Chapter 4

? 4
In the afternoon, I visited the department store for five hours to buy Qi Yuwenrui's suits, shirts, ties and daily necessities.During this period, she mentioned the operation of the company several times, but he was not interested at all.

Lifting the big and small bags, squeezed into her poor little March, and finally carried the idiot giant home.

Back home, without putting down her things, Yu Wenrui first criticized her apartment.

"Your decoration here is too cold, not like a woman's house."

"Do you know again? How many women's houses have you been into?" Replying at him, Fu Ci pushed open the door of the guest room and stuffed the paper bag into "his" room.

"Are you jealous?" Yu Wenrui smiled, and unceremoniously rummaged through her refrigerator, finding dried yellow onions, sprouting garlic, shriveled cucumbers, and a plate of dried yellow like old stool〗? 〗Grilled pasta.

The last time Fu Ci started a partnership half a month ago, on a whim out of boredom, the reason for giving up was - she didn't want to poison her stomach.

"Jealous? Ha!"

"It seems that you are better at cleaning the room than cooking." Sniffing the stinky pasta on the tip of his nose, nausea is not enough to describe his true feelings.

"I have someone to take care of my house." This is in response to the love project, she asked a group of happy children to clean up the house for her.

Temporarily, the rhetoric was turned, and he found a compliment: "The location of the house is good, quiet in the middle of the noise, suitable for home."

"With a 20-year loan and a monthly payment of 2 yuan, if I don't die from overwork, this house will completely belong to me in 18 years." For his praise, Fu Ci never had a positive reaction.

"It's not easy to live in T City. I understand the hard work of entrepreneurial young people." He said it sincerely, but she answered sarcastically.

"You understand?" Frowning, she took his understanding as a joke.Pushing him away, Fu Ci took the trash can, snatched the expired food in his hand and threw it in, opened the refrigerator along the way, and looked for other things that were close to corruption.

Yu Wenrui ignored the sarcasm, stuck his body behind her, spread his hands from behind her, imprisoned her between the refrigerator and himself, and walked around in front of her, looking for other possibilities in the refrigerator.

"Wait and I'll cook for you."

"Don't look for it, you can't find anything you can use." Fu Ci bowed his knees and got away from his arms. Fu Ci has rich experience in Yu Wenrui's entanglement and intimacy.

"Let's go to the supermarket to buy."

"No, I have work to do, and I'll order delivery later." Eating is troublesome, and she never bothered about it.

"The delivery food is terrible." He objected. He is a master of life. He has lived in this world for only a few decades, so there is no reason not to treat himself kindly.

"Whatever you want, I'm going to take a shower." Waving her hand, Yu Gong, the boss is the biggest; Yu private, the host does as he pleases, she doesn't want to waste time with him, anyway, eating one more meal won't make you fat, eating one less meal, It is also impossible to be sallow and thin.

Yu Wenrui moved quickly, and Fu Ci smelled delicious after taking a shower. When she walked to the kitchen, her hair was still dripping, and her shoulders and back were wet.

"Wow, it smells so good." Yu Wenrui turned his head and smiled at her, with a pun, he fell in love with the fragrance from her body.

"Your cooking skills are very good." Fu Ci did not deny his ability, but he still couldn't help but say a few words, "You have been at Harvard for a few years, and you have learned how to cook?" Then her mother should be honored by Harvard Ph.D.

"Whether you study at Harvard or not, living is the most important learning in life."

Yu Wenrui's words made Fu Ci look at him differently—is it because he reacted too quickly, or did she surprise her that he was not as stupid as he was in middle school?

Fu Ci is not clear, but she firmly believes that nature is inherently hard to change, and thinks his cleverness is just a momentary carelessness.

"Well, what's your philosophy of life?" she asked.

"Don't push yourself too hard."

Sure enough, the prodigal character never faded from him.

"Youzai needs capital."

When it comes to noodle noodles, he is really good, red, green and green in one pot, regardless of the taste, the appearance has already won him high marks.

"No, Youzai's focus is on mentality. Like you, count every minute of your life precisely, and don't allow yourself to be out of sequence at any moment. In this kind of life, happiness is absent."

Picking up the recipe sheet she posted on the refrigerator door, Yu Wenrui couldn't help laughing.

"On Monday, Weizhenfang Fried Rice, call 22453...Tuesday, Roudianju's dry noodles and fish ball soup, call 2317...Wednesday, Mingxin Hot Pot Set...You have to plan in advance even what dinner you have on which day, Are you tired?"

He was right, her philosophy of life was precision.

Graduated from university at the age of 22, bought a car at the age of 24, bought a house at the age of 25, got married at the age of 28, gave birth to a son at the age of 30...

What?She even wants to control the birth of boys and girls?

Don't doubt, it is not difficult to control the gender. The current sperm separation technology is very advanced, 7000 yuan a time, and the trouble of the baby's gender is omitted.As for why she insisted on having a son?It's very simple, the elders in her hometown are patriarchal, and she doesn't want to be forced to have a second child.

"Planning your life is the right thing to do, don't use this to attack me." Fu Ci reached out and snatched the menu from his hand, and put it back on the refrigerator.

"Eating is very important, especially after a hard day." Yu Wenrui was disgusting, holding tempting food in circles in front of her.

"Thanks to you, I didn't do anything today, so it's hard work." She insisted.

"We bought things all afternoon, of course it was hard work."

"Buying things is called consumption and entertainment, not work."

Brazen!Snatching the bowls and chopsticks, she filled a rich bowl for the two of them. In his bowl, there were squid, fish and shrimp; in her bowl, vegetables, shredded bamboo shoots and noodles. The food really makes you hungry.

"What counts as work? To make money?" Yu Wenrui asked.

"Personal values ​​are different, and I don't want to argue with you. After dinner, I have business to do."

"After get off work is your private time, why use it to work for the company?" He forgot that he was the new boss of the company.

"You should be thankful that you found a good employee, instead of studying why she used her private time to work for you. Eat quickly, and I will talk to you about that piece of land after I finish typing the official documents."

Putting the noodle bowl into his hand, Fu Ci took the noodles to the living room, bowed his head, and ate while typing.

What is cold is not the air conditioner with excess electricity, but the sarcasm on Fu Ci's lips; what is full is not the unwashed tableware piled up in the kitchen, but the resentment that is about to overflow in her stomach. She has never waited for anyone at the door , for the first time, for a renter who made his own way.

To be honest, his craft is very good, filling her stomach that has not been full for many years; and to be honest, the atmosphere of having dinner with him is very pleasant, at least the desire to keep a cat as a companion disappeared this evening, but he... …is exasperating.

He takes her bathroom?It doesn't matter, anyway, she doesn't like the small bathroom space in the guest room, and being considerate of others is one of the components of her kind character.

He forced her to turn off the computer and watch half an hour of boring TV?Reluctantly accept, anyway, she doesn't have much experience of wasting her life, so she treats it as enhancing her life experience.

As for, after half an hour, he stretched his waist and said that he was bored to go to a nearby PUB, and she even agreed with her hands - one reason is that visiting PUBs in foreign countries is very popular, and she is considerate of his habits and does not ask him to change; Second, he is not at home, so she can concentrate on making up for the absenteeism in the afternoon.

So, sending him off all the way, she sent him out of the house, left him his home phone number, and wished him a good time with a smile.

How could he know that this man forgets the existence of his family when he goes out, and forgets that the poor woman is worried about shutting him out, and guards in front of the sofa, waiting for his night return.

At 23:[-], the phone rang, and there was a lot of voices on the other end of the phone, and the high-decibel music took away most of his voice.

Fu Ci listened attentively, taking in all his voice, and he said excitedly: "Fu Ci, I have been away from T City for too many years, I didn't know that the girls in T City have also become open and bold."

Fu Ci answered him weakly: "This is the trend of the times. No matter where you go, you will meet open women."

Especially him, a young and unrestrained dude with a lot of gold, and a woman with a little lack of sense would stick to it.

"Would you like to come and join us?"

He is in good spirits, unlike the man who just took a ten-hour flight to T City, walked around the streets for five hours, and cooked another dinner. It seems that his physical strength is quite good... It is because of being greedy by those women every night Out of training?This imagining put her in a bad mood.

"No, I have to go to work tomorrow." Shaking her head, being responsible is her essence.

"Xiaoying wants to meet you."

Years of chasing experience taught Yu Wenrui that jealousy is one of the indispensable elements in love, so he put Jiang Yuying in, expecting her to help and urge his love to ferment and brew.

Jiang Yuying was the only woman in their elite group, her name was too vulgar, but she got into Harvard all the way by herself.

When we first met, Yu Wenrui was very kind to Xiaoying because of her family background.

Her family sells vegetables, and she has never passed the exam other than No.1 since she was a child. Is it similar to Fu Ci?Especially her calculation ability, without a computer or an electronic computer, if you give her dozens of numbers and arithmetic symbols, she can quickly give you the correct answer.

Everyone agreed that she had learned mental arithmetic when she was a child. She shook her head and smiled, saying that she could help her mother calculate money when she was three years old.

sky!The three-year-old is doing accounts to find money?What were you doing when you were three years old?drink milk?Urge mom to buy toys with inarticulate words?
Therefore, she has the ability to apply for a scholarship to go abroad, and her master's degree is better than the boys. The salary distribution, accounting, and production of the company's profit and loss statement in the elite group all depend on her.

When Xiaoying knew that there was a girl named You Fuci in the world with a personality similar to her own, she wanted to get to know her.

Especially after Yu Wenrui described it several times, she crazily worshiped You Fuci, adored her, and worshiped herself. She desperately wanted to have a heart-to-heart conversation with You Fuci, and talk about the loneliness and pride of being so high.

Xiaoying?Xiaoying?This PUB blows retro style?Will the waiters be called Xiaoqiang, Dahua, Xiaoming, Meimei?The name of the store is... oh, yes, the name of the store is "Textbooks for Primary and Secondary Schools"?
"Please tell her for me that women who make money to support themselves are very hard, and they don't have much time to spend on entertainment." Fu Ci's words were full of guns and sticks, mocking him as a "useless Mr." who does not do production.

"Okay, I'll introduce you to each other next time." Yu Wenrui ignored her "gun stick" and proudly put Xiaoying in the right position.

"Are you coming back today?" she asked.

"It depends." He replied bluntly.

Depending on the situation?what's the situation?See if Xiaoying is interested in developing further with him?
Her chest was swollen, but it wasn't the feeling she had before her period, she was angry, angry that he... knew other women?No, 800 years earlier, he couldn't have been a virgin, wasted his life getting mad at such things.

"It's too late, I don't want to entertain guests."

Coldly throwing out inexplicable words, he refused to take Xiaoying home, and had his first "night" in T City.She is a woman with a cleanliness fetish, and she can't tolerate dirty things going on under her eyelashes. He wants to relieve her, there are many hotels outside.

"Xiaoying is very considerate. Knowing that you are tired from work, she won't insist on seeing you tonight."

He speaks from Xiaoying's standpoint, making Fuci's unhappiness even worse.

"I'm going to sleep, don't wait for the door for you, ring the doorbell to wake me up when you come back."

Fu Ci sullen? Good, he used the right pieces. "Okay, you can sleep peacefully, don't worry about me, wait, Xiaoying wants to chat with you." As he said, he handed the phone to Xiaoying involuntarily.

"Hello..." Xiaoying didn't understand what Boss did, but these days, the one who spends money is called the boss, so she can only choose to cooperate.

"I don't know how old you are, eighteen or twenty? It doesn't matter. As a 25-year-old woman with social experience, I would like to advise you.

"If I were you, I would go home early and not stay in the PUB to look for the future, maybe go back to school, maybe learn some skills, so that I can gain a foothold in society in the future.

"If you put your hope in the man next to you, you will regret it sooner or later.

"He is ignorant, he has more fat than ink, and he has countless girlfriends. If you are patient enough, you don't mind getting a number plate; if your desire for possession is not strong, you don't mind having only one tenth of his. One, then forget what I just said."

Fu Ci uttered a series of words. Although she was angry, her tone was gentle and firm. She was the Virgin Mary, and every word she said came from the heart.After finishing speaking, Fu Ci forcefully hung up the phone and walked back to the room.

She tossed and turned among the soft pillows, and the insomniac who had never been present found her slipping through the net and tortured her severely.

So she picked up the boring history book, from Don Quixote to the Trojan War, and from Alexander the Great's Eastern Expedition to the rise of the Roman Empire... It was almost midnight before she forced herself into sleep.

In the dreamland, Yu Wenrui didn't stop torturing her, his smile, the butterflies around him, his lack of growth, secretly painted two smears of purple blue under her eye sockets.

On the other hand, Yu Wenrui turned to look at Xiaoying in a good mood, with a chic smile on his face, fascinated the women nearby, they came over intentionally or unintentionally, but Yu Wenrui was too happy to deal with others, he just wanted to talk about himself with Xiaoying first love lover.

"She hung up the phone." Xiaoying shook the phone and handed it back.

This Miss You really has a "high" evaluation of Boss.Thinking of You Fu Ci's method of driving away the bees around the boss without any fishy smell, she gave her a big reward!
"Tomorrow at work, you will meet Fu Ci. Remember, don't tell Fu Ci the reason why our group was formed, and don't mention the relationship between me and Zonglin Lin Zongshuo as classmates, just are my father from all over the world. Please, help me manage Zonglin's experts."

"You want to play an inferior role in front of her, even if this role makes her dissatisfied with you?"

"Yes." He replied firmly.

"Why? Don't you like her? Most men like to be heroes in front of women!" Xiaoying was puzzled.

"No reason."

His self-confidence makes Xiaoying faintly put up a red warning light for Fuci's future. Is it luck or misfortune for this man to fall in love with him?

"You are a monster!" Xiaoying commented on him.

"If I'm not weird enough, how can I bring a group of you together?" He didn't take his own weirdness as disobedience at all.

"It's up to you, your name is Boss."

Suddenly, Xiaoying was infinitely proud of her IQ. At least, she was not like those blind girls who were madly infatuated with Yu Wenrui.She is smart, and she understands that there is only one woman in his heart from beginning to end. There may be many passers-by, but they will not leave traces in his life.

A toast, she blesses the boss's infatuation.

"Tell you, when Fu Ci was in middle school, he liked a boy named Li Guosheng..."

Speaking of "Fu Ci Topic", Yu Wenrui is constantly interested and sweet, and Li Guosheng has become an internationally renowned figure because of his strong broadcast, um - at least they, a group of elites of various races, know that there is a useful person in the world. Li Guosheng who seduced women with high test scores.

That night, Yu Wenrui returned to the apartment and did not disturb Fu Ci, but only asked the administrator to open the door for him.The administrator saw Fu Ci take Yu Wenrui home during the day, and also explained that he would live here for a while, so he was naturally willing to help.

Yu Wenrui opened Fu Ci's room and touched her bed. At first he just wanted to lie down, but when he lay down, her gentle sleeping face kept him, her soft body kept him, and her fragrant nature The body odor also kept him, so he hugged her to sleep.

In the dream, the years he shared with her came back, the green kisses, the mountains of calla lilies, and the tears hanging on her face...

Loving her is destined thousands of centuries ago; not loving her is against the law of nature, he can only love her, love her, love her again, no matter what means he uses, he will love her.

Yu Wenrui's excesses are too numerous to list, and Fu Ci has endured one by one. She finds that her tolerance is dozens of times better than when she was a student. She didn't have time to delve into it.

"Get up quickly, it's too late for work."

In the morning, Fu Ci's No. 20 urges the bed, only for Yu Wenrui to move his tailbone, and then hide himself in the quilt.

Fire or not?Fire, but she did not vent it.

If you want to get angry, you should have been furious as early as the first time you got up and found him lying next to you.But she didn't, because he said aggrievedly: "I'm sorry, my jet lag can't be adjusted, and I can only fall asleep slowly when I listen to you snoring."

What the hell, when does she snore?

After a week, the time difference should be corrected!But when she asked him to go back to sleep, he said pitifully, "I'm sorry, I'm not used to sleeping alone."

listen!Which country's nonsense is this?Not used to sleeping alone?Could it be that he lived to be in his twenties and wanted his mother to sleep with him by the bedside and read pillow stories by the way?
At that time, You Fuci's reaction was to shake his head and sigh, then pull out the big hand hanging from his waist, get up, brush his teeth and wash his face, and get ready for work, and then day after day, she drove him crazy in the morning when she forced him to get up.

"Yuwenrui, Zonglin is your company, please do your duty."

A person like him can't be the chairman at all, why would Uncle Yuwen spend unnecessary money on tricks?If you want to cultivate a successor, it is better to find a woman to have a child for him, and cultivate him from generation to generation, the success rate may be higher.

"Get up quickly, or I'll kick you out right away."

Fu Ci's words were majestic, but the sleeping person was still there, and her threats were blocked at the door.

"Yu Wenrui, did you hear what I said?"

Turn up the volume and turn it up again. This time, she is sure that the sound insulation equipment of Mr. Zhou's house is the most advanced product.

Pulling off the quilt, she wondered if she should learn from her sister-in-law's one-two-three policy towards her little nephew.

The coolness made Yu Wenrui shrink back, curled up like a boiled shrimp, with long hands, long feet, and a long adult body shrunk into the posture of a child. She wondered if this man had been in the past few years. There's this thing about growing up.

"Yu Wenrui, I'll count to three. If you don't get up, I'll call the police and arrest you. The charge is trespassing into someone else's room without consent. One, two, three!"

This time, he finally responded within three seconds.Rubbing his eyes, he reluctantly opened his right eye, the left eye was still dormant.


"Get up, brush your teeth, change your clothes, and go to Zong Lin as your chairman."

"No one dares to stipulate what time the chairman goes to work."

With a big hand, he pulled her into his arms, hugged her, and admired the impatience on her face along the way.Oh oh, back in the old days, they were still young.

"How old do you have to live to learn to grow up? Do you know that if you don't go to work, how many employees in the company will talk about it? Once rumors that are unfavorable to the company spread, the stock price will fall to the limit, and the performance will be affected. What would you like to see?" He straightened up and pushed him away, Fu Ci had a serious expression on his face.

Raising eyebrows and smiling, the angrier she was, the happier he was.

"Anyway, I'm not good at official duties. It doesn't matter whether I go or not. I've been staying in the company these few days, and I'm so bored, and you don't come to see me often." It's rascal enough, he is a rich man with ease.

"You have peach blossom eyes and bright peach blossoms all over your face. Go and smile at all the employees in the company, stabilize the morale of the army, and tell them that although Zonglin has changed bosses, the salary and benefits will remain the same, and that you will lead everyone to create the future. .”

"You really want me to give the opening speech? No, I'll be stage fright."

Pretending to be dead, he lay on the pillow and shook his head at her, stretched out his hand, clasped her shoulders, and pulled her into his arms forcefully, like a child, he didn't let go, insisting on keeping her on his body.

"I finished writing the manuscript yesterday. You can read it a few times in the car later, and then go to the company and read it according to the text." Sticking it on his chest, Fu Ci spoke.

Even the manuscripts are arranged for him?

Her overzealousness can easily make people misunderstand that she wants to listen to the government behind the curtain and steal the real power of the emperor. How could she know that what she wants to protect is Zonglin, a big enterprise, and she can't just watch it go into history in the hands of her former classmates.

"Are you sure I can understand Chinese?" Liang Liang asked the question, and he smiled and appreciated Fu Ci's reaction. Her muscles were stiff all over, and an ugly livid surface appeared on her face. He knew that he had successfully fucked her again!

Hehe, have fun!Yu Wenrui raised his eyebrows.

That's right, his mind is not very bright. After a few years abroad, he might really forget the Chinese characters. Then, then...write it in English again?
Fu Ci looked at her watch, the time for work was approaching, since Jin Zonglin started working, she never came in late or left early, should she make an exception for him?

"It's okay, I'll read it, and when I finish it, you can ask everyone for their opinions." She decided to make a gesture and stood by his side to fight against the old director.

"What if I can't answer their questions?"

Yu Wenrui's question made her understand Zhuge Kongming's pain and heaviness. Supporting a Dou who can't stand upright is really exhausting.

"Just say thank you for your precious opinion, and I will evaluate it carefully. Talk about the scene, will you always?"

"Let me try."

He finally let go of his hand, and she regained her freedom, but after sitting up straight, she fell in love with the warmth of his body.

Nostalgia?Oh no, she must be crazy.No such thing, she has never been attached to him, shaking her head, she denied it.

"Get up!" Her urging was a little embarrassing.

" don't have to be so nervous..."

Before Yu Wenrui finished speaking, Fu Ci immediately jumped.

"What do you mean I don't have to be so nervous? Find out, Zonglin is your company. If it goes bankrupt, you will be the one who is unlucky, not me. At most, I don't have a job. I just need to find another company." From the bed After bouncing, she pointed at his nose and cursed.

"So, you are angry because you care about me, not Lin Zongshuo?" In an instant, Yu Wenrui's eyes sparkled because of her "care".

"I don't care what the chairman does? He is Guan Ping's boyfriend, not my future husband."

Oh no, this is miserable!It's okay if you don't explain, the more you explain, the more chaotic you will be.

According to Yuwen's deduction method, he will deduce her words to a result - You Fuci doesn't care about Lin Zongshuo, he only cares about Yu Wenrui, because Lin Zongshuo is not You Fuci's boyfriend, and You Fuci intends to be Yu Wenrui's girlfriend, Be strong!
"I understand, you like me!" Laughing happily, willing to get up, he wants to go to the company early to act as a promising boss!

"I didn't say that." She chased after him and declared, but unfortunately he couldn't listen.

He brushes his teeth, she explains; he rinses his mouth, she sorts it out; he washes his face, she repeats it over and over - I just hope you don't bring Zonglin down, the economy in T city is bad enough, it can't withstand another big shock, Zonglin goes bankrupt , At least [-] employees are out of work. Think about it, [-] families have been affected by your hasty decision, so should you do your best?

Did he listen to what Fu Ci said?
have!So he put down the towel, showed his white teeth, and answered her: "You don't have to worry, no matter how bad the situation is, I won't let your life be affected."

His reaction made her anxious, although she still took the towel and hung it next to her own in an orderly manner.

"Yu Wenrui, what I am discussing with you are tens of thousands of families, not me alone." She reiterated.

"I'm only interested in you, other people's lives are none of my business."

"Why is it none of your business? As the boss of Zonglin, you should take responsibility." She earnestly said.

"I don't want to be that! Otherwise, when I arrive at the company, I will directly announce Zonglin's bankruptcy, and then we will travel around the world together, okay?"

"not good."

"What are you doing so seriously? I heard Zonglin is a bad company a long time ago. In a family business, the system is chaotic and personnel are fluctuating. Sooner or later, it will go bankrupt."

"That was before, and the new chairman has done a lot."

"I don't think I can take on this burden. It's better to give up earlier."

"Don't be afraid, I will always be by your side."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Fu Ci knew that he had made a mistake again, so she left a space for his imagination to let his imagination develop without limit. Alas, when will she show up?

Sure enough... she guessed right!
"I knew you liked me and were willing to stay by my side all the time..."

*The copyright of this article is reserved. Without the authorization of "Flower Season Culture", please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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