The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 276 Are You Worried About Me?

Chapter 276 Are You Worried About Me?

But how could her kitten-like strength push him? He kissed her gently on the face and asked in a low voice, "What are you asking?"

Nan Ruo said: "This morning, Nan Xinya was sent back. I heard Hong'er said that when she was sent back, she was covered in injuries. Your Highness, King Yun, did you cause her injuries?"

Feng Tianying's heart sank, his gaze turned slightly cold, and he said, "No."

Hearing what he said, Nan Ruo immediately became a little anxious, and said, "If it wasn't you, why would she say it was you? Your Highness King Yun, does she have some conspiracy?"

The more Nan Ruo thought about it, the more she felt like this, and the more she said, the more worried she became, her brows furrowed tightly.

Seeing her worried expression, Feng Tianying was so happy that his heart was bubbling. He stared at her deeply with black eyes, and asked with a half smile, "Are you worried about me?"

Nan Ruo looked at his nonchalant expression, and suddenly felt relieved, she was really stupid, with his Feng Tianying's methods, he was always the one to plot against others, and it was their turn to plot against him.

Seeing that she was silent, Feng Tianying lowered his head and kissed her on the lips, and asked gently: "Huh?" It seemed that he was extremely eagerly waiting for her answer.

Putting down the worries in her heart, Nan Ruo only felt that his lips were icy and cold, which made her enjoy it very much. She closed her eyes lightly, her heart fluttering, as if flying into the clouds.

It turned out that being kissed by him was such a wonderful and happy thing.

Nan Ruo was taken aback by this thought in his mind. There was only one thought in his mind, and he couldn't let him know what was in his mind, otherwise he would eat him to death in the future.

Nan Ruo opened his eyes, curled his lips, and said, "I'm not worried about you."

"Really?" Feng Tianying suddenly stopped, pulling a distance away from her, staring at her with black eyes, with a playful smile inside.

Nan Ruo was originally dizzy from his kiss, but at this moment, he stopped kissing suddenly and kept such a long distance from her, a sense of loss suddenly rose in her heart, and her bright eyes couldn't help but dim slightly.

But she is a girl, even if she is from modern times, she can't bear to keep asking for kisses from him.

Nan Ruo hugged his shoulders with both hands, turned his face slowly, and looked out of the window to relieve the embarrassment at the moment. Fortunately, he had already entered the territory of Luo City, and seeing the pedestrians coming and going outside, Nan Ruo forgot about it in a blink of an eye. After getting over the embarrassment just now, he showed a look full of interest.

Seeing her heartless appearance, Feng Tianying sighed slightly, stretched out his hand to tear down the car curtain she raised, and pulled her into his arms.

He didn't speak any more, just held her hand lightly, and embraced her into his arms with the other hand, with a cautious appearance, as if she was the most precious treasure in the world.

Nan Ruo's heart was pounding, she raised her small face, and looked up at his perfect chin curve, feeling a little confused.

Nan Ruo waited for a long while, but he didn't see any movement. She was a little disappointed in her heart, and was about to speak, but the carriage stopped.

Shadow's voice came from outside the car door: "His Royal Highness King Yun, we have arrived."

Hearing Yingying's words, Nan Ruo's beautiful eyes darkened slightly, she struggled to get up, and stretched out her hand to lift the car curtain.

Nan Ruo jumped out of the car, raised his eyes and saw the gate of the General's Mansion in front of him, he was slightly taken aback, but when he looked back, there were no figures of those soldiers and the monster, even Situ Xin was missing.

But not far away, Hong'er walked up with red eyes, and called out aggrievedly: "Miss." The voice was slightly crying, and she looked very pitiful.

Nan Ruo had no choice but to comfort her: "Let's go, he will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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