The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 2 The Young Master of the Dragon Sect

Chapter 2 The Young Master of the Dragon Sect

Nan Ruo put the muzzle of the gun to his lips, took a breath, and said with a sneer, "Now you know I'm not lying to you!"

Everyone was so frightened that their legs and feet trembled, and they knelt down and begged for mercy.

Nan Ruo found a rock and sat down, holding the laser gun on his chest, pointing with his left hand to the servant who was kneeling not far away, and said, "I can spare you, but I have to agree to one condition!"

"Yes, yes, what is your order!" Everyone said in unison.

Seeing that they no longer resisted, Nan Ruo said: "First, don't tell others what happened today. If you let me know who among you can't control your mouth, don't blame me for being rude."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Second, take out all the money on your body, put it on that rock, and then it will disappear automatically!" Nan Ruo pointed at the rock in front with her slender fingers.

Everyone didn't dare to resist, and took out their money and put them in front of her one after another. Nan Ruo sat on the rock, crossed his legs and watched the money slowly piled up in front of him with a smile, sighing and joy in his heart. It feels pretty good, but it's too sad that the daughter of a dignified physicist has been reduced to become the king of the mountain. If my father finds out, I don't know how disappointed I will be.

She shook her head and sighed, but she didn't know that in the Yunlai Inn not far away, by a certain window on the second floor, a pair of star-like eyes could see everything in her eyes, and those moon-like eyes were on her waist. He stayed on the silver gun in the room for a moment, saw her put away the money on the ground and turned to leave, then looked away.

He took a sip of the tea on the table and clicked his tongue twice: "Interesting, interesting!"

"That weapon is indeed interesting. I have seen countless weapons in my life, but I have never seen such an interesting weapon."

"Weapons are interesting, and so are people."

The man looked up, and on the empty seat opposite, there was a faint outline of a person. The outline was like flowing water, shining brightly under the faint moonlight, and the smooth outline became more and more The thicker it is, the body of a heroic man gradually appeared. He was dressed in green clothes like black ink, his long hair was tied behind his head, and his eyebrows were quite handsome. Fanning him, he looked serene, quite like a quack, but his face was extremely pale, as if he had been on a sick bed for a long time.

"Mubai, you're late again, you make me wait for you every time, are you embarrassed?" the man before complained coldly.

Mu Bai smiled lightly, and said: "It's just because you ask me every time." Mu Bai looked at his cold expression, restrained his smile, and said, "This time, Young Master Feng has his eyes on something again. ? Could it be something in that little beggar’s hand just now?”

The Feng Shao in Mu Bai's mouth refers to Feng Tianying, the young master of the Dragon Sect who has risen and expanded the fastest in recent years.

Feng Tianying smiled faintly, and didn't strike up a conversation, but his eyes were far away, as if he was still recalling the scene just now.

Seeing him like this, Mu Bai jumped up, and said loudly: "I can't really guess it! That Young Master Feng underestimated me too much, if he asked me to steal something from a little beggar, and spread the word, wouldn't it be caught by me?" People laughed out their teeth?"

Feng Tianying stretched out his right hand and waved downward, and said with a smile, "Don't be impulsive! You are a majestic thief, how could I let you take such a low-level thing." He reached into his arms, took out an envelope, and pressed it on the On the table, pushed it in front of Mu Bai, said: "This is it."

(End of this chapter)

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