Chapter 2

? 2
Going to high school, the happiest thing for You Fuci is to finally get rid of Yu Wenrui's entanglement.

This time, no matter how rich Yu Wenrui's father was, he couldn't get him into the girls' school as his first choice.

Relieved, You Fuci finally breathed freely in the campus without Yu Wenrui, feeling the comfort of freedom.Life is beautiful, life is beautiful, cockroaches and mice leave her living environment.

However, her happiness only lasted for a short week. A week later, Yu Wenrui wandered around the gate of You Fuci's school with her schoolbag on her back.

The school instructor came out to ask him twice, Yu Wenrui's respectful and polite attitude prevented the instructor from making things difficult for him.

Then, when get out of class was over, the handsome sunny boy stood at the gate of the school, it was hard not to let others pay attention to him, a few lively and bold female students approached him, and grabbed him to ask questions. The gate forms a viewing spot.

"You came here to find someone?" the tall slender girl asked.

Oh, handsome, handsome, so handsome, looking at his strong muscles, you can guess that he is an athlete; look at the sunshine on his face, the agent company didn't find him, it was because his eyes were out of the window.

"Yes, I'm waiting for my friend to finish class." Yu Wenrui replied with a smile.

While speaking, white teeth are exposed between the red lips. Do you understand what it means to be charming?

"Your friend can't go home by himself?" Get closer, the man's sweaty smell has turned into sexy on him, idol star, please stand aside if you are okay.

"The law and order near her home is not good, so I will protect her."

Wow, protection, a real man, a hero... He felt that his image became taller under the adoring eyes of a group of girls.

"The law and order near our home is not very good, can we... let's walk together." The brave girl stood out and tugged at his arm, oh, my heart is moving!
"But, I promise others first."

Yu Wenrui lied and didn't make drafts. If You Fuci knew that he was coming, he might have jumped over the wall from the back of the campus and fled home.

"Then, how about we make an appointment tomorrow?" Another girl who had the courage to express herself stood up and invited her.

Yu Wenrui's popularity with women is obvious to all, and he has the ability to turn girls into flies wherever he goes.

Do you know, from the time he was born and lay in the nursery, when he cried, all the girls would revolt and loudly follow him, as long as he slept soundly, no girls would cry, Noisy to him.So, the nurses and aunts knew that as long as he was dealt with, the whole nursery would become a haven of peace.

This characteristic made Yuwen's father fully understand that his son will only be able to become a great man with the support of women in the future.

Assuming that Yu Wenrui is a star, his fans are definitely women; as a businessman, he will definitely make a lot of money selling women’s products; as an athlete, in the stadium blocked by women, he will hear them shouting at the top of his lungs——Yu Wenrui, Yu Wenrui Long live!
About tomorrow?Well, Fu Ci has the eighth class tomorrow, and he only went to the seventh class, Fu Ci's schedule, but he spent a lot of effort and got it through relationships.

"Tomorrow at [-]:[-], I will treat everyone to a hamburger at the McDonald's across the street. Anyone who wants to come can come, and I will be there." He is not partial to anyone, and he is so fair that it makes people scream.

"Okay, okay, see you tomorrow!" A group of girls clapped their hands and cheered excitedly, as if they had won the first prize.

At this moment, You Fuci walked out of the school gate slowly. Although there were many people rushing out, Yu Wenrui had the ability to search for her thousands of times. When he looked back, she was always in the center of his sight.

"My friend is here, see you tomorrow."

With a cool wave, he doesn't take the clouds away, but the clouds surround him and linger for a long time.

You Fuci saw him from a long distance away, and it is a lie to say that he is not eye-catching, a tall man, surrounded by happy happy women SS (happy women are plural, you need to add S, as for adding two S, the reason is There are a large number of people, and multiples are needed to show) This kind of situation, she has seen it hundreds of times in the three years of junior high school, and she does not feel strange at all.

"Hi, how are you doing at your new school?"

He is full of smiles, and the dazzling sunlight shines in. He is the sunny man and she is the dark woman. They are two characters who are obviously incompatible, but he wants to stick to her. The golden light hurts her eyes—dazzling.

If he didn't show up, she would adapt better, Fu Ci didn't reply.

"Our school is good, and the teachers aren't too aggressive. What about you? The first choice teacher, will the grades be higher than the sky?" Yu Wenrui was immune to her response.

"I just hope that this kind of teacher will teach me, so I study hard and get admitted here. Do you have any objections?" Turning a corner, going around into the alley, looking around, there are no classmates, Fu Ci stops abruptly, Turned around and glared at him.

"No... I think life is like this, it's too hard."

She is so fierce, so fierce...beautiful, look at her, her eyes are shining, her cheeks are pink, beautiful women appear in the rivers and lakes, he likes annoying You Fuci.

"I am happy to work hard, I am happy to work hard, I prefer a hard life, okay? Yu Wenrui, not everyone is like you, I just want to play around all day long and live happily ever after.

"I'm different from you. You can lie down and be a vegetable. Anyway, someone will support you for the rest of your life. My life is in my hands. Whether it succeeds or fails depends entirely on what I do." She gave him a serious reprimand.

"You are too serious." Yu Wenrui still had a smile on his face, completely unaware that he was being scolded.

"That's right, I'm serious! I don't understand why you are interested in me who is so serious and boring. Can you please stop wandering around me and interfere with my boring life?"

"I want to help and let you relax, otherwise you are sick, what should you do?"

"Thank you for your kindness. As long as you stop showing up, I promise to keep myself healthy and safe."

He's a scoundrel, and her anger doesn't reach his head.

"I'm worried."

What kind of nonsense, it's his turn to take care of her body?She panted, panted and panted, hoo... If she was really depressed, it must have something to do with the man in front of her.

"You Fuci, I want to hold a junior high school reunion, do you want to join?" Changing the subject, Yu Wenrui led her to talk.

Class reunion?No, it's less than three months after graduation!
"No time." She vetoed.

"My father said that a good interpersonal relationship is more important than a [-]% test."

"That's for you family disciples."

"You are wrong. You should go out, see the outside world, and open your eyes. You will know that it is not worth spending energy on reading. Reading is not the only way in life."

Yu Wenrui has only been in high school for a few days, and Yu Wenrui speaks in an orderly manner. You Fuci doesn't wear glasses, otherwise you will step on broken lenses on the ground.

"I know that reading is not the only way, but it's definitely the right way, at least it's more correct than having parties all day long to socialize." After she finished speaking, she turned around and left.

"Don't go, it's okay if you don't want to hold a class reunion, don't be angry, I'm happy to compromise." He is used to following her, whether she welcomes it or not.

"Do it if you want, don't compromise for me." The speed continued, she roared all the way and walked forward.

His footsteps were much bigger than hers, he took one big step, she stepped on two, trying to catch up with her was a breeze.

"Don't be angry, I'll buy you some ice."


"I invite you to watch a movie."

"No time to."

"What about going to the bookstore? Let's go to the 24-hour Eslite Bookstore." He chased after her to talk, so that You Fuci had to stop and turned to face him again.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in doing something 'together' with you, I sincerely ask you, if you have too much free time, go find those girls who are around you and giggle at you, eat ice cream, watch Movies, Eslite shopping, don’t bother me!”

"Oh, I get it!"

He understands?Meaning—is he willing to stop pestering?

You Fuci stood still, turned around, and felt relaxed. The torture of the past few years will come to an end at this moment, which is worth celebrating.

"Very well, you understand."

For the first time, Fu Ci smiled at him, the heavy burden was unloaded, and life has no burden since then.

"Well, I know you're jealous. In fact, you should have told me earlier that you don't like a large group of girls around me. I swear I won't do it in the future... However, I will ask your classmates to eat at McDonald's tomorrow, and I have promised them I can't go back on my word, this is the last time, okay? I originally meant to make good connections for you..." He kept talking.

His "knowing" made You Fuci dumbfounded, his fists loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened, his thick breathing sounded more than fifty decibels, his pupils staring at him ignited a raging fire, and he clenched his teeth and clicked rattle.

"You, You Fu... Ci?" Realizing that her expression was wrong, Yu Wenrui's voice was hesitant.

Stamping heavily, she vented all her grievances: "Kill me!"

Turning around fiercely, running away fiercely, fiercely...ruthlessly roaring in my heart...

She thought that the worst situation would be like this, once a day, at least not every moment in junior high school, she advocated that she would think of the best, anyway, she was used to being entangled, and she had developed a super tolerance long ago, so, whatever he wants La!You Fuci asked himself to treat Yu Wenrui with a tolerant and compassionate attitude.

Adults don't often say that ethnic integration is a very important topic, and that sooner or later geniuses have to learn to adapt to idiots and admit that they are the weaker groups in the earth.

With psychological propaganda, Fu Ci's attitude towards Yu Wenrui gradually softened.Occasionally, she took over the soda and chocolate he handed over; occasionally, she answered him a few boring topics.

Although she has not yet realized that habit is a terrible thing that will slowly eat away at a person's willpower, but she has noticed that in the days when Yu Wenrui is not around, there are fewer annoying nagging around, but a little more Empty and lonely.

Then, something worse happened.Because of this matter, You Fu was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, but it was obviously not kind to use this matter to punish Yu Wenrui.

Let's take this matter from beginning to end and describe it in detail.

The beginning of the incident was—Yu Wenrui, a sophomore in high school, acted in an advertisement for male facial cleanser. From then on, print and three-dimensional advertisements were launched intensively, and overnight, he became the most watched idol of the new generation.

You may ask, is it just an advertisement, is it so serious?
Indeed, it is just an advertisement, but if you think about it carefully, even if you are not on TV or not a star, Yu Wenrui is an eye-catching figure with a lot of peach blossoms. Coupled with the intensive broadcast of advertisements, he soon became a household name star.

The fault is not that he is a household name, the fault is that he is already a household name, and he still flaunts it around.

Every day, he waited for You Fuci to finish class outside the No. [-] Girls' High School campus. In order to get her to smile, he tried all sorts of tricks, the only difference being that his name was not King Zhou You, otherwise he would definitely light up the beacon tower and make beautiful women smile.

As for Jia Baoyu's way of teasing a fan to make a laugh, he tried it, but unfortunately You Fu's Ci didn't have Qingwen's eccentricity, so he didn't get a smile, he only enjoyed rolling eyes and a sentence of boredom.

Think about it, can this kind of ostentatious behavior on the road not attract attention and prevent people from recognizing him as "a household name"?
The worst part doesn't stop there. What's worse is that the photos of You Fuci and Yu Wenrui were published in gossip magazines. She didn't understand that they were clearly arguing. How could the reporter have the ability to shoot ambiguous pictures and use "Affectionate style" four words.

Walking on campus, people point and point at her everywhere, and the situation seriously affects her mood and concentration in study, making her score No.2 in the whole school for an unprecedented time.

damn it!An inexplicable rotten man actually broke her life record.

Damn Yu Wenrui, damn stinky magazines, damn damn... damn, No.2, she wants to jump in Danshui River, Wulong River, jump... shoulders down, Jiangdong elders, you all go hide , she didn't want to see any of them.

"Hi, how are you today?"

The old position, the old greetings, Yu Wenrui's smile did not convey her bad temper, and her hand that wanted to stab someone with a knife was just about to move.

"What's the matter, aren't you happy? It's okay, I have a way to make you feel better."

Taking her hand, he took advantage of his height and dragged her into the private car.

You Fuci has long been used to taking their limousines, and it just so happens that she wants to find someone to shoot, and it would be better to have a private space.

When the car door closed, her anger hit his face directly, burning his smile.

"Can you stop being a guard at our school? You have caused me a lot of trouble, do you know that?" Throwing away her temperament, she didn't care about anything.

"No, I get along well with the instructors of your school."

"Not bad? It's totally wrong, please have a little self-awareness, you are a big star now, every move is attention-grabbing, you don't mind what people think of you, but, sorry, I can't, I can't stand people pointing at me behind my back, you made me unable to concentrate on my studies and failed my exams, I'm, very, angry, angry, do you understand?"

"Understood." He nodded cooperatively, with a smile still on his face.

"You understand, so..." She expected him to answer what she wanted.

"So?" He obviously didn't understand her prompt.

"So you should..." she said emphatically.

"Should? Oh, I understand."

"Tell me what do you understand?" She didn't have much confidence in his "I understand".

"You don't like me being a commercial star, it's okay, I'll ask a lawyer to buy the commercial back tomorrow, and no one will see me on TV in the future."

Sure enough, she guessed right, he would never understand what she wanted.

"Who cares if you want to be an advertising star or not, I just hope you, beg you, beg you, don't stand guard outside my school, don't let people guess what relationship we have, OK?"

"If you don't stand guard, how can I pick you up from get out of class?"

"I know my way home."

"No, it's dangerous for a girl to wander outside."

"With you, it's more dangerous than wandering outside alone."

"I will keep you safe."

"Thank you, I'll be safer if you're not here." They said each word, their tone getting stiffer and their voices getting higher and higher.

"Master, miss, don't quarrel." The driver sitting in the front seat smoothed things over.

"I won't quarrel with her." Yu Wenrui told the truth.

"I don't bother to quarrel with him." She answered the truth.

"That's right, that's right, quarreling will break up the relationship. Now you are like this, and the situation will be even worse after marriage." The driver Maitreya took advantage of the red light and turned to smile at them.

"Uncle Jiang, are you serious?"

After listening to Uncle Jiang's words, Yu Wenrui changed his past and earnestly asked his seniors for advice.

"I won't lie to you. My wife and I used to be like this. Before we got married, we quarreled a little. After we got married, we quarreled every day. The more we quarreled, the more we quarreled. Several times we almost got divorced. If it weren't for my son and daughter who were crying beside us, tell us not to quarrel. , Maybe I will become a single father."

"Then I will never quarrel with Fu Ci." Yu Wenrui swore.

"That's right, we are more tolerant when we are men. My wife also said that girls' bad temper has a lot to do with their menstrual period. Let's not worry too much about it."

"That's right, maybe today is Fu Ci's menstrual period, no wonder she is so impulsive."

Uncle Jiang spoke earnestly, and Yu Wenrui listened more earnestly. He sang and asked questions, igniting the volcano of You Fu's Ci, and the volcanic ash rose rapidly.

"Please don't talk about my menstrual period openly in front of me..."

Before You Fu could finish his words, Yu Wenrui snapped his fingers, patted Uncle Jiang on the shoulder and said, "Uncle Jiang, you are amazing, she is really on her period!"

"I've been married for more than ten years, so I have more experience than you. If you have anything about women in the future, you can ask me."

"Okay, I'm definitely not ashamed to ask."

What with what?You Fuci gritted his teeth, even if his menstrual period did not come, he would be so angry by the two of them that he would collapse.

Fu Ci was so busy getting angry and fighting against the singing and dancing of the two men, he didn't notice that Uncle Jiang was driving the car to Mingyang Mountain, where the golden sunset and red neon clothes dyed the blooming calla lilies intoxicatingly.

Yu Wenrui pulled You Fuci to get off the car, she wanted to protest, but the beautiful scenery in front of her bought her temper, this is... a fairyland on earth?
The ivory tower girl ran away for the first time, and suddenly discovered that there is beauty in the world that cannot be described in words.

"You don't have to worry. I called Mother You beforehand. Mother You said that you seldom go out. It's good for me to take you out to relax."

Yu Wenrui's original intention was to ask for credit and show that he was thoughtful, but unexpectedly, this sentence caused a strong backlash.

"Who do you think you are? Wherever you want to take me, I have to cooperate obediently, because our family sells a few vegetables from your family, and you have even won over my parents? I'm sorry, the person who agreed is my mother, you You can drive my mother for an outing, not me!" She said angrily, turning her back on him.

"Okay, next time I will bring your mother along, I think Mother You will also like it here, ah, by the way, even Grandma You and Grandpa You will come, do you think you should do it by the way..."

"Shut up, Yu Wenrui, you're playing dumb!"

play dumb?No, he just develops slowly and his thinking is immature, and he will be different in a few years!
Seeing her get angry, somehow, he was really happy, he liked to keep looking at him like this.

"I hate you, how can you control my life? How can you insert my life regardless of my wishes..." She pointed at the sky and cursed, out of tune with the peaceful and serene calla lily field in front of her.

Yu Wenrui watched her go crazy quietly, her emotions did not fluctuate because of her anger, all she thought was - how to comfort her?
Uncle Jiang only said to be patient with girls who are on their menstrual period, but he didn't teach him how to comfort her. Although she looks very beautiful and energetic when she is angry, being angry often is not good for her health...

Impulsively, he pulled her into his arms, wrapped his big hands around her body, and "comforted" her non-stop moving hands and feet, but his mouth did not comfort her, because her mouth was still cursing non-stop.

"I'll count to three, if you don't let me go, I'll..."

There was no more after her "just" because he "comforted" her lips with his mouth.

Stupid... You Fuci stayed where he was.He is kissing her?Damn it, he actually took her first kiss away...

There is no ecstasy, no ecstasy, only a strong sense of suffocation being manipulated. Suddenly, the comforted person begins to cry, and the tears fall on the front of his clothes, crying and crying again and again.

Her tears woke him up, was it the wrong way for him to comfort him?Letting go, Yu Wenrui was at a loss and his heart beat faster.

"Don't cry, you can do whatever you want, okay?"

She didn't respond to him, and cried by herself.

"I'm not going to shoot commercials, okay?"

She didn't speak, tears were still dripping.

"I won't get out of the car to wait for you in the future. I'll ask Uncle Jiang to wait for you at the school gate, okay?"

She ignored it and reached out to wipe the moisture from her cheeks.

"In future outings, I won't ask your mother, but directly ask you, okay?"

She didn't answer, still crying.

No way!Even if the previous method was wrong, it was always a method. Yu Wenrui brought her back into his arms again, with his big gentle hands, patiently swiped and stretched, and followed Fu Ci's back. Seeing that her reaction was not worse, he smiled and continued.

The big palms brought a touch of warmth, and You Fuci, who had been emotionally tense all day, slowly fell asleep in his "comfort", in the sea of ​​flowers, on his chest.

"Ah Ci, grandpa's words are right. What is a good boy going to college for? Why don't you marry when you are young and have a good partner?" Grandma said earnestly to Fu Ci.

This year, the joint entrance examination ended, You Fuci was successfully admitted to the law department of T University, but Yu Wenrui failed in the nonsense department. The Yuwen family decided to send their son to study abroad, but Yu Wenrui wanted to stay with You Fuci wholeheartedly. Do not leave T City if you are killed.

For the sake of their son's future and happiness, Yuwen's family actually came to propose marriage to You's family. Needless to say, the elders of You's family agreed without hesitation. This marriage envied many girls in the village, but You Fuci didn't appreciate it.

"Grandma, it's very difficult to get into this university. I worked hard for six winters to get in. I must study." You Fuci insisted.

"You are so stubborn, you can read it by yourself, don't ask your family for half a cent, from now on, our You family will not have you as a descendant." Grandpa insisted, no one dared to disagree.

"A Ci, don't be so persistent. You marry first, and then discuss with Master Rui, saying that you also want to go to college. I think Master Rui loves you so much, and he will definitely not object!" Cousin A Wen told Fu Ci Pull aside to persuade.

"Why do I have to marry him? I don't like him!" You Fu's words became more and more popular.

"Why don't you like it? Master Rui is rich and powerful. He is a good husband that everyone wants to marry. If I wasn't three years older than him, I would definitely recommend myself." The cousin also came over to persuade him.

"No, my life is still very long, so I don't want to make a conclusion!" You Fuci turned to his grandfather and said, "I definitely don't want to marry him."

"Whatever you want, you can marry if you want to marry, or marry if you don't want to marry!" She insisted, and her grandfather was more determined than her, so there was no room for negotiation.

With tears in his eyes, You Fuci turned around and rushed out unwillingly.

"A Ci, where are you going?" the cousin asked after her.

"I'll go to Yu Wenrui to explain clearly." In a blink of an eye, she ran away without seeing anyone.

You Fuci's mother leaned against the door and sighed: "This daughter, with such a stubborn personality, will suffer sooner or later."

Yes!She is new and arrogant, she is a woman of the times, why do some people think that she will hand over her destiny to others and be manipulated by others?She is hot, very, very!
The three years of physical education in high school were all spent in English, physics and chemistry, but the young Fuci's physical fitness is still in the best condition. From Youjia to Yuwen's house, 15 minutes away, she only took seven and a half minutes to reach the destination .

"Miss Fu Ci, you are here."

The servants greeted her with smiles. Everyone knew about the proposal of the boss's upstream family from Zhuangtou to Zhuangwei.

"Where's Yu Wenrui?" She said in a bad tone, but she didn't go so far as to blame others.

"Master Rui is in his room, I'll take you there." Nodding, You Fuci followed the servant upstairs.

When the door opened, You Fuci stared at Yu Wenrui without blinking.

"Master Rui, Miss Fu Ci, I'll help you prepare juice." The atmosphere was not right, the servants left the room, and there were only two people left in the huge bedroom.

"Would you like to take a look at my stereo, the speaker is great." He came over to pull people as if offering a treasure.

"Let go, let go, me!" She bared her teeth and claws in anger, wishing to swallow him alive.

"Are you angry?"

"Yes, I'm angry, I'm getting mad! Are you satisfied?"

satisfy?No, he was never satisfied because she was angry, at most he thought she was very beautiful when she was angry, and couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

"I'll play a CD for you, and I promise you won't be angry after listening to it."

He pulls someone for the second time, but You Fuci still unceremoniously shakes off his hand.

She is often angry, but this level of anger has never been seen before. Yu Wenrui asked cautiously: "Can I ask, why are you angry?"

The question hits the fuse, the fire ignites, bang, it explodes!She rushed forward, and two fists took turns in his arms.

"It's all you, it's all you, it's all you, how can you pretend to be innocent, it's all about you, you big villain, you don't bully me enough all the time, and you want to control my life!"

Bully her?Wronged, he didn't, really didn't, he was single-minded and consistent with her, he wanted her to be happy and relaxed, he wanted her to be happy, he tried his best to treat her well, no matter how good, even better.

"Would you like to tell me how I bullied you?" He didn't stop her fist, and she vented on his chest.

"You still dare to ask, who wants you to fall in love with me at first sight? Who wants you to be my follower all day long? Do you know the feeling of being laughed at by classmates? Do you know the feeling of being named? There are so many girls I like you, why did you choose me? I don’t like you, why should I bear those inexplicable accusations? When did I flirt? When did I seduce you? I am responsible for the problem? Why do you build your happiness on top of my pain?" Fu Ci's mood eased a little after the barrage of bullets.


For this, he admitted.In junior high school, some girls did bully You Fuci behind his back, but when she was in the first grade of high school, she told him not to attract girls indiscriminately, and he did it!

From then on, he did not hold dinner parties, held no banquets, did not smile at girls, did not wink at girls, he studied Liu Xiahui in a serious manner, he asked Taoist priests to help him cut peach blossoms and cut evil fate, he tried hard to let her see that she is his the only one.

"My life is planned by myself, so why should you get involved? Why do I have to marry you? Why do I have to obediently be Yu Wenrui's wife? I don't want to! I want to be a barrister, I want to go to T University, I want to be a strong woman, not a wife who is dependent on a man."

Boxing is a tiring sport, and it is not easy to vent. All the anger of being bullied by the elders was vented, and he fell on Yu Wenrui's chest.

"Is it bad to marry me?" He patted her on the back and asked in a low voice.

"No, I don't want to get married, I don't want to have children, I want to start my own business and life."

"Well, this can be discussed, don't cry yet."

Holding her in his arms, he kissed her hairline and smoothed her black hair. She cried miserably, more pitifully than when he took her first kiss away.

"How to discuss it? My grandfather said that if I don't marry you, he will kick me out of the house and won't give me money to study." After all, it was his fault.

"I have the money, don't worry."

"I didn't come to ask you for alms, I came to lose my temper with you! You bad guy, why decide my future? Why murder my wish? Yu Wenrui, I hate you, I hate you, you are my favorite The most annoying smelly boy!"

She punched her a few times, wanting to push him away, but she couldn't bear to let his big hand pat on her shoulders to comfort her.She has been spoiled all these years, leaning on his chest, clinging to his pats whenever she gets upset, his comfort becomes morphine, providing comfort when she is bored, she is addicted, even if she says the most annoying thing , still reluctant to leave his warmth.

"I see." He still smiled, patting her big hand without stopping to comfort her.

"You don't know. Every time you say you know, which time did you really know?" She lacked confidence in his "knowing".

"I know you don't want to marry me, you don't want me to pester you, and you don't want your classmates pointing fingers at you. This time I know everything, really." The arms that hugged her tightened.Where did he not know all these years?It's just that he is good at cheating, he is used to pretending to be dead, and he is used to lying to himself. Her heart and mouth are different.

"You...really know?" Looking up, she was surprised.

"Don't worry, I'll handle this matter, so that your grandpa and grandma don't blame you, and you can go to school smoothly."

"Really?" Fu Ci looked up at him.

He is Yu Wenrui in her impression?It felt weird, as if he had grown up in an instant, into a man she didn't know.

"I promise."

"You don't want to marry me anymore?" Fu Ci asked again.

What's more strange, she obviously didn't want to marry, but now that he made it clear, she felt something was wrong all over again.

"It's because you don't want to marry, I can't help it." He explained the cause and effect to her.

"That's right, I don't want to marry..." Fu Ci murmured and repeated his words.

"Come on, let me give you a present."

Yu Wenrui pulled her to the desk, opened the drawer, and took out a jewelry box made of walnut wood. Inside was a platinum bracelet, one R and one C, and the two characters were connected in series with love.

"I learned this from the master who made this jewelry. R is my Rui, and C is your word. I originally planned to give it to you on the wedding day. Now that I am not married, I will give it to you earlier."

He carefully hung the chain on her wrist, and for the first time, she found that he had a pair of artist's hands, and his slender fingers brushed against her wrist, causing a little throbbing.

"you made it yourself?"

"Yes, it took nearly two months."

"Everyone is doing their homework to get into college, what are you doing? No wonder you can't get into college." Fu Ci laughed through his tears.

"It doesn't matter, I applied to a university in the United States." Universities are not only available in T City. If you have a heart, there are tens of thousands of choices all over the world.

"You have to study hard, and don't be expelled from school." This sentence is an exhortation, exhorting with deep concern.

"I will, when I graduate from Harvard Graduate School, I will definitely come back to celebrate with you." He boasted.

"Harvard? Don't be kidding." If he has the ability to go to Harvard, she can become China's first female chairperson.

"I'm serious. From now on, I will work hard."

"Say what you want." The smile wavered, his promise to determine her future.

He brushed the hair off her cheeks for her, Yu Wenrui looked at her eyelashes glistening with wet tears, couldn't help but leaned down, and snatched away the second kiss in her life.

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(End of this chapter)

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