The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 271 He Will Not Hurt Me

Chapter 271 He Will Not Hurt Me
"Ah!" Nan Ruo didn't expect the monster to come so fast, before he had time to react, his whole body was thrown to the ground by the monster.

Hearing her voice, Feng Tianying was shocked, and shouted: "Ruo'er!" The whole person jumped up from the ground and grabbed the shadow.

But it was too late, the black shadow had already thrown Nan Ruo to the ground, opened its mouth, revealing its white fangs, and was about to bite Nan Ruo's neck.

Nan Ruo was so frightened that he closed his eyes.

However, at this moment, the black shadow miraculously stopped its movements. He lay there quietly, looking at Nan Ruo's face, slightly dazed, and made strange noises from time to time.

Just like that, Feng Tianying had already approached, kicked the black shadow, knocked him to the ground, and rolled a few times.

Feng Tianying quickly helped Nan Ruo up, and said worriedly: "Ruo'er, are you okay?"

Nan Ruo shook his head with a smile and said, "I'm fine."

Seeing that she was fine, Feng Tianying breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly his face sank, and he scolded: "Why did you come here suddenly, do you know how dangerous it was just now?"

Although he was blaming her, his tone was full of worry.

Nan Ruo said: "His Royal Highness said that you came here to catch monsters. I am curious, so I have a look."

Feng Tianying saw that she spoke calmly, but he knew that she was actually worried about him, his heart warmed up, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he reached out and grabbed her little hand, holding her in the palm of his hand.

There was deep affection in the eyes of the two of them, and they didn't notice the gleam of jealousy erupting from Situ Xin's originally immature and pure eyes at all.

It turns out that he can also laugh and be gentle, and he looks so pretty when he smiles... But, when he smiles, the object of his tenderness is this woman who looks like a vixen...

At this moment, the monster suddenly sprang up from the ground and rushed towards Nan Ruo. However, this time, his speed was not particularly fast, and his movements were not as crazy as before. A little messy, and his figure couldn't help shaking.

Seeing him coming, the surrounding soldiers and soldiers immediately surrounded him with swords and pointed at the monster.

But the monster was unmoved at all, still walking towards Nan Ruo step by step.

Shadow made a strong hand, and the tip of the sword pierced into the monster's body, but the monster was not afraid of the pain, and still walked towards Nanruo firmly.

Feng Tianying frowned slightly, raised her hand slightly, and made a killing motion.

Everyone was about to kill the monster, but unexpectedly, the monster suddenly made an indecipherable voice: "Nuo... Nuo..."

Nan Ruo was taken aback, turned around and grabbed Feng Tianying's arm, and said, "His Royal Highness, he seems to have something to say."

With a wave of Feng Tianying's hand, everyone stopped killing.

Nan Ruo took a step forward, Feng Tianying immediately held her hand tightly, trying to pull her back.

Nan Ruo turned around, smiled at him, and said, "Don't worry, I can see that he won't hurt me."

Although Feng Tianying could see it, but still couldn't rest assured, he held her hand tightly, pulled her into his arms, and tightly protected her.

Seeing Feng Tianying like this, the black shadow suddenly shot a ray of light from its blood-red eyes.

But it darkened in an instant, and it seemed that he had made a lot of effort, and another voice came out: "If..." This time, his voice was much clearer, and people could hear that he was calling "like".

(End of this chapter)

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