Chapter 209
As soon as Nan Ruo walked to the door, a man's voice came from beside him.

Nan Ruo turned her head and saw that it was the purple-clothed man named Wei Bing just now. She turned to walk towards the man, and said with a slight smile, "Thank you just now, sir."

Wei Bing saw Nan Ruo looking at his expression, as if he was looking at a stranger, and was slightly curious, but he didn't get too entangled, and just said: "My master has invited Miss Nan."

"Your master?" Nan Ruo was taken aback for a moment, recalling just now, when he bumped into that person at the door, Nan Ruo suddenly asked, "Your master, but the one who was at the door just now?"

The doubts in Wei Bing's eyes were even worse, but he still didn't ask any more questions, just said: "Exactly, Miss Nan, please."

The savior asked, Nan Ruo naturally couldn't refuse, so he followed Wei Bing and walked down the road to one side.

Although Wei Bing's master invited Nan Ruo, it was obvious that Wei Bing himself didn't respect Nan Ruo. After he finished speaking, he walked forward on his own.

Although Wei Bing was indifferent, Nan Ruo didn't care too much. Seeing Feng Tianying's style, the current Wei Bing was nothing more than a trivial matter.

Nan Ruo followed Wei Bing to a courtyard named Jingyuan, and saw that Wei Bing pushed the door in without knocking the door, and then stood aside, waiting impatiently for Nan Ruo to follow.

Nan Ruo trotted for two steps and entered the garden, Wei Bing closed the door, then turned to Nan Ruo and said, "My master is by the lotus pond in front, please come with me, Miss Nan."

Wei Bing took Nan Ruo along the path to the lotus pond, and saw a tall black figure standing there with his hands behind his back in the small wind pavilion by the pond, looking at the lotus pond in front of him, as if Fascinated.

Nan Ruo walked over and said, "Master, when will you be looking for me?"

To the savior, Nan Ruo was still very polite.

Wei Bing didn't expect that at this time, Nan Ruo still pretended to be very contemptuous, and couldn't help reminding her: "Miss Nan, this is His Royal Highness, and when you see His Highness, you should kneel down."

Nan Ruo couldn't help giving him a blank look. Just now, Wei Bing was very hostile to her, and now he wants him to kneel down. Although he just saved himself, it's not enough to ask her to kneel down.

Nan Ruo didn't kneel down, but greeted the figure again: "His Royal Highness, may I ask what you want to do with Minnv?"

At this time, Bai Lihong had already turned around and looked at Nan Ruo in a daze for a moment.

Seeing that he just looked at him and didn't speak, Nan Ruo felt very strange. This man came to him but didn't speak. Could it be that he just stood here and looked at the lotus in the pond.

Nan Ruo really couldn't understand the elegance of the ancients, so he called again: "His Royal Highness?"

Only then did Bai Lihong come back to his senses, glanced at Wei Bing beside him, waved his hand, and said, "Wei Bing, step back first."

"Yes." Wei Bing respectfully agreed, turned around and retreated.

Nan Ruo looked at Bai Lihong carefully, and saw that he had long eyebrows and handsome eyes, and he always had a warm smile on his face. Compared with Feng Tianying's always cold and cool appearance, he was another kind of indifferent handsome Yat.

Nan Ruo sighed in his heart, the blood of this royal family is really different, every prince was born so outstanding.

Bai Lihong stretched out his hand to Nan Ruoyi, and said, "Ms. Nan must have eaten well just now. I have someone prepare some cakes. Miss Nan please."

(End of this chapter)

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