The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 220 Tonight, I Have a Chance

Chapter 220 Tonight, I Have a Chance

He Ziling said: "If you are gone, if you are bullied in the general's mansion and you can't stay any longer, you can take this jade fan to a pawn shop in the north of the city to pawn some silver taels, so that you can redeem yourself, and then you will You are free, and the remaining money is enough for you to start a new life."

Hong'er felt that something was wrong in her heart, so she just waved her hands and refused.

He Ziling suddenly sighed, and said: "Just let me keep it for you. If we have a chance to meet again in the future, you will still be with me. If..."

Having said that, he stopped and said no more.

In the end, Hong'er accepted the jade fan. On the Lantern Festival the next day, Hong'er did not follow Nan Ruo and Nan Xinya, but she did not stay in the General's Mansion, but quietly followed He Ziling to Ming Dynasty. Heart bridge away.

Unexpectedly, He Ziling did not wait for Nanruo at Mingxin Bridge, but instead waited for a group of killers.

What Hong'er didn't expect was that He Ziling possessed special skills, his martial arts were so good that those killers couldn't help him for a while.

In the end, He Ziling killed all the killers one by one. Just when Hong'er was happy for him, Nan Jiye rushed over with a large number of imperial guards.

At this moment, He Ziling was seriously injured. He covered his chest with his hands, and leaned against the big tree under the Mingxin Bridge with some difficulty, his face was very ugly.

Nan Jiye led the Imperial Forest Army across the Mingxin Bridge. Under the moonlight, his face was dark and his eyes were full of anger.

He saw He Ziling sitting under a big tree, and asked in a deep voice, "He Ziling, where is the general's daughter?"

He Ziling's strength has long been exhausted due to serious injuries, and a helpless smile appeared on his face: "General Nan, if I told you that Ruo'er is not here, would you believe me?"

Nan Jiye said in a deep voice: "Do you think this general will believe you? Come, someone, let this general take him down!"

He Ziling was taken back by Nan Jiye because of his injuries, and was tortured in the dungeon of the General's Mansion.

Hong'er took all her savings and bribed the guards of the dungeon, and was able to visit him once in the dungeon. It was also that time that he learned from her that Nan Ruo had disappeared as early as the day of Shangyuan Festival, and has never been seen since then. back.

On the day He Ziling heard the news, he was tortured to death and thrown into a mass grave by the general's family.

That night, Hong'er went to the mass grave to look for He Ziling's body, but searched the entire mass grave but couldn't find it.


Under the grief, Hong'er spoke a little confusedly, but Nan Ruo figured out the ins and outs of the matter anyway, according to what Hong'er said, then He Ziling really had the possibility of surviving.

Nan Ruo felt that Hong'er, a young girl, was able to do so many things for the person she liked, and her impression of her improved a little.

A person who is so emotional, no matter how bad he is, he can't go anywhere.

Nan Ruo looked at her red eyes from crying, patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her: "Since you didn't find him in the mass grave, then he might still be alive in this world, don't be too sad .”

A flash of surprise flashed in Hong'er's eyes, she nodded and said: "Yes, this servant also thinks so, but if his grievances cannot be cleared, he will never be able to return to Luo City. Back then, he was originally the champion of the new department. ..."

Nan Ruo nodded and said: "Well, you want to wash away his grievances. Tonight, you have a chance, as long as you listen to me."

(End of this chapter)

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