swing striker

Chapter 451 Come on. East finals

Chapter 451 Come on. East finals
The Celtics have easily advanced two consecutive rounds, which has turned the media's views on them. These people no longer insist that the flaws of the lineup will make the Celtics difficult. Of course, they always have a reason Yes, Shi Lei, who played extremely well in this series, became the best shield.

"Averaged 27.5 points, 8.4 rebounds and 5 assists per game. Ranked first in NBA efficiency in the second round of the playoffs. Shi struggled to make up for Garnett's injury!"

"Standing in the Eastern Conference Finals again, the Celtics should remember this young man!"

"He's always there, anytime, anywhere!"

"His calm is a silent volcano!"

But this didn't affect Shi Lei's life, he was still doing what he was supposed to do, he knew that without the premise of victory, all of this was just a mirror image.And he doesn't think they should be proud at this time!

The weather in Boston is already very hot now. Because of the proximity to the ocean, the summer here always comes later, but once it arrives, it will also make people who like outdoors feel tormented.

Shi Lei sat on a recliner near the window sill, and there was a stack of neatly arranged documents on Xiaoji in front of him.These are the data analysis data of the two teams in the game between the Magic and the Cavaliers, as well as the offensive and defensive shooting percentage statistics of the two teams in each time period, etc.After forming his own training team last year, Shi Lei selectively retained some of the personnel according to their work conditions after the holiday. Apart from helping Shi Lei train, the biggest role of these people is to help Shi Lei analyze the data and provide it to the information he needs.

Well, the labor cost is quite expensive, but it is definitely worth the money.With the help of the information at hand, Shi Lei already has some ideas about what he will do in the next series, for example, he needs to focus on defending Turkoglu.
However, it seems that there is still a long time before the start of the division finals.

In the just-concluded fifth game between the Cavaliers and the Magic, the Cavaliers, who had home court advantage, still failed to defeat the Magic in the end. James scored a game-high 37 points and a game-high 14 rebounds. The Magic, which has too much advantage in the enemy's inside line, handed over the magic with a score of 102:112, allowing the Magic to win the crucial fifth game, thus gaining the upper hand on the road to promotion with a big score of 3:2.

In the West, the Nuggets who traded for Billups this season played well. Although they will play the fifth game against the Mavericks tonight, they have already won three of the previous four games. , the road to promotion has been basically clear.

Instead, the Lakers, who are considered the biggest favorites to win this year, ran into trouble in the second round.

The Rockets, who have been unable to break through the first round of "curse" for many years, finally avoided their old enemy Jazz this year. Unexpectedly, they were out of control, and the upward momentum was deeply surprising.

In the first game of the away game against the Lakers, the Rockets, under the leadership of Yao Ming's double-double, took the Lakers by force and won the first victory in this series.

Well, in fact, this has a lot to do with the aristocratic nature of the Lakers.

The Lakers have been resting for a week. After the opening, they failed to adapt to the fierce game rhythm, and they were a little bit depressed.The Lakers did not double-team Yao Ming, nor did they go forward. Of course, Yao Ming would not miss such an opportunity. He beat Bynum hard as soon as he came on the court, causing him to foul and made two free throws. Then he hit a hook in front of Bynum. One person took the first 4 points of the Rockets.After playing this section for 3 minutes, Bynum made two fouls and ended up resting.

Since this season, Bynum has grown rapidly and has replaced Odom as the final link in the "Triangle Tactics". After he leaves the field, it is conceivable that he will damage the Lakers' tactical operation.

Another person who has to be mentioned is "President" Battier. It is really because of his strict defense against Kobe that the Rockets gained a 7-point lead in the first quarter.

If the first match between the two sides was a story of a dick attacking Gao Fushuai, then it was the second match, a script in which Gao Fushuai slapped Gao Fushuai in the face.

The loss in the first game at home left the Lakers with a dull face.In today's battle, the Lakers wanted to win whatever they wanted. Kobe attacked wildly as soon as he played. In the first quarter, he made 11 of 7 shots and scored 15 points alone.The firepower of the Lakers is astonishing. Although the Rockets also performed well, they were still at a disadvantage quickly, falling behind by 15 points at one point.The Lakers made 22 of 16 shots in the first quarter and led 39:25 in the single quarter.

However, the Rockets were still quite strong in this game. With 3 minutes and 57 seconds left in the second quarter, Artest made a mid-range shot. The audience took the lead for the first time.The Lakers scored no points in 10 minutes, and their double-digit advantage was wiped out.With Kobe's three-pointer at the end of this section, the Lakers tied the score at 0:49 at halftime.

But after that, Yao Ming got into foul trouble. Not long after the third quarter, he got his fourth foul and had to sit on the sidelines again.At the critical moment, Artest, who had brain circuit problems, jumped out again and gave the Rockets a fatal blow.

Artest was also in good shape. In the third quarter, he hit a three-pointer twice in front of Kobe, and the Rockets once chased the score to 74:79.With 6 minutes and 57 seconds left in the fourth quarter, Artest was elbowed by Kobe. While arguing with him, he got a second technical foul and was sent off.Losing two of their most important generals in a row, the Rockets finally ended their good momentum of chasing points, allowing the Lakers to successfully pull back a round at their home court.

Then in the third game of the game between the two sides, Artest made new achievements for the Lakers.Artest was called for a flagrant foul with less than 1 minute left in the game and was expelled.It doesn't matter whether he dies or not. The important thing is that at this critical juncture, he allowed the Lakers to get two free throws and gave up the ball.After the Lakers made a free throw and completed the attack, they gained an 8-point lead in one fell swoop, thus opening up the anxious score. The Rockets failed to narrow the gap to less than 8 points and accepted the defeat at home.

However, the vicissitudes of life show the true qualities of a hero. After Artest was suspended because of his irrationality, Yao Ming, who has been a little silent, finally went against the wind in a low-key manner, and managed to resist the fate of a team on his own. The role of the core star of the team on the shoulders.

In fact, Yao Ming was already injured at this time, okay. This time it's not fake, he's not that bitch like Shi Lei.

In the first game without Artest, Yao Ming erupted like a volcano.Yao Ming scored 28 points, 10 rebounds and 6 assists, and single-handedly overwhelmed the two All-Star insiders of the Lakers. "Little Black Bean" Aaron Brooks easily set a new high in the playoffs. He made 9 of 4 three-pointers, scored 24 points and assisted 4 times. Sean Battier also became an offensive champion and won the 23 points, Kyle Lowry 12 points.Luis Scola had 11 points and 14 rebounds.

Facing the incomplete Rockets, the Lakers have become unable to play, and the Rockets are like a cornered beast, fighting with their backs.Yao Ming made a layup at the beginning of the game, and then Battier made consecutive shots, including a three-pointer. After Scola also made a successful shot, the Rockets started 9:0.The Lakers only made two shots by Kobe Bryant after 3 minutes and 30 seconds of the game, but Yao Ming immediately assisted Battier to return the three-pointer. With 5 minutes and 30 seconds left in this section, the Rockets had already scored two goals with 19:4. digit advantage.The Lakers scored only Kobe in the first 7 minutes.Shane Battier became the number one offensive point of the Rockets. He made 3 of 3 three-pointers in the first quarter and scored 12 points in a single quarter. The Rockets ended the quarter with a 29:16 lead.

The Lakers were hit in the head and couldn't come back to their senses since then, but the Rockets became more and more courageous. Even the old Lakers Cook made three-pointers in this quarter.With 7 minutes and 14 seconds left in this section, Yao Ming scored 3 points with penalty shots, and the Rockets led by 41 points with 22:19.The Lakers managed to narrow the gap to 12 points, but were slaughtered by Battier's three-pointer. After this section, the Lakers fell behind 36:54.

Ron Artest and Tracy Tracy McGrady watched from the sidelines in their suits. In the third quarter, they saw Yao Ming's perfect play.In this quarter, Yao Ming was like a god, making 7 of 6 shots, including the same three-pointer, scoring 14 points in a single quarter.Under his impact, the Rockets expanded rapidly, constantly widening the gap.With 6 minutes and 57 seconds left in this section, Yao Ming made a three-pointer and the Rockets led 67:40.After nearly 3 minutes, the Rockets failed to make a shot, but Brooks helped the Rockets regain their sense with a three-pointer.Before the end of this section, Brooks received Yao Ming's inside second pass for an alley-oop dunk and hit the buzzer. The Rockets entered the fourth quarter with a 83-point lead of 54:29.

The Lakers started the fourth quarter with a wave of 13:2, chasing the score to 67:85. At the critical moment, Yao Ming made a layup and caused a foul. After 3 points, the advantage of 5 points was regained.The Rockets failed to score in 23 minutes after that, and the Lakers scored 4 points in a row, chasing the score to 10:2 with 49 minutes and 77 seconds left in the game.

Yao Ming showed up at the crucial moment. He fouled with 2 minutes and 48 seconds left in the game and made two free throws. Battier also made two free throws after that. The Rockets led 1:34 with 94 minute and 79 seconds left in the game. .

The Lakers then narrowed the gap to 12 points, but failed to complete a major reversal, unwilling to accept the defeat.

This is Yao Ming's most representative battle in the playoffs, but it has also become an absolute hit.After the game, Yao Ming, who was limping, was sent to the hospital immediately, and then came the news that Yao Ming would be reimbursed for the playoffs.

However, the ill-fated fate has never been the reason why the Warriors gave up their inner pursuit. In the fifth game between the two sides, they still left an unforgettable lesson for the Lakers, although they failed to win in the end!
After the absence of Yao Ming, the road for the Rockets has become more and more difficult, and two victories can be regarded as success.

The Lakers paid the price for their arrogance, and even the famous "Magic" Johnson began to criticize the Lakers, and the Lakers dare not be careless.So the Lakers made an effort at the beginning, but what is surprising is that the Rockets can be called tenacious blocking!

The Lakers started with a wave of 11:4.Bryant began to work hard and kept shooting, and the Lakers gradually exceeded the score.With 3 minutes and 36 seconds left in this section, the two sides battled to 20:20. Kobe then made consecutive shots, and Odom also succeeded in a three-pointer. The Lakers ended this section with a wave of 15:4 and won 35:24 double-digit advantage.Bryant scored 12 points in this section.

But at the beginning of the second quarter, the Rockets immediately returned a wave of 8:0, narrowing the point difference to three points in one fell swoop.Although the Rockets encountered trouble in the second half of the game, allowing the Lakers to widen the point difference to nine points again, the Lakers still dare not be careless.

This saved them!

With the Rockets' lineup, it is almost impossible to make a comeback.In fact, all the impossible things in the world, and more reasons, are mostly due to giving up prematurely. Fortunately, the Rockets did not do this.

After the start of the third quarter, the reorganized Rockets began to attack aggressively. Taking advantage of the Lakers' defense being a little lax, in the middle of this quarter, they evened the score in one fell swoop and stopped the Lakers.But it can only be like this, after all, the Rockets lack the characters who can make the final decision at the critical moment.

Kobe Bryant re-appeared, hit all the first three shots, and once again led the Lakers to widen the point difference and entered the fourth quarter with a 7-point lead.

But the Rockets have done enough, and rarely, to satisfy most of the fans who support them.Especially domestic fans, they couldn't help but issued a lot of "ifs"!
"What will happen if Yao Ming is a healthy rocket?"

"What if Artest can calm the Rockets' ending?"

"If McGrady can not be so willful."

Of course, all kinds of "ifs" are followed by a happy ending, so in the "dreams" of many people, the Celtics and the Rockets staged a battle between dragons and tigers on the stage of this season's finals.

However, everything is far from that simple. Even if it is established, they still have to go through a lot of hardships before this meeting and collision.

Now comes the Celtic ordeal!
In the next few days, the Magic and the Cavaliers had two more battles. In the sixth game of the two sides, the Cavaliers won at home and tied the big score at 3:3. After the home court, the Magic quickly got rid of the shadow of defeat.The initiative changed from the original outside-in offensive method to an inside-out tactic, which caught the Cavaliers off guard and gave the Magic an 11-point lead in the first quarter.

This game also affected the hearts of the Celtics. In the end, they also had to accept the fact that the Magic, which restrained themselves the most, became their opponent in the semifinals.

When the tribulation came, Shi Lei threw all the tactical materials into the trash, because he was ready!

 No accidents, I will go out for a day tomorrow, so there will be no updates, friends, don't wait, I will resume the update when I come back the day after tomorrow~!

(End of this chapter)

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