The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 289 I told you not to say it!

Chapter 289 I told you not to say it!
Zuo Xiang Cui Yuanjing said: "The words of Wei Taishi are quite strange. The emperor is a sage monarch, so how can he be deceived by those rumors? If the prince really has a sense of responsibility, then he should follow the previous arrangement and hold a concubine selection hall to choose a concubine. A well-educated, dignified and noble princess, not at this moment, giving up the crown prince for this woman who has been missing for a year and doesn't even know if she is still innocent."

"You!" Wei Ling blushed with anger.

The prince's lowered brows also frowned slightly.

This Zuoxiang Cui Yuanjing really had a sharp mouth, even if he was white, he could tell him black.

"Enough!" The emperor frowned, looked coldly at the two ministers below who were blushing, and said, "Don't make any more money. Today is the Empress Dowager's birthday. What are you doing like this?"

Cui Yuanjing said: "Your Majesty is very right. The Crown Prince knows that today is the Empress Dowager's birthday, but he chooses to raise this matter at this time to deliberately embarrass the Emperor. It can be seen that in the heart of His Royal Highness, the Empress Dowager's birthday has never been neglected." In my eyes, just relying on this item, it can be regarded as unfilial. The crown prince vainly cares about upholding the world. As a woman, he must give up the position of the crown prince. As the saying goes, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change, the prince's love is his nature, this is hard to change the day after tomorrow, the emperor must think twice about this matter!"

Cui Yuanjing didn't say a word, the prince's fist hidden in his sleeve was clenched, but there was no turning back when he opened the bow. Today's move was originally a dangerous move by soldiers.

On the other hand, King Xiang Bailizhao did have a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, watching this farce with leisure.

Bailixuan had a good relationship with the crown prince in normal times, seeing the two ministers' threatening words at this moment, he also felt the seriousness of the situation.

Bai Lixuan walked over immediately, and said: "Brother Prince, there must be other reasons for your behavior, why not say it in front of everyone, if you continue to behave like this, Emperor Father will really get angry."

The crown prince raised his head slowly, glanced at Bailixuan, the corner of his mouth suddenly curved, showing a faint smile, and said calmly: "Fifth brother, there is no other reason."

After finishing speaking, his thin lips were pursed into a straight line, and his face was indifferent and dignified, as if he really had no attachment to the crown prince.

The emperor's eyes were already filled with anger and disappointment. It was really hard for him to believe that the prince, who had always been sensible, was so persistent today. As a woman, he seemed determined not to be the prince.

Just as the emperor was about to speak, Wei Bing, who was standing beside Grand Master Wei, rushed forward and knelt down in front of the emperor with a plop.

Wei Bingdao: "Your Majesty, there is a reason for the prince's actions. Please be aware of it."

"Oh?" The emperor finally eased his frown, and said, "Is there a reason for this? I'm curious, what is the reason?"

The prince looked at Wei Bing coldly, and shot a warning eye knife.

Wei Bing knelt there, knocked his head to the bottom, and said with a painful face: "His Royal Highness, even if you don't allow this subordinate to speak, this subordinate must speak today."

The crown prince had a solemn face, and warned: "Wei Bing, I told you not to say anything!"

"Wei Bing!" The emperor became more interested and said, "Say! Prince, if you say one more word, I will punish you for deceiving the emperor."

The prince looked pained, and called out aggrievedly: "Father——"

(End of this chapter)

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