Mr. O's paranoid

Chapter 377 Chapter 377 Are you a dog?

Chapter 377 Chapter 377 Are you a dog?
Qi Mo touched the forehead he had kissed, followed his back with eyes, a little puzzled: why so cold?She didn't look happy at all for her coming back so soon.

Until he turned into the study, she tilted her head and followed into the study.

"Are you going to work overtime tonight?" At this point, he didn't seem to want to put down the computer to take a shower and sleep.

"Go to bed quickly, you've been tossing around for two days, aren't you tired?" He raised his eyes, her hands were propped on the table, the two dark circles under her eyes could be faintly seen on her unpainted face.

"Just talk about me, what about you? I tossed and tossed for two days, didn't you also toss with me? Your workload is so much bigger than mine, why don't you go to rest earlier?" Qi Mo replied unconvinced.

He did the work of two people by himself, and he did all her work for the past two days, and he also ran back and forth to the company hotel. He kept an eye on her three meals and never let her miss a meal.

"You want to sleep with me, huh?" When he said "huh", his ending sound rose, adding a bit of ambiguity.

"Let's go!" She reached out and pressed his notebook, tilting her head provocatively.

It seems to be saying: let's go, sleep together and sleep together, who is afraid of whom?

Ou Shangqing raised her eyebrows, looked at her four eyes, remained silent for a while, but they were actually competing with each other, as if they were waiting to see who would lose first.

"Take a bath together?" Ou Shangqing was defeated. What stimulated her to go out?


Take a bath together?
Qi Mo frowned, something was wrong: "I mean sleep."

"Yes! Shouldn't you take a shower before going to bed?" Ou Shangqing got up, walked around the table and approached her.

Qi Mo subconsciously backed away, as if something went wrong, was he wrong?Or is she mistaken?
He made it sound like it was okay, taking a shower before going to bed.

"Then..." Even though the ground was flat and empty, she staggered inexplicably, as if she had tripped over something.

Ou Shangqing quickly reached out to grab her waist, pulled her into her arms, clasped her waist with one hand, and looked at her with a smile on her face.

"Ou Shangqing, have you misunderstood me? I just want you to rest early, after all, you have not slept with me for two nights, and you are still running back and forth... um..."

What method can effectively stop her chattering? He always likes to practice and prove it with practical actions.

Try a hundred spirits.

Qi Mo blinked, didn't respond, but didn't resist either.

"What's wrong?" In the end, he bit her lower lip gently, Qi Mo hissed in pain, touched the place where he had bitten, and looked at him displeased.

"Are you a dog? Kiss as long as you want, why do you keep biting me?" This is not the first time, does he have any hobbies?

"You didn't pay attention even when you kissed, but you told me, what were you thinking just now?" Ou Shangqing flicked her forehead with her fingers, not lightly, and with a sound of "Du", Qi Mo bounced in pain again Take a big step back, away from him.

"Ou Shangqing!" She roared angrily, rubbing her forehead that was sore from the bullet, as if she was going to rush up and bite him at any moment.

"Huh?" He glanced at her and walked out.

Qi Mo snorted, walked over quickly, passed him, and when passing by, deliberately bumped him with the shoulder, and left the study room without looking back.

"..." Ou Shangqing pursed her lips speechlessly, how childish!
He took his pajamas and went into the bathroom, where she brushed her teeth, and when she saw him in the mirror, she snorted again.

Ou Shangqing raised her eyebrows funny, walked over, put the pajamas on the cabinet, turned on the faucet of the bathtub, and adjusted the water temperature.

Going back behind Qi Mo, hugging her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder, looking at the white-bearded Qi Mo in the mirror.

Qi Mo shrugged, trying to push his chin out.

Did he get used to this little temper?Or is this her truest appearance?

"Are you proud of being favored? Or are you showing your true colors? Why didn't you know you had such a temper before?"

But compared to the bad-tempered Qi Mo before, he prefers the little woman in front of him who always plays with his temper and makes her petty.

No matter how you look at it, it's so cute, no matter how you look at it, you want to be pampered, just want to be spoiled, spoiled to heaven!
"..." Qi Mo muttered, with toothpaste foam and a toothbrush in her mouth, Ou Shangqing couldn't hear what she said at all.

However, looking at her expression, he also guessed that it was almost inseparable.

"I like you no matter what you are." Ou Shangqing tilted her head, and lightly bit her earlobe again.

He bit it lightly, leaving no teeth marks, but it was very itchy, and the itching went into his heart.

Unexpectedly, Qi Mo's face turned pink, and her ear weight extended to the base of her neck.

Spit out the foam in his mouth, push him away forcefully, and glance at him with disgust: "Is the meat numb? Go away!"

He smiled, obviously in a reproachful tone, but he heard it in a coquettish and coquettish manner.

Qi Mo rinsed his mouth, he leaned on the washstand and looked at her smiling.

Qi Mo washed his face, but he still leaned on the washstand looking at her and smiling.

Qi Mo wiped the water off his face, frowned, and turned to look at him ferociously: "Have you seen enough?"

"Not enough." He shook his head, smiling unabated.

"Boring." He took the towel, turned around and walked outside.

"Don't go, let's take a bath together!" He grabbed her and blinked his long eyelashes aggrievedly: "I've been waiting for you for so long, and you just left like this?"

Hearing this, Qi Mo blushed, frightened and shook her arms vigorously, trying to shake off his restraint, fearing that he would really drag her to take a bath together.

"Who wants to take a shower with you? Did I ask you to wait for me?"

"It was you who told me to leave!" He defended himself innocently: "I obviously worked well in the study, but you told me to sleep together."

"Don't we usually sleep together? I asked you to sleep together, but I didn't ask you to take a bath together? Besides, I won't take a bath tonight... Ah! Ou Shangqing, what are you doing! Put me down!"

When Ou Shangqing was impatient, she was really impatient. She couldn't wait for her to finish speaking, so she picked her up and walked to the bathtub.

Qi Mo struggled with both hands and feet, but he didn't break free from his hands, but he got a gentle threat: "If you move again, I will throw you down."

Qi Mo hesitated. If he fell from a height of more than one meter, would he break his bones?
"I don't take a shower, I did it at noon, did you forget?" Qi Mo cried, holding onto his shoulders tightly, fearing that if he really let go, she would come from such a high place fall down.

She is not sure if she will break the bone, but the pain is certain!

"Look at your trousers." He raised his chin and motioned her to look at the muddy water stains all over his trousers: "I wonder if you went to the field to catch loaches this afternoon."

(End of this chapter)

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