The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 282 The Empress Dowager’s Birthday

Chapter 282 The Empress Dowager's Birthday ([-])

When the Empress Dowager heard this, surprise flashed in her eyes, she quickly turned her head and said to Zijuan: "Zijuan, hurry up, take it here and show it to the Ai family."

It turns out that the Empress Dowager devoted all her life to Buddha, especially Master Fahua of Qingyuan Temple. Ten years ago, Qingyuan Temple suddenly caught fire, Master Fahua also died in that fire, and the scriptures he wrote all his life are all Burned in that fire.

Also because of this, Master Fahua's handwritten Lotus Sutra is extremely precious, so when Feng Tianying presented this gift, the Queen Mother was so pleasantly surprised.

At this time, Zicuckoo had already brought the Lotus Sutra to the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager stretched out her long armored fingers, gently twisted the thin Lotus Sutra, flipped through a few pages, and felt a burst of pain in her heart. Sighing, said: "Sure enough, it is the authentic work of Master Fahua."

She raised her head, looked at Feng Tianying appreciatively, and said, "How did Yun'er get this Lotus Sutra?"

Feng Tianying said: "Yun'er also got it by accident when going back to Grandma Huang. Last time when she went south, she accidentally rescued a little novice monk when she passed by the accompanying city, but she didn't expect that little novice monk who used to follow Fa The little disciple next to Master Hua, the little novice, was grateful for Yun'er's life-saving grace, so he transferred this Lotus Sutra to me."

The queen mother nodded when she heard this, and said: "It's true that the heavens have eyes to allow Master Fahua's young disciple to survive. Yun'er, this gift of yours is very much in line with the wishes of the Ai family."

After Feng Tianying bowed and saluted, she retreated.

The princes all gave gifts, and they were all extraordinary gifts. At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on the prince, guessing what kind of gift he would give the queen mother.

Prince Bailihong stood up unhurriedly, walked to the middle, saluted the emperor and the queen mother above, and said, "Father, grandma, and Hong'er have carefully prepared a big gift for grandma."

As he spoke, he clapped his hands, and immediately two palace servants brought a table and came forward.

The other two palace servants carried a long square box and walked up, and put the box on the long table.

Baili Hongdao: "Hong'er's gift is a bit big, please step down with the emperor and grandma, and Hong'er will show it to grandma personally."

Hearing what he said, the emperor and the queen mother glanced at each other, and then walked down from their seats with curiosity.

Seeing that the crown prince's gift was so rare, all the ministers present stood up one after another, walked a few steps in the middle, and poked their heads to see what happened.

The prince personally stepped forward, took off the entire lid of the box, and handed it to a palace man next to him.

A huge landscape basin sculpture appeared in the eyes of everyone.

I saw the ups and downs inside, the mountains and rivers stretched, and it looked extremely magnificent. There was a mountain in the middle that was the tallest, and above the mountain was a wide platform.

Although there were landscape basin carvings at that time, such exquisite and magnificent ones were extremely rare.

The queen mother nodded and said, "This landscape is indeed very magnificent."

The emperor also nodded and said, "This craftsman's craftsmanship is really good."

All the people present also nodded and began to whisper among each other.

However, although the pot carvings are beautiful, they are dead objects after all. Although they are exquisite, they did not cause much disturbance.

Bai Lihong took a step forward, stretched out his hand to hold a stone in the creek in front of him, and turned it slowly.

When he let go of his hand, the landscape suddenly seemed to come alive. The waterfall just below the cliff below the platform was like a screen in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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