Chapter 988 is not the time
Chapter 988 is not the time
Bai Qingyue didn't know how to react, seeing Xiao Su'er's madness, she could only leave her room and sighed deeply outside the door, "Oh... I thought I could really say a few words Just let her calm down, I didn't expect it to be impossible."

As she spoke, she limped down the stairs with some helplessness. Xiao Yuhan and Xiao Shuo had already returned to the manor, and they were sitting in the living room with Xiao Wang and chatting.

Seeing her coming out, the three of them stared at her expectantly and asked, "How is it? Does she listen to your advice?"

Bai Qingyue shook her head helplessly, "No, she still resists me very much, I dare not stay in the room anymore, for fear that the stimulation will make Su'er more emotional, so I can only come out."

"It can't be helped. We have persuaded her for so many days and she didn't listen. How could it be possible for you to persuade her? Sigh..." Xiao Yuhan could only sigh deeply.

"I'm sorry, I originally wanted to help, but I didn't expect to be able to help anything." Bai Qingyue went downstairs holding the handrail of the stairs.

"It's none of your business. Don't apologize. It should be us thanking you. You are willing to come and help when you are injured." Xiao Shuo immediately shook his head at her, his expression full of deep sorrow.

"Then I'll go first. It seems impossible to say anything to Su'er today. She will definitely not want to listen. I'll go first! Come see her another day."

Bai Qingyue's face was full of apology, Xiao Yuhan's current state is not good to keep many guests at home, so he can only send her to the door and let her leave.

Xiao Su'er was lying on the bed. In fact, although the pain in her heart has not been relieved in the past few days, she still has a trace of reason telling her that she must not do this again. Seeing that Xiao Wang is so worried about her, she also will be sad.

What Bai Qingyue said today was what Xiao Shuo and the others had said countless times, but it seemed that there were some voices in Xiao Su'er's heart, and she knew that she should not go on like this.

She turned her head and looked out of the window, and now there were stars, she walked to the window and looked at the sky full of stars and muttered to herself, "Bo Qingang, is it true that as Bai Qingyue said, I stared at the sky? Can you hear the stars speak?
The old man said that the stars in the sky are changed by the dead. Can you hear what I said?I forgive you, can I be completely relieved after saying this sentence? "

When Xiao Su'er spoke, tears fell down her face again, and the scene when she saw Bo Qing'ang and Xiao Wang getting along before her eyes appeared, Bo Qing'ang liked Xiao Wang so much, it was his child, it was his blood Continuing, Xiao Wang has his shadow on his face, he must hope to take good care of his children.

She looked up at the stars in the sky, it was rare bright, much brighter than last night, could it be that Bo Qingang really heard her words?
Xiao Su'er stretched out her hand to touch the nothingness in the night sky, as if she really touched the stars in her eyes, she said lightly to the night sky, "Bo Qingang, can you give me a hint as to what I should do?" ? Can you tell me?"

Perhaps Bo Qingang in the sky really heard Xiao Su'er's request. She had a strange dream that night, which was different from the dreams of the past few days. It was no longer sad and painful, and it was no longer repeated explosions. look.

She dreamed of Bo Qingang, and Bo Qingang made her wake up and stop indulging in this pain, to see their children, Xiao Wang is very confused now, more painful than her, he has lost his father, can't Losing my mother again.

"But it must be very painful for you to be there alone. I can accompany you. My father and my younger brother can take good care of Mengbao. He will have a good life. I just want to accompany you. ..."

Xiao Su'er touched Bo Qing'ang's face, she seemed to have finished crying, her eyes were only red, but no liquid fell from her eyes.

"But he needs his mother. I've already missed so much time, and I won't have the chance to be with him anymore. Don't make Xiao Wang sad, and stay with our two children well."

Bo Qingang always said these words, Xiao Su'er bit her lip and looked at Bo Qingang in front of her, as if it was made up of a puff of smoke, very illusory!People can't figure it out, even when Xiao Su'er touches his face, it feels like touching a puff of smoke, which is unreal.

"But I want to accompany you." Xiao Su'er always said the same thing, just like Bo Qing'ang, both of them were repeating what they wanted to say.

"No, you have to cheer up, you have to take good care of Xiao Wang, you promise me, promise me!" Bo Qingang was a little angry when she saw that she kept saying this, and shook Xiao Su'er's shoulders, forcing her to promise herself .

"I, I don't know what's going to happen! I don't know!" Xiao Su'er screamed and sat up from the bed, her chest was unsteady, it was already broad daylight, she had a dream all night, she didn't rest well at all, her head Bo Qingang's voice in the dream echoed inside, telling her to take good care of Xiao Wang.

Xiao Su'er looked at the gauze on her hand, the injury on her hand had already healed in the past two days, Xiao Shuo's special medicine was much better than the medicine in the hospital.

She opened her mouth to bite the gauze wrapped around her hands, and untied all the gauze wrapped around her hands, and there were still faint scars on her hands.

"The hand has recovered, so should my heart also recover?" Xiao Su'er touched the position of the heart and exhaled deeply, and got out of bed.

She has locked herself in her room for the past few days. Although outsiders can come in, she has never listened carefully to what they said. She should go out and have a look after she has locked herself up for so long.

Under the starry sky yesterday, she said that she hoped that Bo Qingang could tell her what to do, but she had such a dream at night. This should be the guidance Bo Qingang gave her, telling her what decision she should make next.

Since this is the case, she should be more awake, Xiao Su'er thought so, opened the door and stood in the corridor on the second floor, she could hear the conversation between Xiao Shuo and Xiao Yuhan on the first floor.

Holding the computer in his hand, Xiao Yuhan was looking at something and discussing with Xiao Wang next to him, "Why don't I delete this email from my sister?"

"It must be deleted. If Su'er can't see it, she will be even more sad. Let's do this! You send this email to me first, then delete it, and we will tell you at a later time She, anyway, can't let her see right now." Xiao Shuo asked him to delete it almost without thinking.

"Okay, then I'll delete it, now is not the time, and it's good for my sister to delete it." Xiao Yuhan moved the mouse while talking.

(End of this chapter)

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