Chapter 990 Revenge
Chapter 990 Revenge
However, these doubts are insignificant compared to her current pain. Xiao Su'er felt that her heart, which had just healed a little, began to ache again. She couldn't breathe due to the pain all over her body. She stepped back two feet from the position where she covered her heart. Stepping forward, pointing at the mail with trembling hands.

"Blood Gu, I actually lost to the things of Ghost Doctor Valley. I blamed Bo Qingang so much back then. After returning to the Huaxia Mainland, he wanted me to explain countless times, but I pushed him back. I don't want to hear it. He explained that he thought he was quibbling, and I only believed what I saw."

"But I forget that seeing is not necessarily believing. All of this is Xiao Mengqiu's conspiracy. She has been trying to separate us five years ago."

Xiao Su'er's voice was trembling at the end of her speech, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to her. She finally persuaded herself to get out of the shadows, and even persuaded herself because of Bo Qing'ang in her dream, saying that this is Bo Qingang hinted to her that he was dreaming of himself, but now she saw this email and she realized how wrong she was.

She just fell to the ground, completely lifeless, how stupid she was, she didn't know how foolish she was, letting others play with her in the applause, if Xiao Mengqiu hadn't told her all these things before she died, she would have How long will it take to wake up?

She was actually still thinking in her heart that every time Bo Qing'ang saved her desperately, he wanted to make up for his mistakes at the beginning, and he must be asking himself to forgive.

It turned out that all of this ran counter to what she thought, and Bo Qingang was not wrong at all, he didn't need to ask himself for forgiveness, when he had endured so much by himself, he was questioning him every day what was the relationship with Xiao Mengqiu.

He must also be very distressed, and he has to find a solution to the blood gu everywhere. He is so well protected by him, but he still doesn't believe him, questioning the relationship between the two of them time and time again.

"Ah!" Xiao Su'er yelled in pain, she squatted on the ground and clutched her chest and curled up into a ball. Her heart is now several times more painful than when she knew that Bo Qingang had passed away. She wrongly blamed Bo Qingang A whole five years!
Five years, more than 1000 days and nights, she was accompanied by Xiao Wang overseas, and she had a family!But Bo Qing'ang was alone, and he had been looking for her for five years. Finally, he found the Ang's family overseas, but was given to the male lead by his grandfather, and even threatened him not to appear around the Ang's family again.

How did he survive these more than 1000 days?How did I harm him?
"Sister, we don't want you to read it, just to avoid making you more miserable, and you can see that Xiao Mengqiu sent this email just to make you feel bad, to make you blame yourself and feel guilty, you can't let your dear Whoever hurts the enemy is quick."

Seeing Xiao Su'er's appearance, Xiao Yuhan felt a little distressed, and walked to her side to help her up, but Xiao Su'er opened his hand.

"She did it, she succeeded! Yes! She was right, and I blamed myself to death. Xiao Mengqiu wanted to take revenge on me from the day she met me. After five years, she finally succeeded.

Xiao Su'er felt her eyes hurt a little, she could feel hot tears coming from the sockets of her eyes, but she couldn't tell whether it was tears or blood, because when she was crying, she felt a tingling sensation in her pupils, which was extremely painful.

Xiao Mengqiu really succeeded. Today, five years later, she used this trick to defeat Xiao Su'er in one blow. All her pride fell apart after reading this email. How many things did she do wrong to let her Bo Qingang endured so much pain.

Xiao Wang ran out of the room, saw Xiao Su'er like this and immediately ran over to hug her, "What's wrong with mom? Don't cry, don't be sad, I will be with you. Dad told me before that I want to be a The little man will protect you, I will remember what my father said, and I will definitely protect my mother."

"The person who hurt your father the most is me, Mengbao! Mom is sorry for your father, so I should go and accompany him." Xiao Su'er had the idea of ​​suicide again.

Xiao Yuhan immediately pressed her shoulder, "Sister, cheer up, why do you have to have such an idea? Don't you think it's strange? Think about why Xiao Mengqiu knows that you can predict the future, and how can you know The person who came to rescue you in the end was Bo Qingang?

These things are very unscientific. He must have accomplices. You have to find him out to avenge Bo Qingang. You can't let them get away with it. "

His words successfully calmed Xiao Su'er down, she stared in the direction of the computer dully with tears on her face, the email was still on the screen, and she could clearly see every word on it.

She looked at the email for a long time before she got up from the ground and became expressionless. He was no longer screaming hysterically, nor was he thinking of dying. Instead, he stretched out his hand and calmly wiped away the tears from his eyes.

"I know, I really can't let the relatives hurt the enemies, I will go back to the room to rest, I have been dreaming these two days, I will take a medicine and sleep well, the day after tomorrow is Bo Qingang's funeral, I am going Attend."



Xiao Shuo and Xiao Yuhan called her at the same time, they didn't want her to go to Bo Qingang's funeral, it would just bring up her sadness.

"Don't try to persuade me. I must go. Bo Qing'ang died to save me. How could I not go to his funeral? Even the Bo family can blame me as much as they want. I'm just going."

Xiao Su'er seemed to calm down instantly, her face was full of determination, even a little frosty, and she walked back to the room step by step.

Xiao Yuhan became even more worried when he saw him like this. He felt that it was normal for Xiao Suer to break down and yell or even scream. Although she worried them a lot in that situation, at least she wouldn't make him feel scared. Looking at it now Seeing Xiao Su'er's calm appearance, he felt a layer of cold sweat on his back.

"Sister is over-stimulated, right? Otherwise, let's go to his room and take a look. I'll just call and ask Xia Xiaonan to sleep with my sister today."

Xiao Yuhan was extremely worried, for fear that Xiao Su'er would jump off the stairs in the middle of the night if she couldn't figure it out?Although it may not be fatal on the second floor, it is also painful to be disabled.

"No! She said she was going to Bo Qing'ang's funeral. She definitely didn't mean it for fun. At least before the funeral, we can rest assured that she will never do anything stupid."

But Xiao Shuo saw his own children very clearly, knowing which of her words was true and which was false.

"That's good." Xiao Yuhan felt relieved a lot after listening to Xiao Shuo's words, at least for the past two days.

(End of this chapter)

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