Chapter 964
Chapter 964
"Yes! Master." Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and instantly felt at ease. If he continued to follow him, he might be caught by Bo Qingang and die.

"Since they have found out that they are being followed, let's change to a more secretive method and stop being so exposed."

The man put the wine glass on the table beside him, and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows to look at the scenery of the city.

"Huh! I underestimated that little guy. When Xiao Su'er said that he had a super IQ, she thought he was talking nonsense. It turned out that he was really so powerful, not bad! Now it's even more interesting. Killing a child with a super IQ, how interesting Pleasure, that bastard shouldn't be in the world."

"Master, he is Bo Qing'ang's child. If we kill him, the Bo family will have an enmity with us, and there will definitely be a lot of trouble." Lin Fan was still very worried about the accident.

"The Bo family? Am I still afraid of them? I already have a mortal enmity, but now it's just adding to the original grudge. It doesn't matter, as long as they come, I'm not afraid at all. "

The man is not afraid of Bo Qingang's eyes at all, and the Bo family doesn't seem to be a big existence to him. He is different from other people in the Chinese mainland. He is not afraid of the Bo family at all, and he doesn't feel it at all. Fear.

at the same time.

Xiao Su'er stayed with this old man named Xiao Wu in the afternoon, first helping her with acupuncture and moxibustion to treat the wound, and then chatting with her all the time, Xiao Wu told Xiao Su'er about her experience.

In fact, it’s a story we often hear: a single mother who has endured hardships has raised a son who is a white-eyed wolf. The son is successful and has a successful career, but he does not recognize his mother, and even beats and kicks her.

However, the old man was trembling all the time when he spoke, and staring at Xiao Su'er with both eyes always made Xiao Su'er feel a little strange. She looks like a 20-year-old girl, which always makes Xiao Su'er uncomfortable.

Especially when she looked over, Xiao Su'er always felt that this look seemed familiar, but she couldn't remember it. She had this feeling since the first time the two met, and now after the two of them spent an afternoon together, this feeling became more and more serious. obvious.

"Old man, I feel like the two of us have met each other for real. Do you have any impression of me?" Xiao Su'er asked the question she asked when they first met. At that time, Xiao Wu was annoyed He said a few words to her.

But this time she looked at Xiao Su'er and said with a smile: "No, I haven't seen you. You asked me last time, but I was beaten up by my son that day. I was really in a bad mood. I'm not angry with you, the old woman apologizes to you here, I'm sorry, little girl."

Xiao Su'er couldn't help but twitch the corners of Xiao Su'er's mouth due to the completely different attitudes before and after, but she couldn't care about this old man who had suffered so many blows, so she could only smile and say: "It doesn't matter, I just think I hit it off with you, and I think seeing you It’s like seeing a friend I’ve known for a long time, it’s a very familiar feeling.”

"I also have this feeling. I always feel that you are very dear, just like my daughter." Xiao Wu held Xiao Su'er's hand and patted it gently, like a grandma who loves her granddaughter.

Xiao Su'er always felt that she was holding her hand, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable, so she could only quietly break away from his hand, "Yes, we two know each other now, this is also a kind of fate, if there is anything in the future If you need my help, just say, old man, I will take you home now."

"No need, no need, I can take a taxi and go home." Xiao Wu hurriedly refused when he heard that Xiao Su'er wanted to take her home.

"Taxi? Then I'll take you to take a taxi. I'll pay you. Otherwise, if your son knows that you spend money, he might argue with you again."

"That's fine." Xiao Wu left the clinic holding Xiao Su'er's hand, and his face collapsed instantly after getting into the car on the side of the road. , The whole hand was clenched into a fist.

Everything she did today successfully brought Xiao Su'er closer to her, and she also won a little bit of Xiao Su'er's trust and sympathy, so she can help her with things in the future.

Thinking of this, she stretched out her hand to touch her wrinkled face, it's really good!I would also like to thank her for her aging face today, making Xiao Su'er not doubt her at all.

Xiao Su'er stood at the door of the clinic and watched the taxi go farther and farther, and returned to the clinic after it disappeared, rubbing her temples with her hands. She only received this patient this afternoon, but she also felt a little headache, so Xiao Su'er Wu's crying seemed to be still echoing in her ears, making her extremely uncomfortable.

"But tomorrow is the weekend, she can have a good rest." Xiao Su'er was still worried about Xiao Wu when she walked out of the clinic with her bag on her back.

I don't know if he will be abused by his son again after returning home, but the old man is also strange, he was beaten like that by his son, but she is not willing to let her go home with him for a few days.

That's how old people are, they give everything for their children, even if they beat them like that, they still don't want to leave.

He is also a mother now, so she can fully understand this feeling. Xiao Su'er thought of the smile on Xiao Wang's mouth, and couldn't hide it, and drove towards the kindergarten.

At this time, Xiao Wang, who was standing at the entrance of the kindergarten, was talking with Bo Qingang on his mobile phone, and the two of them had already made a careful plan.

Tomorrow is just the weekend, Xiao Wang will trick Xiao Su'er into going out of Ang's manor alone, pretending to be casually playing in the street, and attracting his followers, then Bo Qing'ang will catch him again.

But today, the snakes have been stunned, and the two of them are not sure whether they can lure the snakes out of the hole tomorrow. If they can succeed, it means that those people are really courageous to the extreme. They dare to follow him even if they are discovered. .

If they can't, they shouldn't be any great people, so they don't have to worry too much.

However, this plan of the two of them was completely hidden from Xiao Su'er, and she couldn't let her know, otherwise she would definitely be very worried, and would not agree with Xiao Wang using herself as a bait to lure those people out.

"Okay, Dad, I understand. I will call you tomorrow when I leave the house. Mom has come to pick me up. I will hang up first." Xiao Wang saw Xiao Su'er's car parked at the gate of the kindergarten, hung up the phone and ran to the school. forward.

(End of this chapter)

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