Chapter 985 Tit for Tat

Chapter 985 Tit for Tat

"We are all girls? Who are you asking for? Whose favorite boy has passed away?" Bai Qingyue was a little dazed, not understanding what he was asking. It is too serious to leave this world. She also has very little experience in love, and she hasn't even had a formal talk about love, so how would she know what to do when her beloved boy dies.

"Such big news, haven't you been notified yet? Aren't the Bai family and the Bo family connected? We have all been notified by the Bo family, and you still don't know anything?" Xiao Yuhan was a little helpless, and Bo Qing Although the news of Ang's death has not been announced to the whole city, the Bo family is already preparing for the funeral, and some members of the first-class family should have received the obituary.

"What kind of people from the Bo family, there are no other girls around you, you say..."

Bai Qingyue seemed to realize something, she covered her mouth and almost cried out in surprise, she immediately took out the mobile phone in her bag, and sure enough, she saw the message sent to her by someone from the Bai family that she was going to Bo's house this Friday Attend the funeral of Bo Qingang,
She froze with fright, with an unbelievable look, "I've been busy preparing for charity these days, I've already raised enough donations to build a school, and I didn't pay attention to my family sending me I didn't expect such a big thing to happen, so how is your sister now?"

"I did hear that there was a bombing, but I didn't expect that it was Bo Qing'ang who died in the bombing. What's going on?"

When the two were talking, Xiao Yuhan had already carried her to the infirmary. When the doctor in the infirmary treated her wound, the two of them naturally shut their mouths and did not discuss this matter.

But after the doctor finished treating the wound, Bai Qingyue asked anxiously, "What's going on? Tell me! Tell me about your sister's current state. Although I didn't get along with her before, now we both Doing charity together can be regarded as friends.”

"I can go to your house to see her. You are right. We are both girls. I am more thoughtful than your girl. I can go to your house to persuade her. Maybe it can make her feel very comforted. People can come out of the shadows."

Xiao Yuhan knew that when asking for help, he always had to tell the cause and effect, so he told Bai Qingyue all about Xiao Mengqiu tricking Xiao Su'er over there that day and the whole explosion.

After Bai Qingyue heard this, her entire face changed, "What? Xiao Mengqiu? I haven't seen her in the past few years, and I thought she had gone abroad. I didn't expect her to stay here and do such disgusting things. unacceptable.

Alas... But she was also rewarded for her evil, and she herself died in the bombing. "

After she heard it, she felt very angry. She felt that the sister Xiao Mengqiu she knew since she was a child seemed to be unknown to her. In the past two years, everyone has changed, including herself, but she has become mature and sensible. Why did Xiao Mengqiu become more and more ruthless?

Things are different, and all these things are developing in unexpected directions. Xiao Mengqiu thinks that Bo Qingang has passed away, and always feels a little strange in her heart, but it must be a different emotion from Xiao Su'er, although She once had a crush on Bo Qingang, but that was just the young girl's admiration for the strong, not that kind of passionate feeling.

Five years ago, Xiao Su'er and Bo Qing'ang were in such a passionate relationship. Everyone knew about it, and they had been on so many hot searches. Thinking about it, they knew how much Xiao Su'er liked him.

She must be heartbroken right now!Bai Qingyue suddenly felt sorry for Xiao Su'er, and grabbed Xiao Yuhan's hand in desperation.

"I'll go to your house today. I'll go see your sister. Let me comfort her. I'm a girl. I know what to say to make her feel better. But don't worry too much. Let her immediately Just look at it, it must be impossible, everyone has a buffer period, she didn't do something stupid, right?"

"I didn't do the stupid thing, but I'm already thinking about it. I started talking nonsense this morning. I'm worried that she will have mental problems. I want to ask a psychiatrist to see him, but seeing her like that, I think she will be very resistant. , if you know her, help me to see her! Thank you very much."

"Needless to say thank you, she is also my friend, I will go and see her." Bai Qingyue smiled comfortingly at Xiao Yuhan, she only realized that there are many things that money cannot solve when she grows up.

For example, she feels very helpless now. This is the first time in her life that such a thing has happened. She has never been in contact with death at this age, and no one around her has ever encountered misfortune. kind of shock.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The injury on Rong Linger's hand has already healed, even if she deliberately made it more serious, she will be fully recovered. She watched the bandage wrapped around her hand and walked towards the infirmary, secretly rolled her eyes in her heart, and intentionally put the wound on her hand. The wound was made like this, just to make Xiao Yuhan care about her more.

Unexpectedly, every time Xiao Yuhan said to reassure her, her wound would definitely heal in two days.

"Professors in the medical school are really extraordinary. They can't be fooled casually. They won't use such tricks next time. It won't do any good to get themselves covered in bruises."

Rong Ling'er mumbled as she walked into the infirmary, but she didn't expect to see Bai Qingyue sitting on the bed in the infirmary, with her feet wrapped in bandages, and most importantly, her hand was still holding onto Xiao Yuhan. hands.

"Professor Xiao, Qingyue, why are you two here?" Rong Ling'er was extremely shocked when she saw the two of them, she didn't expect them to reconcile again, and they still seemed so close.

"I accidentally hit her with my car just now. I sent her to the infirmary to have a look. Fortunately, it's not serious. What are you doing in the infirmary?" Xiao Yuhan answered her question.

Rong Ling'er walked to her side with a forced smile, "Really? Qingyue, are you sure that only your foot is injured? Are there any other injuries? How is your hand? If it is serious, go to the hospital!"

When she was talking, her eyes were fixed on Bai Qingyue holding Xiao Yuhan's hand. Bai Qingyue also felt her gaze, let go of her hand immediately, and replied coldly: "I'm fine, it's just a scratch. It's just a little skin, and it's healed now, what are you doing here, are you here to change the medicine?"

"That's right, the hand I accidentally injured when I was talking to you last time has completely healed now, Qingyue, you don't have to worry about it, now I have to worry about your feet. Professor Xiao definitely didn't mean to hurt you , you won’t be angry with him, will you? You two seem to have reconciled, thank God, fortunately, you didn’t quarrel about me, I’m so happy!”

(End of this chapter)

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