Chapter 983 Reincarnation
Chapter 983 Reincarnation
Xiao Su'er kept such a posture, squatting on the ground until she felt cold all over, her blood was congealed, and her legs became sore and numb, but she was still unwilling to move, as if she had been petrified there.

Xiao Shuo opened the door and walked into her room in the morning, wanting to see how she was doing, but saw Xiao Su'er who was crouching by the window and huddled into a ball, immediately stepped forward anxiously, and asked with concern: "Su'er, what's wrong with you?" ? Why are you squatting here?"

Xiao Shuo's hand touched her shoulder, and found that it was as cold as a stone. He immediately helped Xiao Su'er to the bed with distress. She still looked like she had lost her soul a few days ago, and now her face was even paler, as if Had a serious illness.

"Su'er, you have to cheer up, Mengbao has asked me many times about your situation, I don't know how to tell him, he is still young, he is not yet five years old, you have to let a child bear so much alone Are you willing? "

Xiao Shuo felt distressed seeing his daughter like this, but there was nothing he could do. He knew what it was like to be separated from his beloved forever. He and Ang Qingqiu separated back then, and Ang Qingqiu should feel as uncomfortable as his daughter.

It was only after 20 years that he found out that the news of Ang Qingqiu's death was also a tragic blow. After so many years, he still felt the pain, let alone his own daughter.

She and Bo Qing'ang also have a son, Xiao Wang and Bo Qing'ang are almost carved out of the same mold, and when they see Xiao Wang, they will think of Bo Qing'ang even more, how can she pretend that nothing is wrong?

When Xiao Su'er heard his words, she finally reacted for the first time, looked up at him, and begged: "Dad, if I ask you to help me raise the child, would you be willing? Take care of him for me, you are still young, wait for Xiao Wang Let him repay you when he grows up, okay? Let him be filial to you with my share."

What she said made Xiao Shuo feel a sense of danger, and anxiously grabbed her two wrists, "Su'er, how could you have such an idea, you have to take good care of your own child, he wants What I saw was that my grandpa and mother were by my side, not just me."

"But I feel so tired. Now I only have one thought, and that is to go with Bo Qingang. He was trying to save me, and he was blown to pieces just to save me. Do you know? I have been searching for so long No body could be seen, the firefighters said he was blown to pieces, only a little bit of his human flesh could be seen on the broken stones."

Xiao Su'er hugged Xiao Shuo and burst into tears, and finally cried out all the grievances that had been suffocating in her heart these days. She wanted to yell, but she had no strength left. When the firefighter said that Bo Qing'ang was blown to pieces. When I saved it, my mind was blank.

She has not spoken for so many days, thinking back to that sentence repeatedly in her head, she feels that this is the biggest blow in her life, just like the thunder that suddenly appeared in summer in winter, it exploded hard in her head on, blowing her brains to pieces and never thinking again.

Xiao Shuo sighed deeply and patted her on the back to comfort her, "Su'er, cry if you want to cry! You will feel comfortable when you cry, let your tears accompany Bo Qingang, he will listen If you regret it in your heart, don't be so sad anymore, and take good care of Xiao Wang."

"He is the crystallization of love between you and Bo Qingang. You have missed so much, and now you are starting to regret it, so don't do another thing that will make you regret it. If you don't take good care of Xiao Wang now, you will lose everything in the future." Absolutely will regret it."

"Dad, but now when I see Xiao Wang, I think of Bo Qingang. The two of them look so much alike, they are like his miniature version. I seem to see Bo Qingang when I was a child. I can't help it. I see When I see him, I will think of the scene in the fire, and I can only avoid him.

"I know he is still young, and I can't let him face such a tragic thing. I can only escape. Maybe I will go with Bo Qingang and all this pain will end. I don't want to live in such pain in the world anymore. Dad! Can you take good care of Xiao Wang for me? I believe you will be able to take good care of him."

Xiao Su'er seemed determined to chase Bo Qingang away. After speaking, she turned over from the bed and ran towards the window. Xiao Shuo immediately grabbed her, "What are you doing? Are you crazy? Are you Want to jump off a building?"

"Maybe if I jump from here, I can get the same result as Bo Qing'ang. He was blown to nothing. If I jump from here, I'll probably lose my head! As if I'm giving him back, I can't let him go to hell alone in such a miserable state because of me."

"You said that if another world really existed, would he be bullied in another world? In that world, there is no Bo family, no Bo young, only those who went to the same miserable place. Will he be bullied by them?"

Xiao Su'er has been having all kinds of nightmares these days, even when she is awake during the day, she is thinking wildly. She has built a hell in her heart, and those people that Bo Qingang has dealt with before using the power of the Bo family will all be in the hell. Waiting for him, there will be hordes of evil spirits attacking him together, and Bao Qing'ang's life in the underworld must be very difficult.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. He should go to heaven instead of hell. Bo Qingang is a good person. He will not harm those people casually. All the people he has dealt with have bad ideas in their hearts. Did you ever see him go kill the good guys?"

Xiao Shuo didn't expect his daughter to think so exaggeratedly, no wonder she has been having trouble sleeping and eating these few days, probably already thinking about what Bo Qingang will be reincarnated into in her next life.I can't let her think about it like this anymore.

"But I just can't stop thinking about it, Dad! When you said that his life was a tragic death, what will he be like in his next life? Will he be born as a disfigured person? Now Today's society has such high requirements on appearance, and those people with birthmarks are despised by others, will he look like this?"

"Should I go to the temple to recite scriptures or pray, so that he can live a little better in his next life and not be affected by death in this life?"

Sure enough, it was exactly as Xiao Shuo guessed, Xiao Su'er had already thought of it to such an extent.

"Su'er, look at me!" Xiao Shuo knew that this was not going to work, so he pressed Xiao Su'er's shoulder to let her look at him, Xiao Su'er raised her head with tears in her eyes, but smelled a puff of smoke, and immediately passed out...

(End of this chapter)

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