The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 12 The Power of the Silver Spear

Chapter 12 The Power of the Silver Spear
She threw herself into the arms of the man in white, hugged his neck tightly, and called him in a low voice: "Brother Ying, is it really you?" She buried her face in his arms, sobbing softly.

The man in white hangs his hand a few inches behind her. After a while, it finally lands on her back slowly. After a while, there is a soft coughing sound from behind. Putting on a pretty face with pear blossoms and rain, he looked at the two handsome men standing in front of him, one old and one young, his face blushed, and he said softly, "Brother Ying, how did you come here? Are they Who?"

Feng Tianying asked her to sit beside him, and said to the two men in front of him, "Uncle Yang, Yang Yi, this is the person I was talking about."

Yang Zhengyuan reached into his arms, handed the silver gun to Feng Tianying, and stood aside respectfully.

When Nan Ruo saw that her baby was with him, she looked at him suspiciously, but there was no reason to be angry in her heart, and she just looked at him affectionately.

After Feng Tianying invited the two to take their seats, she handed the silver gun to Nan Ruo, and said, "My Uncle Yang and my friends want to see the power of this artifact, please try to show them."

Seeing that Feng Tianying spoke so politely, Nan Ruo was a little curious. She reached out to take the laser gun, stood up, and walked to the empty school field outside the gazebo. She saw an archery target not far in front of her. She pointed at the target. , turned around and asked with a smile: "Brother Ying, did you hit that one?"

Feng Tianying nodded with a smile, but Nan Ruo shook his head and said, "The arrow target is too thin. If you want to experience its power, you can create more obstacles."

Feng Tianying took a look at Yang Yi who was sitting on the side. Yang Yi walked out of the school yard, and after a while, he moved two thick pieces of wood and put them in front of the target. Nan Ruo reluctantly nodded, raised the laser gun, and aimed at With a light press on the other side, a beam of white light flew out quickly. The three of them hadn't come to see it clearly, but the beam of white light had disappeared. Feng Tianying and Yang Zhengyuan hurried over to check it. The thick wood has a transparent hole the size of a thumb, and the archery target behind the wood has a hole of the same size.

The three of them looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

Nan Ruo ran over, took Feng Tianying's arm, and said, "Uncle Yang, Brother Yang, this is only for pediatrics, and it has even greater power."

Nan Ruo saw that they had a special relationship with Feng Tianying, so he greeted them affectionately, and saw that they were very interested in his laser gun, so he said it intentionally.

Yang Yi said in amazement: "There are more powerful ones? My sister, show us quickly."

Nan Ruo smiled slightly, looked left and right, saw a few big knives sticking out on both sides, walked over, and said, "Brother Ying, can you try this?"

Feng Tianying nodded and said, "Try it."

Nan Ruo pressed it again, and there was a transparent hole on the hard blade. Nan Ruo turned around, pressed the button, and scratched a few times at the earthen wall in front of him. Looking at the earthen wall, he said, "Uncle Yang, Brother Yang, go and push it."

Yang Zhengyuan and Yang Yi looked at each other, they walked over, pushed hard, they made a fan-shaped hole, it turned out that Nan Ruo had just drawn a circle, with two horizontal and vertical strokes in the middle, cutting the round wall like watermelon It was divided into four pieces, and Yang and his son pushed the fan-shaped earth wall out.

Feng Tianying walked over a few steps, clapped his hands and praised: "Sure enough." He glanced at Yang Zhengyuan with a puzzled look in his eyes.

Yang Zhengyuan took a step forward and said, "But I have a question, does this silver spear recognize its owner like a horse? Why is it so weak in our hands?"

(End of this chapter)

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