Chapter 975 Call for help
Chapter 975 Call for help
This sentence seems to have wings, flying from her ears to her heart, making her quiet a lot. Such a fortunate sentence seems to be telling the comfort of the rest of her life after the catastrophe. It turned out that Bo Shao would also be afraid .

Xiao Su'er leaned in his arms and remembered that when she saw the photo of him and Xiao Mengqiu together on the hot search five years ago, it should be somewhat similar to the feeling he had just now. Can Bo Qing'ang feel the same way?
Bo Qingang still held her tightly for several minutes before relaxing a little bit, looking down at Xiao Su'er in her arms and ordering her as if declaring her sovereignty, "Don't get too close to Chi Si'ang in the future. , stay away from him, he has bad intentions for you!

"So what? Do you have good intentions again?" Xiao Su'er raised her head and asked him back, the two of them looked at each other like water and fire blending in their eyes, Bo Qingang was a hot and intense flame, Xiao Su'er was ice at sub-zero temperature.

After being touched for a moment just now, she returned to her senses, and Xiao Su'er also recovered her original mind. She knew that this was not going to work, and she didn't understand why Bo Qingang's simple words would always affect her mood and even make her lose her mind. If you are sane, it is easy to be moved by his words.

She wanted to say that she was too worthless, did Bo Qingang have such a strong attraction to her?She can't control herself all the time, and only by being more icy in her language, can her mind stop running away from home, and she can know what she should say and do, instead of being so simply moved.

Have you forgotten everything that happened five years ago?Since you can't forget, why should you be moved so easily?

"Su'er, you..."

"Okay! I don't know why you come to pester me every day, Young Master Bo! Don't you have anything to do? Don't you worry about working carelessly like you, and the company will be defeated by you someday? Now, let me see how you could afford to support a group of people under you at that time!"

Xiao Su'er pushed him away forcefully, turned around and walked to the side, Bo Qingang followed her in two steps and stopped in front of her, and said displeasedly: "What? I just heard me tell you to keep a distance from Chi Si'ang, that's the attitude? Do you have a crush on him? Do you still like him a little bit? "

Bo Qingang was jealous, a strong sour smell spread from his side, Xiao Su'er who was not struggling in his arms just now was so obedient, he thought Xiao Su'er felt his sincerity and wanted to forgive him.

But I didn't expect to change my face in a blink of an eye. This is a bit more powerful than the face change in Sichuan opera. It can only be because of what he said. The last sentence he said was related to Chi Siang, so Xiao Su'er was because of it. Why did Chi Siang have such a sharp turn towards him?

He just said that Chi Siang had bad intentions for her, and her attitude changed so quickly, so it means that she still has a good impression of Chi Siang, why can't someone say something bad about him?
Thinking of this, his complexion became worse and worse, from the blue and black just now to red with anger, from the neck all the way to the ears.

"Don't talk to me like you're interrogating a prisoner. I'm not obliged to answer your questions, nor to help you solve your doubts, Mr. Bo! Please find out who you are at this moment, you have nothing to do with me anymore .”

Xiao Su'er turned around and left quickly, Bo Qingang stood there dumbfounded, he didn't know how to face Xiao Su'er at all, she didn't listen to his explanation, she didn't listen to his words, she didn't even want to see his face, what could she do ?If things go on like this, it is estimated that they will never be able to get back together for the rest of their lives.

There is also that Chi Siang, who looks determined to chase Xiao Su'er, and is not afraid of facing him with his fierce offensive every day. The most important thing is that Xiao Su'er seems to have some affection for him.

If Xiao Su'er is with other people in the future, what should he do?Bo Qingang didn't dare to imagine the picture of Xiao Su'er with other people at all. If he really saw other men holding his beloved woman by the hand, he didn't know what kind of crazy things he would do, maybe he would kill someone at that time I have my heart.

Xiao Su'er quickly ran back to the car, and after closing the door, she collapsed, leaning against the door, thinking about the scene just now, her whole face wrinkled together.

"Bo Qingang, you are the doom of my life, no matter how I feel, I can't escape, and I can't hide from you." Xiao Su'er couldn't help muttering to herself.

In the next few days, Xiao Su'er's life became a little quieter, and Chi Si'ang also stopped going to the clinic strangely. Although the flowers still kept coming every day, they were sent to the clinic by someone. He didn't come in person, and Bo Qingang also busy with his own business.

Xiao Su'er has a lot of leisure after going to and from get off work every day, and the nurses in the clinic are no longer chattering all day long.

But her life seems to be too leisurely, even the front desk felt a little strange, ran to the side of the consultation desk and asked, "Dr. Didn't come to you either, has she completely cured her minor ailments with you?"

Xiao Su'er shook her head in confusion, "I don't know why she didn't come, but she still has some problems that haven't been rectified, and I don't dare to give her the medicine, for fear that her unfilial son will see her when she takes it home. She was not even allowed to take medicine.

It was agreed before that she would often come to the clinic, and I boiled the medicine for her to drink. You see, these are all medicines I boiled at home, but she didn't come. "

While Xiao Su'er was speaking, she took out a lot of medicines from the drawer of the consultation table. These were boiled and put into packages in a special way, sealed like pure milk, but during this time , that old lady named Xiao Wu didn't come over either, and these medicines can only be kept here temporarily.

Although Xiao Su'er can be preserved for a few days with a special method, it is about to expire and cannot be eaten.

"It's strange. There were so many people who came to see you a few days ago. We can also admire the top handsome guy. These two days, the handsome guy didn't come, and even the grandma didn't come. We are not used to it." The receptionist poked the traditional Chinese medicine that Xiao Su'er brought with his hand, then turned around and returned to his seat strangely.

When Xiao Su'er was wondering, the mobile phone that was put aside rang, she picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, she hesitated for a while and then picked up, unexpectedly there was a crying sound coming from the phone, crying so sadly , with horror.

"Doctor Xiao, help me! Come and save me, I'm about to be beaten to death by him! Come and help me!"

(End of this chapter)

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