Chapter 981 Lost Soul
Chapter 981 Lost Soul
"Su'er, you don't want to, it's all Xiao Mengqiu's fault, she lured you here, you are kind!" Xia Xiaonan wanted to comfort her, but Xiao Su'er suddenly collapsed and shouted when she heard the words Xiao Mengqiu.

"Ah! Why am I so stupid, I have been with her for so long, and I didn't realize that she is Xiao Mengqiu, and I let her lure me here to kill Bo Qingang. How can I be so stupid!"

She was emotionally broken. This is Xiao Su'er that Xia Xiaonan has never seen before. The two have known each other for so long. In her heart, Xiao Su'er has always been very strong and independent, even in the explosion five years ago. , and didn't make her collapse like this, this time Bo Qing'ang's death really hit her too hard.

"Su'er! It's okay, it's okay, people can't be resurrected after death, what you have to do is mourn, raise Xiao Wang well, don't let him lose his father, and now he loses his mother, look at your hand, Chinese medicine doctor Feeling the pulse depends on the feel, do you want to ruin your career?"

Xia Xiaonan hugged Xiao Su'er who was roaring wildly, trying to calm her down, seeing her bloody hand, the people around her felt a little heartbroken.

"I, I..." Xiao Su'er looked at her, said a word but suddenly passed out, her whole body was limp in Xia Xiaonan's arms, her bloody hand was still dripping blood on the ground.

"Su'er, Su'er!" Xia Xiaonan hugged her and shook her, seeing that she didn't respond, panicked instantly, and everyone sent her to the hospital together.

Xiao Su'er stayed in the hospital for the next three days, but she remained silent without saying a word, sitting on the bed like a puppet whose soul had been taken out, her eyes glazed over, her hands wrapped in bandages.

Fortunately, they went there in time, and fortunately Xiao Suer's body has been weak these two days, and she lost her strength after digging for a while. If she continues to dig, her entire hands will be useless, and now she will have to rest for half a month to fully recover .

But she didn't seem to be in pain. The nurse came to change her dressing every day, and untied the bandages layer by layer. The bandages were connected with blood, and it was as if they wanted to tear off a piece of flesh. There was no response, no cry of pain.

When she was digging rocks like crazy, she didn't realize how scared she was, how worried that Bo Qing'ang would leave her, and it wasn't until that moment that she saw her heart clearly.

She will never forget Bo Qing'ang, even after five years, the weight of Bo Qing'ang in her heart has not lightened at all.

The stinging and harsh words in those days were all because she was looking for a sense of existence. Five years ago, Bo Qingang saved Xiao Mengqiu but did not save her, and asking her to kill the child was all events that made her angry. The root of all this was because Love him, because love to the bone can not tolerate his betrayal.

She also doesn't want to see him with other women. When Bo Qingang doesn't come to find her, she is actually very depressed in her heart. She hopes that Bo Qingang will come to her. When Qing Ang came to her again and again, she was also very happy in her heart.

Now she can no longer say those cruel words, and no one will tolerate her again and again, come to her and say that she will never give up, and no one will push her out of the door when life and death are at stake, and she will be buried in the sea of ​​fire.

She lost someone who loved her so much, and she didn't forgive Bo Qingang before he died. She was too much. Letting Bo Qingang leave this world with regrets is the worst thing she has done in her life. The most regrettable thing.

"Sister, let's go home! Mengbao is still waiting for you at home. I dare not let him come to the hospital for the past two days. Now that your condition has stabilized, we can go home. Dad and I can help you at home To change the medicine, you must not be resting well in the hospital, so go back and spend more time with Mengbao, okay?"

Xiao Yuhan tried to communicate with Xiao Su'er while packing up the things to be discharged from the hospital, but Xiao Su'er still sat on the bed in a daze and ignored him, as if she didn't hear what he said at all.

"Sister, did you hear me? Just pay me a little attention!" Xiao Yuhan sat by the bed and looked at her.

For three whole days, she would only mechanically open her mouth to eat when someone else fed her food, walk to the toilet mechanically when she wanted to go to the toilet, and sit on the bed in a daze for the rest of the time, completely devoid of energy, it was so annoying to watch. People are distressed.

Xiao Yuhan looked at her with such a deep sigh, "Oh... forget it, if you don't want to say it, forget it, let's go home, let's go!"

He took Xiao Su'er home, and Xiao Su'er sat in the car like a robot along the way, and after returning home, she walked back to the living room step by step with Xiao Yuhan holding her hand, sitting on the sofa also looked like a hospital In the same state as before, even if Xiao Wang ran up to hug her, there was no reaction.

"Mom, you're finally back. I haven't seen you for many days. Hey, what happened to your hand?" Xiao Wang hugged Xiao Su'er's leg and saw her bandaged hand.

Xiao Wang waited for a while but didn't hear Xiao Su'er's answer, and looked up at her strangely, "but he saw Xiao Su'er's dull eyes, and he became anxious for a moment, hugging Xiao Su'er's leg, "Mom, what's wrong with you?" ?Just talk to me, what happened to you? "

"Mengbao, don't worry! Mom is just sick, and she's been in a bad mood for the past two days. Let her take a rest first, okay? Go and play by yourself."

Xiao Yuhan looked at Xiao Wang worried and touched his head to comfort him, Xiao Wang turned to look at him, "Is mom really okay? Why didn't you come back these days? Is it because of injury? Uncle! Mom's hand what's going on?"

"Your mother's hand is injured, but it's fine. It's already bandaged. There will be uncle and grandpa taking care of it at home. Nothing will happen to you. Don't worry." Xiao Yuhan looked at Xiao Wang's worried look, and leaned over to take care of him. Pick it up and carry it directly into the room.

"Uncle, is Mom really okay? I saw the photos on the Internet." Xiao Wang turned on the computer and quickly operated, and found the photos he saved from the computer. It was Xiao Su'er lying on the ruins and pulling stones. It was photographed by onlookers.

When Xiao Yuhan saw this photo, he cursed inwardly for making a mistake!Actually ignoring the reports on the Internet, such a big bombing case will definitely be on the top of the list.

"The reports on the Internet say that the family members of the deceased lost control of their emotions and turned over rocks with bare hands at the ruins. What happened? What family members of the deceased? Who died?" Xiao Wang questioned his soul. When he saw the photo He suspected that Bo Qingang had died, but he couldn't find any clues on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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