The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 278 Is there a way to resolve it?

Chapter 278 Is there a way to resolve it?

Hua Chenqing took out a night pearl, the light of the night pearl shone on his wound, and his eyes were fixed on the wound.

Under the bright light of Ye Mingzhu, I saw a lot of bright things slowly wriggling on his wound suddenly. With the wriggling of that thing, the blood in He Ziling's wound was quickly sucked dry, and the skin outside the wound It miraculously healed slowly.

Hua Chenqing opened his eyes wide and looked at this scene, feeling that it was really unbelievable. What kind of ferocious creature was reared in this He Ziling's body.

Hua Chenqing stood up, turned around and exited the iron prison, and said to Feng Tianying: "His Royal Highness, after the diagnosis just now, it seems that a strange creature is fostered in He Ziling's body. This creature has the ability to quickly make his skin The ability to heal, however, this creature likes blood, and the blood in his body is consumed by these things all the time, so he needs to drink human blood for replenishment every once in a while."

Feng Tianying's eyes froze, and he said, "What kind of creature is this?"

Hua Chenqing shook his head slightly, frowned, and said, "This is the first time I've seen this kind of creature in my life."

Feng Tianying said: "Is there a way to resolve it?"

Hua Chenqing said: "If you can take it and study it carefully, in time, you will be able to find a way to resolve it."

Feng Tianying nodded, his eyes fell on He Ziling, and he said: "He Ziling, from now on, you need to cooperate with Hua Shenhua, he is the only person who can help you, do you know that?"

He Ziling immediately got up from the bed, walked over, knelt down in front of Feng Tianying, made a big salute, then turned to Hua Chenqing, and knocked his head several times.

He has been tortured by this monster for too long, now that he heard that someone could help him, he is really overjoyed, naturally he regards Feng Tianying as his lifesaver and Hua Chenqing as his reborn parents.

Things have been arranged here, Feng Tianying turned around and walked out the door.

Seeing that he was going to leave, Situ Xin was extremely anxious, followed his footsteps, grabbed the iron railing with both hands, and said, "His Royal Highness, please let me go, I will never dare to release poisonous needles again next time. I swear."

Feng Tianying stopped, turned around slowly, stared at her for a while, but didn't speak.

Situ Xin looked at his seductive black eyes, and bit her lips hard. This man is really charming like a monster. Even if she was brought here, she would not be able to hate him.

Situ Xin finally knelt down slowly, and begged: "His Royal Highness, I really know that I was wrong, please let me go."

Feng Tianying gave her a cold look, turned around and continued walking outside the door.

Situ Xin was really scared at this moment, she didn't want to stay in this dark place for the rest of her life.

Just when she was about to continue begging for mercy, Yingying came up and said, "Since you know you were wrong, let's find a way to redeem your sins. As long as you do what you should do, His Royal Highness King Yun will know."

After the shadow finished speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared in an instant.

Situ Xin grabbed the iron bars and jumped up, shouting: "Hey, don't run away, you haven't told me yet, how can you atone for your sins?"

At this time, Hua Chenqing came over and said, "Miss Situ, don't you understand? His Royal Highness Yun wants you to assist me here to uncover the secret of He Ziling."

Situ was taken aback for a moment, and immediately put on a bitter face, and said, "How do I know what's going on with him?"

(End of this chapter)

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