Chapter 957
Chapter 957
"Are you crazy? Let go! What are you doing?" Xiao Su'er tried hard to break away from his embrace, but now that Bo Qing'ang was not bound by golden needles, holding her was like hugging a Like a little rabbit, it was impossible for her to break free from his shackles.

"I've said it before, you've been away for so long, I think you're going crazy thinking about it, I'm indeed a lunatic now, I'm crazily worried that you'll leave me again, and I want to hug you crazily! Su'er , why don't you just want to look at me? Both of us already have children, shouldn't we lead Xiao Wang to live together properly?"

Holding her in his arms, Bo Qingang talked about his longing for these years, expressing his doubts.

Xiao Su'er couldn't break free, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then suddenly softened her voice, "Then let me go, let me tell you why?"

"Okay, I'll let you go." Bo Qingang quietly let go of Xiao Su'er, but still wrapped her arms around her, fearing that she would run away again, Xiao Su'er pinched the golden needle, and suddenly pierced into Bo Qingang's acupuncture point, instantly Just let him stay where he is, no matter how powerful he is, he can only stare blankly after the acupuncture points are sealed by golden needles.

"You just stay right here!" Xiao Su'er glanced at him, tidied up her clothes and walked out of the acupuncture room without even pulling out the gold needles. Bo Qingang just sat in the acupuncture room with her upper body shirtless, looking helplessly. Xiao Su'er's back disappeared from sight.

Xiao Su'er walked out of the acupuncture room, grabbed a little nurse and whispered something in her ear, the little nurse looked at her with a blushing face, "Is it really possible?"

"Okay! You go, just do what I told you, don't pull it out wrong, and don't get it in the wrong direction." When she spoke, there was a smirk on her face, the little nurse glanced at her, and closed After seeing her encouraging eyes, she trembled towards the acupuncture room.

Xiao Su'er kept observing the direction of the acupuncture room, and soon heard Bo Qing'ang's angry voice, "Get out!"

The little nurse blushed and ran out of the acupuncture room. Although she was yelled at, she didn't look sad at all. She even grabbed another little nurse and started a discussion.

"Bo Shao has a great figure! Do you know the eight-pack abs?"

"Did you see it? How did you know Bo Shao has eight-pack abs?"

"Of course I saw it. Dr. Xiao gave Bo Shao acupuncture just now. She didn't know whether to pull out the needle for Bo Shao. She ran out by herself and said that she had something else to ask me to pull out Bo Shao's needle. She taught me how to pull out the needle. Skills, I went in, Bo Shao is topless, what a great figure!"

The little nurse was blushing as if she had discovered a huge treasure, and her eyes were shining brightly as she was discussing with the nurses around her.

Bo Qingang was already dressed when she came out of the acupuncture room with a dark face, looked at Xiao Su'er on the stairs, the ice and snow in her eyes melted, she was just helplessly pampered, then she shook her head and left the clinic with a sigh.

Xiao Su'er still looked at him sighing helplessly, she didn't know that there was a kind of pleasure in her heart, she covered her mouth and laughed lightly, it was quite interesting to tease Bo Qing'ang like this, he always hated others to touch him, but just now The little nurse was there to remove the needle for him, and he would have to stay there forever if he didn't let others touch it.

Thinking of Bo Qing'ang's angry and helpless look, she thought it was funny, it's a pity that he didn't go in with him just now to take a look, his expression must be rare in a hundred years.

Because of this matter, Xiao Su'er's depressed mood all morning dissipated a little, and she returned to the office with a smile on her face, but she was a little discouraged in an instant.

She still has to find that person, isn't Bo Qingang, so who else would it be?There is no other man around her!It couldn't be Xiao Yuhan, he didn't have any wounds on his body.

When she was wondering, Xiao Yuhan called in, "Sister, are you in the clinic now? I'll send you some medicinal materials later, and you can go to the warehouse of your clinic and help me look. Students need these herbs for experiments, but the school's stock is not enough, so I'll come to you to get some."

"Okay, you can send it here." Xiao Su'er agreed, took out her mobile phone and looked at the medicinal materials sent by Xiao Yuhan, she knew that there must be such common medicinal materials without going to the warehouse, she turned off her mobile phone and sat In the office, her head was still filled with the wound on the shoulder of the person who saved her.

Unable to figure it out, she simply picked up a brush and began to draw. She remembered that the wound was crooked, but the area was still a bit large, as if it was hit by something, and the wound was left after a piece of skin was scratched and scabbed.

There is no technical difficulty, and she still looks good when she draws casually. After she finished drawing this wound picture, Xiao Yuhan also went to her clinic and went directly to her office. After seeing the picture, she asked strangely, "Where is this wound?" What is it? Even if it’s painting, you should draw some nice ones, it’s so weird.”

"It's not weird, this is the person I want to find." Xiao Su'er looked at the painting and sighed, but Xiao Yuhan couldn't understand it even more.

Picking up the painting, I was only short of laughing, and asked with a smile, "What are you talking about, the person you want to find? Who do you want to find who looks like this, you probably have to go to Two-dimensional to find it! Everyone in Two-dimensional looks better than this one, so this is simply an alien, okay?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I am..." Xiao Su'er hadn't told him that she could predict the future, but now seeing Xiao Yuhan's appearance, she decided to tell him.

She lowered her voice, and told Xiao Yuhan all the things that she could predict the future in her dreams, but she naturally skipped the fact that Bai Qingyue said she liked him, and made up some other things to strengthen her organizational ability. Reliability, especially the kidnapping by Xiao Wang.

After finishing speaking, looking at Xiao Yuhan's expression, she found that Xiao Yuhan's face was suspicious and surprised, and then looked at Xiao Su'er's serious look, making sure that she was not joking before looking at the picture in her hand and meditating.

What the two of them didn't know was that Liu Yan, who was hiding outside the door, heard everything the two of them said clearly. An indescribable expression appeared on her face. When she looked at Xiao Su'er through the crack in the door, she felt that This is mentally handicapped.

Xiao Yuhan pointed at the picture in his hand and asked, "Is that the wound on that person's shoulder? I'll help you find it. We must find him. If he really has the ability to predict the future, can he be found in the future?" After knowing it, they will kill others."

(End of this chapter)

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