The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 267 Bloodthirsty Monster

Chapter 267 Bloodthirsty Monster ([-])

East suburbs.

Feng Tianying took a few soldiers and a team of people from the patrol battalion to search this generation for a long time, but they couldn't find the monster.

I heard that the monster likes to drink raw blood, so I found some animals and killed them, and put them under the trap to lure the monster to come, but I don't know if the monster is smart or what is going on. didn't come out.

So Feng Tianying ordered to search the mountain, but after searching for two hours, they still found nothing.

Feng Tianying looked at the dense forest all over the mountain, and said: "Doesn't this monster like to drink raw blood? Why doesn't it come out?"

At this time, a man in blue headhunting clothes took a step forward, and saw that he had a square face, quite handsome and brave, with a heroic face and a pair of eyes that looked quite lively.

He was Luo Jin, the head catcher of the patrol battalion, and he said, "Reporting to Your Highness King Yun, this monster seems to like drinking the blood of living people. It seems that he is not very interested in the blood of those animals."

Feng Tianying narrowed his black eyes slightly, and said, "The blood of a living person?" His eyes fell on the people around him.

Those people couldn't help shaking their bodies, their hearts were inexplicably terrified, and they became a little scared.

Feng Tianying's eyes were cold and stern, giving people a strong sense of oppression, and he said in a deep voice: "It is cruel to use living people as bait, but as a soldier of the Great Zheng, it is his duty to protect the people. Now the people are in trouble. , is the time to demonstrate the value of our iron-blooded soldiers, not to mention shedding a little blood, even sacrificing their lives, we should not hesitate."

He spoke impassionedly, and all the soldiers were a little ashamed by what he said, and they all lowered their heads silently, but the enthusiasm in their hearts had already been ignited by him, and when they raised their heads a moment later, there was already a sense of fearless sacrifice in their eyes .

At this time, Ying Ying took a step forward and said, "Your Highness King Yun, this subordinate is willing to be your ear."

Feng Tianying gave him an approving look, and said: "Okay! Shadow, you go over there and capture this monster. This king wants to see what kind of monster it is."

"Yes!" Shadow nodded heavily.

Luo Jin saw that the people brought by King Yun were so righteous, and his own people were so timid just now, wouldn't His Highness King Yun look down upon him? This is obviously a great opportunity to perform, how could King Yun look down upon it.

Luo Jindao: "Your Highness King Yun, Lord Yingying is responsible for protecting His Highness King Yun, and you must not take any risks. Besides, among the people here, His Highness King Yun and Lord Yingying have the highest martial arts, so you should save your strength. Luo Jin is not talented. But I am also willing to share the worries of the common people and do my part for His Highness King Yun."

Feng Tianying looked at him, but before he could speak, Luo Jin suddenly lifted up his sleeves, pulled out the dagger, and drew a bloody gash on his hand, the blood flowed down drop by drop, but he didn't even frown.

Feng Tianying just nodded.

Luo Jin jumped into the trap and sat there, waiting for the monster to come.

The rest of the officers and soldiers saw that their leader was using their body as an ear, and they were so ashamed that they couldn't bear to feel ashamed. They all drew their swords in their hands, ready to fight the monster to the end.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the woods were still quiet, with occasional breeze blowing through the leaves, making a rustling sound.

Seeing that Luo Jin had bled a lot, and his face was starting to turn pale, under the scorching sun, Luo Jin already felt a little dizzy.

However, the monster just didn't show up.

Feng Tianying looked at the weak Luo Jin, narrowed his eyes slightly, and was about to order someone to replace him, when suddenly, there was a sharp whistling sound from behind, followed by a strong gust of wind.

(End of this chapter)

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