The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 257 She Is Just a Victim

Chapter 257 She Is Just a Victim

The two of them didn't speak for a while, but after a while, Nan Jiye seemed to come to his senses, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Since His Royal Highness is here, please sit here."

Nan Jiye invited the prince to sit down beside the desk, and the prince pointed to the cushion next to him, signaling Nan Jiye to sit down.

Nan Jiye could only sit down.

The prince then took out a piece of paper from his sleeve, put it on the table, and said, "General Nan, do you know what this is?"

Nan Jiye was slightly taken aback, looked at the prince with some puzzlement, frowned and shook his head, and said, "I don't know what this is? Please tell the prince clearly."

The crown prince unfolded the paper and said, "This is Nan Xinya's confession in the dungeon last night."

The prince pushed the paper towards Nan Jiye.

Nan Jiye picked it up and looked at it. The more he looked at it, the angrier he became, but after all, the prince is here, so he can't be too presumptuous, but he looked at the prince in disbelief, and said: "Your Highness, this, this is simply a school Nonsense, my daughter Xinya, how could could she be?"

There was a light of compassion in the prince's eyes, he sighed sadly, suddenly slapped the table, stood up abruptly, and said: "Ten years, a full ten years, this palace has been established as the prince since the beginning of Dazheng, During this period, the swords and blood rain never stopped, but the previous battle was our own battle after all. I never thought that now, such an innocent woman would be involved. If so many innocent people were to be sacrificed after all Life, this palace... I will hand over the position of crown prince to King Xiang... so what if I give it to him?"

Nan Jiye didn't expect that the prince would react so violently all of a sudden, but he was taken aback.

Hearing what he said later, the more he spoke, the more incoherent he became, and the more he spoke, the more absurd he became, he hurriedly stood up, and said nervously: "Your Highness, such words, you can't talk nonsense."

The crown prince looked back at him, tears flickered in his eyes, and the crown prince said solemnly: "General Nan, tell me, what is the crown prince?"

Seeing that he was emotional, Nan Jiye didn't know what to say for a moment, he was stunned for a while, and then said: "The crown prince is the future heir of Taisho, and the hope of all people in the world."

The prince suddenly shook his head sadly, and said: "General Nan, you are wrong. The prince is the future prince of Dazheng, but it is not the hope of all people. In the eyes of some people, the prince is just a symbol of future authority. Therefore, they I tried my best to get this position, but Bengong... Bengong is not rare at all, Bengong... I'm tired..."

Seeing the tears in the prince's eyes, Nan Jiye expressed his sincerity, he never thought that the matter of his daughter would overwhelm a prince who was under heavy pressure.

He suddenly felt that it was very inappropriate for him to be so rude to the prince just now. Perhaps, the one in front of him really had the benevolent heart that an emperor should have.

Nan Jiye is a military commander and doesn't know how to comfort him. At this moment, he rubbed his hands and said incoherently: "Your Highness, don't think too much... Hey, it's Xinya who is ignorant... Hey, Xinya, she absolutely She will not do such a thing, although she is sometimes willful, but she will not collude with King Xiang to frame Ruo'er, I think it must be a coincidence."

The prince gave him a sad look, and said: "General Nan, I am tired after fighting for so many years. I originally thought that Nan Xinya was vicious by nature, and wanted to put Ruoer to death because of jealousy. , she is just a victim of taking the throne, the culprit..."

(End of this chapter)

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