bai Qingyue still tried to explain the truth clearly, not wanting to be wronged for no reason.

But when Xiao Yuhan heard her words, he looked at her as if he was mentally retarded, "Even if you make up a reason, you should make up a better one, do you think someone will hurt themselves? You see, her injury is so serious , if it hurts so much from her own grasping, she is not sick.

Xiao Yuhan's logic does not sound wrong, even Bai Qingyue would not have believed it if she hadn't seen Rong Linger scratch herself.

But the fact is right in front of your eyes, it was Rong Ling'er who caught it herself!Bai Qingyue was so anxious that she began to stamp her feet on the spot, "I told you it wasn't me."

"Well, let me ask you, did you say something too much just now, did you tell Rong Linger not to go to the club again in the future, did she tell you that she is willing to spend money to make up for you this time? For the loss of medicine, you still want her to withdraw from the society, and you don’t forgive her for apologizing so many times, right?”

Xiao Yuhan wanted to know if what Rong Linger said was true. He actually believed in Bai Qingyue a little bit in his heart. After Bai Qingyue heard him ask this question, she actually started to feel embarrassed. She At that time, it was indeed out of anger that she wanted Rong Ling'er to quit the club.

Seeing her expression, Xiao Yuhan also knew that Rong Ling'er hadn't lied just now. It seemed that Bai Qingyue really had the eldest lady's temper and hadn't changed at all.

"Okay, you go out, don't be here anymore, you don't know what Rong Linger will be like if you stay a little longer, I thought you changed, but I didn't expect you to be as unruly and self-willed as before, bullying your classmates to this point In this way, I don't want to apologize, but I still want to say such excessive words."

Xiao Yuhan was completely unwilling to talk to her, turned around and helped Rong Linger to sit down on the sofa, and took out what was in his own office to help her re-bandage, Rong Linger fell weakly on top of him, pitifully Said: "Professor Xiao, I'm so scared."

When she was talking, her head was resting on Xiao Yuhan's shoulder, but her eyes were fixed on Bai Qingyue, with complacency and showing off in her eyes, she turned Bai Qingyue angrily and ran out of the office.

In fact, Xiao Yuhan has never liked others to touch him. Now that Rong Linger is leaning on his shoulder, she really wants to push him away, but seeing the bloody wound on his hand, she still holds back, just treat him as a patient .

Bai Qingyue ran out of the office and ran down the stairs quickly, running around the campus, and didn't stop until she reached the playground closest to the school gate. The more she thought about what Xiao Yuhan said, the more she felt wronged, her eyes turned red , very unhappy in my heart.

"Where did I bully him? She made such a low-level mistake herself, or did I remind her to make it again, so I can't say a few words?" Bai Qingyue lowered her head and muttered to herself, feeling sour in her heart One piece, this Xiao Yuhan is like an elm head, actually saying such things to a girl, let alone a girl who likes him.

Bai Qingyue felt extremely uncomfortable, why was her love life so bumpy?When I liked Bo Qingang in the past, I was always in unrequited love. Later, I fell in love with Xiao Suer who pretended to be the person who saved her. Now, because Xiao Yuhan saved her again, I secretly agreed with him, but Xiao Yuhan didn't like it at all. She, and said such things to her.

If Xiao Yuhan liked her at all, he probably wouldn't have said such exaggerated things!The more Bai Qingyue thought about it, the more discouraged she became, and she felt that another love affair was about to die in her womb, and she had already been cast into hell before she had time to confess her love.

But if every relationship has to be like Rong Linger's scheming and scheming, even at the expense of wronging others to get the other's love, then she would rather be single for the rest of her life, which is too disdainful.

But even though she comforted herself like this, Bai Qingyue still felt as if her heart was blocked, as if someone had stuffed her into a towel soaked in vinegar, sour and blocked.

the other side.

After Xiao Su'er hung up the phone, she came to Imperial University in a hurry to see Bai Qingyue. She was a little anxious when she was talking on the phone, so she just happened to see if her brother was still here. Last time, she took some medicine and put it on. In his office, he wanted him to donate it to Bai Qingyue, but I don't know if he took it.

Unexpectedly, just after entering the campus, she saw Bai Qingyue in a blue dress with her head bowed and depressed. Xiao Su'er thought that it might be because of the medicine, she was still sad, and wanted to go up to comfort her, but Unexpectedly, when she walked to Bai Qingyue's side, she saw her eye circles were red, as if she had just cried.

Such a Bai Qingyue with red eyes like a bullied bunny, Xiao Su'er felt a little soft-hearted in an instant, and asked her distressedly, "Who bullied you?"

"No one bullied me, but I was misunderstood. I felt uncomfortable, and he didn't listen to my explanation!"

When Bai Qingyue spoke, tears fell from her eyes again, but what she said made Xiao Su'er feel a little familiar, her eyes were red, and she was misunderstood, why did this overlap with her dream strangely? ?
She couldn't wait to ask, "What you said was misunderstood, isn't it my brother who misunderstood you?"

When Xiao Su'er asked this sentence, she didn't know why she was inexplicably nervous. If Xiao Yuhan really misunderstood her, then what happened now would be exactly the same as in the dream.

"It's just that he misunderstood me. He felt that I was bullying Rong Linger, and he didn't listen to my explanation at all. He always stood by Rong Linger."

Bai Qingyue's tears fell even more, why didn't she have anyone who was willing to stand by her side no matter what happened, so what if she was the eldest lady of the Bai family?So what about a good family background?She is not alone!

Those good friends, she knew in her heart that they came to her because of her identity. How many of those flattering boys who chased her really liked her?He didn't even say a few words at all, but he just looked at her good-looking and her family background.

Xiao Su'er felt that the more she heard it, the more she seemed to see it in a dream, so she asked tentatively, "Do you have feelings for my brother?"

"Yes, I like him, I think he is very powerful, manly, I liked him when he saved me that night, but he didn't know that I liked him, and he was angry all day long I, he probably likes Rong Linger!"

(End of this chapter)

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