The fate of the world's beauty

The king's patience is limited

The king's patience is limited
Nan Xinya got goosebumps when she saw it.

Feng Tianying said indifferently: "I don't like the appearance of torturing a good beauty until she is dripping with blood, so this is the best."

He paused, and then said: "At this time, the king accidentally caught it. Its name is a man-eating spider. It is not poisonous, but as long as it enters a person's body, it will kill all the organs in that person's body." They were eaten raw, so they were named man-eating spiders."

After hearing Feng Tianying's words, Nan Xinya was so frightened that her whole body broke out in cold sweat, and she backed away in panic, for fear of being bitten by the man-eating spider.

Feng Tianying said: "This king's patience is limited, if you haven't considered it yet, then you can only invite the man-eating spider to have a sumptuous dinner."

Nan Xinya's face turned pale with fright, she quickly knelt down and kowtowed: "I say, Your Highness King Yun, I say..."


At this time, the Liu family had learned about her daughter Nan Xinya being arrested in the sky prison, she stumbled and ran to Nan Jiye's study room, and cried out in a mournful voice: "Master, master, please save Xinya."

Nan Jiye supported her and said, "What's going on?"

Liu Shi said: "Xinya was thrown into the dungeon by His Royal Highness, master, how can such a delicate girl like Xinya stay in the dungeon? Master, you must find a way to save Xinya."

Nan Jiye frowned slightly, and said: "The prince sent Xin Ya to the sky prison, why exactly?"

Mrs. Liu hesitated for a while, and finally said, "They wronged Xinya, saying that Nanruo's disappearance was planned by Xinya. Master, you watched Xinya grow up. What kind of woman is she?" Man, you should be the clearest, she will definitely not do such a thing."

Nan Jiye's face was serious, at this moment, a servant came to report: "Master, the crown prince has come."

Surprise flashed in Liu's eyes, and he said: "Master, the crown prince is here, go and tell him quickly, let him let my Xinya go."

Nan Jiye nodded solemnly, and said: "I have my own discretion in this matter." Then he turned his head and asked the servant: "Where is His Highness the Crown Prince?"

The family Ding said: "The prince has gone to the Cuiyuxuan of the second lady."


But he said that after the crown prince explained about Feng Tianying, he went to Liu Laosan's residence, wanting to see how Nan Ruo's birthday gift was prepared.

However, Nan Ruo was not there, so he came directly to the General's Mansion.

In the past, when Nanruo was not missing, the prince occasionally visited the General's Mansion, so he knew the General's Mansion quite well.

The prince went straight to Cuiyuxuan, Nan Ruo's residence, and saw a maid busy in the yard, but Nan Ruo was nowhere to be seen.

He recognized this maid, it was Hong'er, Nan Ruo's personal maid.

The crown prince stepped forward and asked, "Hong'er, where's your lady?"

Seeing that it was the crown prince, Hong'er immediately knelt down and said: "This servant has seen His Highness the crown prince. When I return to the crown prince, the lady is resting in the room."

The prince waved his hand and said, "Get up."

Hong'er stood up and said: "His Royal Highness, do you want this servant to go and wake up Miss?"

The prince said: "No need, I'll just sit in this yard for a while, and you go and cut a pot of tea for me."

The prince was sitting on a stone chair in the yard, and just after taking a sip of tea, he heard footsteps outside the yard.

Nan Jiye hurried over with his second wife, Liu Shi, and they quickly walked in front of the prince, and finished their salute to the prince.

Nan Jiye straight to the point: "I heard that at noon today, my daughter Xinya was thrown into the sky prison, but I don't know what crime she has committed. I would like to ask His Highness the Crown Prince to express that I will keep it in mind and teach my daughter well."

(End of this chapter)

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