The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 207 How dare you offend me

Chapter 207 How dare you offend me

Baili Mu thought she was shy, and was embarrassed to admit it in front of the crowd, so he reached over, grabbed her wrist, and said, "Ruo'er, there are so many people in Mingyue Tower, it's really not a place to talk, follow me Go to a clean place."

"Let go! I won't go!" Nan Ruo was angry.

She was speechless. Is there something wrong with this person's brain? She doesn't speak a foreign language.

Among the princes of Dazheng, Baili Mu has always been famous for his bravery, pulling Nan Ruo is like twisting a chicken.

Nan Ruo had no choice but to grit her teeth and grab the table to avoid being dragged away by him. She couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if she was taken to a clean place by him.


At this moment, a low voice came from the door.

Here comes the savior...

Nan Ruo was overjoyed, and turned his head to look at the door, only to see a purple-clothed man standing at the door, who looked to be in his twenties, with a square face, thick eyebrows, and big, piercing eyes. Master.

Baili Mu's gaze also turned to the door, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes when he saw someone coming.

While he was looking at the door, Nan Ruo grabbed the porcelain bowl on the table and slammed it on the table. The porcelain bowl shattered. Nan Ruo held a piece of broken porcelain and swiftly swiped it at Baili Mu's hand.

This happened very quickly, and Baili Mu's attention was focused on the purple-clothed man at the door, but he was successfully attacked by Nan Ruo.

Blood gushed out for a moment, Baili Mu suffered from pain, and his strength to grab Nan Ruo suddenly weakened.

Nan Ruo got the gap, turned around and ran towards the door.

Seeing Nan Ruo avoiding him like a snake, Bai Limu finally understood that what Nan Ruo said just now was true, she really didn't break the rumor because she liked herself, she really just didn't want to be hurt by others. Just using it, she still hates him deeply, at critical moments, she can do things that hurt him without hesitation.

A surge of anger suddenly surged in Baili Mu's heart, he shouted loudly, and chased after Nan Ruo.

He was tall and long-legged, and he caught up with Nan Ruo in two steps. With his long arms stretched out, he was about to grab Nan Ruo's high ponytail.

Just when Nan Ruo thought he would be caught by Baili Mu, a purple shadow flashed past, and then, he heard a loud bang behind him.

Nan Ruo didn't have time to look back and took the opportunity to rush out the door, but unexpectedly, he bumped into a hard chest.

Nan Ruo's nose hurt from bumping into it. She touched her nose and looked up.

I saw that the person in front of me was tall and tall, even if Nan Ruo stood on tiptoe, she could only reach his chin. Nan Ruo was very close to him, and with a posture of looking up, she could clearly see his facial line from the chin to the top Extremely handsome and soft, her sexy thin lips are slightly raised, revealing a shallow smile that makes people feel at ease when they look at it.

Nan Ruo bumped into someone, and felt quite embarrassed, she hurriedly took two steps back, bowed and apologized to that person: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

After speaking, she touched her nose and prepared to leave.

When the man saw that she had only glanced at him indifferently, he left on his own, with a flash of sadness in his eyes.

But at this time, Baili Mu and the man in purple in Mingyue Tower wanted to leave, and the other wanted to stop them, and they had already undone more than ten moves in a blink of an eye.

Baili Mu finally got angry, and shouted: "Wei Bing, how dare you offend this king, don't you want to live?"

Wei Bing is a master who is not afraid of anything, and shouted: "The dignified Su Wang actually molests a woman from a good family in public... Well, although she may not be a woman from a good family, but you are acting like this, disregarding the righteousness and etiquette. Hurt the face of the royal family."

(End of this chapter)

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