Chapter 992 Revenge

Chapter 992 Revenge

"I want to know how you have lived in the past five years? If possible, can you come to me in your dream like that night? We got married in my dream and made up for the missed time in the past five years. What do you think?"

Xiao Su'er actually just knelt in front of Bo Qingang's photo, and chatted with him as if no one else was there. Everyone looked at her with mixed expressions, with distressed and disdainful ones, and even those who wanted to accuse her because of their age. At this moment, she folded her hands and looked at Xiao Su'er's displeasure.

The people around can only occasionally hear a few words in Xiao Su'er's sentence, and they don't know what she is talking about with Bai Qing'er, but seeing a woman wearing a black wedding dress come here, they can even make up a love story in their brains. Here comes the novel.

Xiao Su'er had been on many hot searches because of her love affair with Bo Qing'ang before. They were in love with each other vigorously. Everyone thought that the incident between Bo Qing'ang and Xiao Mengqiu five years ago had offended Xiao Su'er, so she faked her death and left him. In five years, he suddenly woke up and looked for her everywhere.

The two finally reconciled, but Bo Qingang had an accident and separated forever. Xiao Su'er had to wear a wedding dress to marry him at the funeral. It was really sad and infuriating. Such a love story moved everyone.

Several girls from Bo's family started wiping tears beside them.

"Isn't this a plot that can only be seen in novels? I actually saw it with my own eyes today, which made me feel so uncomfortable."

"That's right. This Xiao Su'er is really dedicated. I guess she must be saying how much she loves Bo Qingang."

"By the way, we haven't met this cousin a few times, but we actually saw such a touching scene at his funeral. Sigh... I don't know what to say."

Xiao Su'er could hear their sighs, and felt even more pain in her heart. She was not expressing love at all, but expressing regret, and she was so regretful that her intestines were almost green.

"Bo Qingang, don't worry, I will avenge you, I will not let you die in vain, and I will make those who have hurt you pay the price one by one!
As for Mengbao, you don’t have to worry, I will definitely raise him well, he is the continuation of your blood, seeing him, I feel like seeing you, I will make him as powerful as you. "

Xiao Su'er stood up after saying these words, and bowed solemnly three times towards Bo Qing'ang's photo before turning and leaving.

After she said something like this, she walked away without hesitation, making everyone who attended the funeral feel neglected, especially the elders of the Bo family who saw Mr. Ang leaving with her and yelled at the door.

"What kind of person is this? He doesn't know how to respect elders at all."

"That's right! When we arrived at our house, he actually greeted us and left without knowing it."

"Forget it, forget it, she's Miss Sun from the Ang family, who dares to provoke her, she's so amazing, don't come to our Bo family."

"There will be no Bo Qingang in the future, we won't see her if she wants to come, hum!"

Xiao Su'er pretended not to hear their cursing words at all. After walking out of the Bo's house with her skirt pulled, she was relieved, as if she had completed some great ceremony.

But in her heart, she has indeed completed a sacred ceremony, that is, her wedding with Bo Qingang, even if there is no male lead, she can still hold this wedding by herself in a black wedding dress, and hold it together with Bo Qingang's funeral.

Grandpa Ang couldn't bear to see his granddaughter acting so strong, so he walked up to her and held her hand, "Su'er, go back overseas with grandpa! Grandpa will find you someone who will never lose to Bo Qingang." people."

He suddenly regretted it a little. Why did he agree to let Xiao Suer come back? She wanted to promote Chinese medicine, so she went to hire a few big names in the Chinese medicine field to set up a Chinese medicine company, and promoted it several times in TV dramas. Chinese medicine will definitely be loved by many people. Seriously, why did you ask her to come back in person, that's it!I may never get out of such a shadow in my life.

His older generation's thinking told him that he could only find someone to replace Bo Qing'ang, someone who was better and more dedicated than him, and Xiao Su'er would definitely come out slowly.

But when he said such words now, he was undoubtedly stabbing Xiao Su'er in the heart, and Xiao Su'er even looked at him with some resentment.

"Grandpa, what nonsense are you talking about? Don't say such things, I've already made up my mind and I'll just take Xiao Wang by myself."

"What did you say? Don't you plan to find another person in this life? Su'er! Grandpa is getting old, and your father can't be with you for the rest of your life. You still have to..."

"Grandpa, I've already made up my mind, you don't need to persuade me anymore, don't worry, I can live well by myself, not to mention I have Mengbao to accompany me."

She knew that Mr. Ang was worried about her life-long affairs, but when she saw that email, she had already thought about it. She wanted to be Bo Qingang's widow and be a widow for her life, and she would treat it as an apology for those five years.

Mr. Ang knew that Xiao Su'er's temper was so stubborn, so he didn't try to persuade her anymore, not to mention that no matter how hard he tried to persuade her now, he would not agree. Introduce a nice guy.

Xiao Su'er turned her head to take a last look at the Ang's family, turned and got into the car, she will never come here again in this life, and Bo Qing'ang actually doesn't have much affection for this place.

This funeral was also because he was Young Master Bo, and the Bo family had to organize it for him, so they chose to stay in the old house of the Bo family.

She and Bo Qingang don't have any memories in this old house, she will hold the memories that belong to the two alone, live in this world, and live with Xiao Wang in this city that once had traces of Bo Qingang.

Meanwhile, on the other side

Chi Siang didn't expect that he would receive a call from Xiao Su'er, at least now when Bo Qing'ang had just passed away, he would definitely not be able to receive a call from Xiao Su'er, so he was a little flattered, he thought that Xiao Su'er would not be overwhelmed with grief at least for a long time I contacted him, but I didn't expect to call him in just one week.

"Su'er, are you okay? I want to go to your house to see you, but I'm worried that you don't want to see me." After connecting the phone, he immediately greeted the phone warmly.

"I'm fine. Are you free recently? I want to treat you to a meal and have a chat with you."

"Of course, you are free to ask me out anytime, anywhere." Chi Siang didn't expect Xiao Su'er to say such a thing today. This is what he has been looking forward to for a long time, but now when he hears Xiao Su'er say it, he feels extremely unreal .

"Okay, then tomorrow, you come to our house tomorrow night, I will host a banquet for you at home, you don't bring other people, we two will eat alone, I will also let my family go out to leave room for the two of us of."

(End of this chapter)

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