swing striker

Chapter 76 Provocation

Chapter 76 Provocation
"Good morning, Stone."

"Good morning, Jenny!"

When I went out in the morning, I happened to meet my neighbor Jenny, and the two greeted each other.Ever since what happened that day, the two of them will always exchange a few words when they meet, and their impression of each other has gradually deepened, and their relationship has gradually become very good. Although they are not yet friends, at least they are not bored with each other.

"The weather is fine today."

"Yes, the weather is pretty good." Shi Lei agreed casually.Today's neighbors are dressed very casually, wearing thick sportswear and a pair of sneakers that are more convenient for walking. Shi Lei subconsciously asked, "You don't need to go to work today?"

Jenny shrugged her shoulders: "No, I'm a freelancer and I work at home. There was just a small accident that day."

The two were talking and walking outside together.

"Oh, that's very enviable, at least you won't get caught up in busyness, and you can freely control your own time."

It must be because of my sister, right?Shi Lei thought this way in his heart, he didn't want to talk about other people's privacy, and he didn't want to show ridiculous pity for the unfortunate, so he said this.

"Not bad." Jenny nodded, then suddenly tilted her head and asked Shi Lei, "Are you a basketball player?"

Shi Lei accidentally glanced at his neighbor, only to realize that he seemed to have deliberately concealed his occupation from the other party.

"Yeah, I'm playing for the Celtics."

"You seem to be a basketball star. I often see reports about you in the newspapers."

"No, I'm just a substitute, and the media doesn't like me." Having said that, Shi Lei has already come to his car.

"Don't worry about this, I wish you a happy day!"

"Thank you, and I wish you the same, goodbye."

After saying goodbye, Shi Lei started his car and drove to the basketball court. There is no game today, but the team has training.

Shi Lei usually arrives earlier, and he has to spend some time practicing basic skills and shooting.

As the training time approached, teammates came to the basketball hall one after another. People have long been accustomed to Shi Lei's early arrival. Some greeted Shi Lei and entered the locker room from a distance, while others came here specifically to tell Shi Lei that A few words, such as James Posey who has a good relationship with him, and Brian who has a good personality.

Shi Lei finally finished the last set of training before the coach arrived. He put the basketball aside, wiped the sweat from his brow, and walked silently towards the locker room.

The locker room is considered the most private space of a team, where the players are relatively relaxed, changing training uniforms in twos and threes, while talking about some anecdotes or topics of interest to each other.

When Shi Lei came out of the shower room, his teammates had already made all preparations and were waiting for the coaching staff to arrive on the rest chair.

Under his dressing room, Shi Lei saw a magazine that had fallen on the floor, he bent down to pick it up, and among the opened pages were reports about him.

The accompanying picture is a close-up photo of him being fouled by Billups.

"King's foul!"

The source of this magazine is Washington!

Shi Lei held up the magazine expressionlessly, and asked in a casual voice, "Whose is this?"

Already planning to provoke me?Shi Lei whispered secretly in his heart.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. The strength of the "Big Three" and the team's good record make the Celtics look very united, but in private, there are still people who are eager to move.

Shi Lei is very trusted by Rivers in the team, and has a good relationship with Pierce. He is also the team's fourth scoring point and the absolute core of the substitute lineup. Some people can't stand it anymore.

For example, Rondo, who controls the organization of the team, and Tony Allen, who lost most of his playing time because of Shi Lei's arrival.Many people are waiting for Shi Lei to make a mistake, this is the disadvantage of suddenly rising to the top.

"Oh, sorry, that's mine."

Rondo stepped forward as if nothing had happened, and took the magazine from Shi Lei's phone.

"What magazine? Playboy?" Brian asked curiously.

"Oh no, it's just that it has an interview with a movie star I like."

Of course, even though Rondo explained this, he did not show the magazine to Brian who asked for it.

"It turns out that Rajan likes to watch movies. I thought what you liked to watch was their slander against me."

What Shi Lei said with a smile was very intriguing.As soon as Pu came here, Shi Lei gained an extraordinary status, and he knew that his future path would be uneven.

There are bound to be ups and downs on the road, Shi Lei knows that they have come!
Shi Lei can guarantee that Rondo took this magazine to the locker room because he wanted to see the report on himself in the magazine.

No one likes an article full of negative coverage about themselves, let alone just ruined a team's victory, interrupting the team's best home winning streak in history.

Rondo may think that Shi Lei will be full of guilt, he wants to make Shi Lei angry, make Shi Lei feel bad, want to lure Shi Lei to make mistakes, and want to challenge Shi Lei's status in the team
"Are you the culprit?"

Shi Lei didn't think so, if he didn't make up the defense, Billups would have an open chance.Speaking of which, he just took Pierce's blame. If he hadn't given his opponent a chance to kill, nothing would have happened.

But this is not important, what is important is that the provocation has come.

Shi Lei's personality is restrained and lacks aggression, which is somewhat similar to Ray Allen, but not as arrogant as Ray Allen.This makes Shi Lei have a good popularity in many cases, but loses the awe of others.

Without awe, there will be no prestige, and it will make others peep at their own things.

"How come, I didn't even know they were reporting on you."

Rondo pretended to be calm and explained.At this time, Rondo was only a sophomore, and he was not the "fourth head" that was later touted by the "Big Three". Even if the Celtics had a "fourth head", it would not be someone else, but It will be Shi Lei.

Pierce glanced at the two thoughtfully, but said nothing.This is not the time for him to intervene, at least not yet.

Shi Lei shrugged his shoulders, as if making another joke with Rondo, but in his heart, he secretly reminded himself that something had to be done.

Matters on the court are resolved with basketball.Shi Lei has made up his mind to pay attention!

The time for training is coming soon. After some preparatory exercises, it will be the team's confrontation training.As usual, a main team and a substitute team.

Everything was just like a regular game, and the main jump ball won.

Rondo got the basketball, and just after halftime, Shi Lei signaled House to switch defenses.

Standing in front of Rondo, Shi Lei carefully watched his every move.As for the other main players, they ran around lazily, with no intention of throwing off the defender at all.

 PS: Thanks to Archimonde Shenwei for the reward, thank you for your support.Also, I don’t know who sent me a recommendation red envelope, so I would like to express my gratitude here, and I also ask my friends to leave a message in the book review area so that I can know who it is, thank you for your support!
  Ask for recommendation and collection!

(End of this chapter)

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