Chapter 955 Conditioning the Body
Chapter 955 Conditioning the Body
Bo Qingang walked into the clinic, and actually went to the front desk honestly, "I want to see Dr. Xiao, I feel a little uncomfortable, let her see me."

The front desk was still watching him commit an nympho, but when he saw him approaching, he was completely dumbfounded, and he didn't even notice what he was talking about.

Bo Qingang frowned unhappily, and when she was about to say it again, Xiao Su'er stood up and turned towards the front desk and said, "What do you want from me?"

Now that Xiao Su'er herself has already spoken, Bo Qing'ang is not in the mood to care about the nympho front desk, and walks directly to Xiao Su'er's side at the consultation table, "I feel that the cold poison has been committed again, and now I'm so cold. It's so uncomfortable in my heart, if you don't believe me, touch it."

Bo Qing'ang pretended to be in pain, and wanted to reach out to grab Xiao Su'er's hand, but she shook off him before touching Xiao Su'er.

"Aren't you finished? You..."

Xiao Su'er knew that he was talking nonsense. In fact, his poison had been unraveled five years ago. He used this trick to deceive himself in the infirmary last time. He probably felt that he had been deceived once, and he would do it again next time. Such tricks can be used!

But she won't fall twice in the same place. Xiao Su'er wanted to drive Bo Qingang out, but she noticed what he was wearing today. Today he was wearing a black suit and high-end leather shoes. In fact, he was the same as him There is no difference in what you wear on weekdays.

What he loves most is black, white and gray clothes, always so low-key and calm, but still handsome that cannot be concealed.

But today, when Xiao Su'er looked at his attire, she had a different feeling.

It really seems to be the person in her dream, wearing a black suit and saving her from life. Could that person be Bo Qingang?
Xiao Su'er fell into confusion. When the explosion happened five years ago, Xiao Su'er expected that Bo Qing'ang would save her, but he turned his head and ran towards Xiao Mengqiu, ignoring her at all.

In yesterday's dream, there was another fire caused by an explosion, but someone saved herself desperately. She always felt a little disbelieving that that person was Bo Qingang.

He didn't save himself five years ago, will he come to save himself five years later without hesitation?Although Xiao Su'er doesn't believe it in her heart, she can't completely rule out this possibility. Bo Qingang is pestering her every day now, and now she has found her in the clinic. Maybe he regretted it. If there is another explosion, he should You won't make the same choices as you did back then!

Thinking of this, Xiao Su'er was about to rule out the possibility of Bo Qingang, and said calmly, "Really? You think the cold poison has flared up again? Then go and lie down inside! I'll give you acupuncture relief."

Bo Qing'ang thought that Xiao Su'er would drive him away, and even thought about what Xiao Su'er should say when she drove him away, but she didn't expect Xiao Su'er to act uncharacteristically today, which is just right!He obediently went to the acupuncture room inside and lay down on the bed.

Xiao Su'er walked into the acupuncture room with the acupuncture bag. In fact, the two of them had had the closest relationship five years ago. She had already seen Bao Qingang's shoulders, which were smooth and had no scars at all, but after all, five Years have passed, who knows if he has been injured during these five years.

Standing beside the acupuncture bed, she didn't know why she suddenly felt her heart beating a little faster. She was a little worried that Bo Qing'ang was the one in the dream, and a little afraid that it wasn't him.

If he is the person in the dream, it means that he can give up his life for himself, so should we consider forgiving him?

But if it wasn't for him, it meant that when she was hurt again and her life was in danger, Bo Qing'ang was not by her side, and there might be no possibility for the two of them.

I don't know why, but thinking of the possibility of the two not being together, Xiao Su'er actually felt a little sore in her heart. She shook her head quickly, trying to get this feeling out of her mind, and walked to the acupuncture bed and said coldly, " Young Master Bo, please take off your clothes, I'm going to give you acupuncture."

Bo Qingang was very obedient, quickly unbuttoned his shirt, laid down his clothes on the acupuncture bed, Xiao Su'er stuck two gold needles into his acupuncture points, and took a special look at his shoulder, the left shoulder was very smooth , even better than girls' skin.

She went around to the other side and checked it carefully. There was no wound, and she was instantly relieved.

"It's okay, it's not him..." Xiao Suer whispered to herself, Bo Qingang heard her voice, turned to look at her, "What are you talking about? What aren't you?"

"Nothing! Climb well. Didn't you say that the cold poison has occurred again? I'll cure you once and for all today!"

Xiao Su'er thought, since the person in the dream was not Bo Qingang, then he didn't have any kindness to save his life, only the enemy who died five years ago, she took a few golden needles and inserted them into several of Bo Qingang's. In the big hole, Bo Qingang suddenly gasped in pain, "Hiss..."

In fact, he has no disease at all, and he is even in good health, just like a young man in his early twenties. When he was young and strong, the gold needles that Xiao Su'er gave him were actually superfluous, and there was no need for him at all. It was tied like this, but she just wanted to make it whole, so she purposely tied him like a sieve.

"Young Master Bo, do you feel better now? I've already pierced several of your acupoints with golden needles. Now you should feel that your meridians are unblocked, and you feel very comfortable?" Xiao Su'er asked knowingly, looking down on the bed thin Qingang.

Bo Qingang was still smiling, and turned to look at her brisk answer, "Well, it's very comfortable."

"Since you're so comfortable, you shouldn't have to come here again, I'll get rid of your cold poison in one go!" Xiao Su'er pinched the golden needle again as she spoke, allowing the golden needle to enter the body a little deeper , Bo Qingang felt a sore and painful feeling spreading from his back.

But he could bear it completely, and still looked at Xiao Su'er with a smile, "No, I remember that Chinese medicine can not only cure diseases, but also maintain health. From now on, I will come to your clinic twice a week and ask you to recuperate my body."

"Young Master Bo, traditional Chinese medicine can preserve health, can't you live forever? You are in good health now, several times better than the average young man. What kind of body do young and strong people take care of?"

Xiao Su'er secretly rolled her eyes, and she is still recuperating her body, probably he really wants to live forever!It's a ghost to have such good physical fitness.

"Who said that young and strong people don't need to adjust their bodies?"

(End of this chapter)

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