Chapter 962 Being Followed

Chapter 962 Being Followed

Xiao Su'er was amazed when she looked at him. This was even more amazing than Su Ling's scumbag ex-husband. At least Su Ling's ex-husband was picky on her mother-in-law and wife, who were not related by blood. It is true that there is not that much money.

But the man in front of him, the watch and the clothes on his body alone cost tens of thousands of dollars, and his family property must be quite high. To be so stingy to his mother, and even beat her with his hands, there really is such shamelessness in the world. people?
The little nurses also found it incredible, and wanted to say something injustice, but he stopped them with a wave of his hands, "Okay, okay, I won't talk nonsense with you here, you want to keep her here, right? No problem! Bring me all the gold rings and earrings on her body, as well as her wallet, and I will let her stay here!"

"I want to see, if you doctors don't have money, will you give her free medical treatment? Of course not! To put it bluntly, you just want to cheat money."

His logic made Xiao Su'er feel a little helpless, actually wanting to steal her mother's money so blatantly, that old man didn't look like he was rich, the only valuable things on his body were gold rings and gold earrings, this The son wanted to snatch it away, what kind of beast did he give birth to?

The front desk quietly walked to Xiao Su'er's side to persuade her, "Doctor Xiao, let his mother go back with him, let's stop causing trouble, you forgot what happened to Su Ling's family a few days ago? It took us a long time to get this The influence has been reduced, and no one will come to the clinic to make trouble again. If this neuropathy is caused again this time, I don’t know what kind of waves will be caused.”

"If you continue to make irresponsible remarks about our clinic on the Internet, what will happen when the clinic is closed? You don't have to do so much for an old lady you don't know."

What the front desk said was indeed for the sake of the clinic, but Xiao Su'er was a little annoyed, so she protected the old man and asked, "Have you had enough trouble? What do you really want? Don't you just see her unhappy spending your money? Let me tell you I treated her for free today, and I don’t want her money, are you satisfied now? Can you leave?”

When she said this, the middle-aged man seemed satisfied instantly, and nodded thoughtfully, "You see the doctor for free, right? OK! You'd better not take her money. If you dare to take her money, I will definitely come and smash your hospital!"

After saying this, he turned around and left, not caring about his mother at all, Xiao Su'er looked at this man and wanted to rush up and kick him.

"It's okay, old man, don't be afraid, I've already chased him away, no one will dare to beat you again." Xiao Su'er turned her head to protect the old man, and the old man burst into tears suddenly when he saw her.

"Little girl, you really have a good heart. Why is my son not like you? Only you are the only one who is willing to take care of me. I thank you and I will live by you in the future!"

She cried with snot and tears, which is not counted, and she said very exaggerated words. When she was talking, she kept hugging Xiao Su'er and refused to let go, just like a drowning person finding a straw to save his life.

But Xiao Su'er always felt that something was wrong, this old man was really pitiful, but last time when she faced Xiao Su'er, she always raised her eyebrows, and she didn't have a good word to say as if she was targeting someone.

Xiao Su'er was a bit uncomfortable with being so pitiful all of a sudden this time, and her son was also strange. There might really be such a rich but stingy person in the world, but it's fine if they don't look alike at all. , Hearing Xiao Su'er said that he didn't need money, he would treat his mother for free, so he turned around and ran away.

Isn't he afraid of being cured?Are you really looking forward to his mother's death?
When she was puzzled, the old man still couldn't stop crying, hugging her and crying until his whole body started to twitch, Xiao Su'er immediately supported her and sat on the chair to comfort her.

"Okay, old man, don't cry anymore, don't worry! If your son beats you again in the future, you can come to the clinic and find me. I will give you justice, and I will treat your injuries for free. I will never charge you a penny, don't worry, nothing will happen, don't cry anymore."

Xiao Su'er did what she said, and she would not charge her if she said she would not charge her money. He would not want her consultation fee, and she would pay for the medicinal materials in the clinic herself. This old man is still grateful, and has been praising Xiao Su'er Bodhisattva Heart, it is completely two people with the old man who was difficult to get along with last time.

Although it is strange, but now there is no one who can explain her doubts. The old man's son, Xiao Su'er, doesn't want to see him again at all, so he can only hold back his full of curiosity and treat the old man with acupuncture and moxibustion.

Meanwhile, the other side.

Bo Qingang, who was looking at the contract documents in the company, received a call from Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang on the other side of the phone lowered his voice mysteriously, "Dad, can you come to the kindergarten now, I have a very important I want to tell you about it, tell me when you come, wait for me at the gate of the kindergarten, I will come out and tell you, don’t let our teacher know, I’m afraid she will tell my mother.”

Xiao Wang hid in the bathroom, used Xiao Su'er to call his mobile phone, deliberately lowered his voice for fear of being discovered by the teacher.

How could Bo Qingang object to his son's request, and immediately agreed, and the contract meeting was put aside first, and Zhang Song sent him to the gate of Xiao Wang's kindergarten.

Xiao Wang quietly ran out of the classroom during the lunch break, got into Bo Qingang's car with a serious face, and said something that surprised Bo Qingang, "Dad, I am being followed, And has been followed for days."

Bo Qingang frowned when she heard her words, "Who is following you? Did you dare to follow my son to death?"

"I don't know who it is, but I hacked into all the surveillance around our school last night, as well as all the surveillance from home to school, and called up this."

Xiao Wang called up the surveillance video saved in the computer from the handheld computer, and it was clearly seen in the video that every time he appeared in Xiao Su'er's car, there was always a black car sneaking behind him. behind them.

Even when he was in school, this black car was always parked outside the kindergarten, and when Xiao Suer came to pick him up, the car also left with them.

Xiao Wang's fingers tapped on the computer keyboard quickly, presenting all the videos in front of Bo Qing'ang, the black car was especially frequent.

(End of this chapter)

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