Chapter 296

Nan Ruo circled around Nan Xinya, and suddenly said: "You just said that His Royal Highness King Xiang is like a heavenly man in your heart. If so, your sweetheart should be His Highness King Xiang, right?"

Nan Xinya was taken aback again, and couldn't help but look at King Xiang at the side, a blush rose on her pale face, she nodded shyly, and said, "So what?"

Nan Ruo said again: "In this case, I was engaged to His Highness the Crown Prince that year ago, why did you destroy us? Could it be that while you like His Highness King Xiang, you also love His Highness the Crown Prince at the same time, so you can't see me marrying the Crown Prince? Prince? Yes or no?"

Speaking of the latter, Nan Ruo's voice suddenly became cold and stern, and the strong aura suddenly emanating from her body made everyone's hearts tense slightly, and they looked at Nan Xinya with more doubts .

"You!" Nan Xinya blushed with anger, pointed at Nan Ruo and said, "You are talking nonsense! I only have His Royal Highness Xiang Xiang in my heart, how could there be other people." While speaking, her gaze subconsciously It fell on King Xiang's face, and his eyes were anxious and frightened.

However, King Xiang's eyes didn't seem to be on her at all, Nan Xinya's heart felt cold, and she looked at Nan Ruo with hatred.

Nan Ruo approached her and said, "Then why did you break my engagement with the prince? It's because..."

Before Nan Ruo finished speaking, she felt her hands tightened, and her whole body was pulled back by a huge force.

She turned her head suddenly, and met the prince's tender eyes.

After such a slowdown, Nan Xinya recovered immediately, Qianqiansu stroked her forehead with her hand, and when she closed her eyes, she fainted.

The crown prince pulled Nan Ruo and said: "Ruo'er, although Nan Xinya hurt you, but she is hurt like this now, even if you have something to ask, you can ask her when she is better."

But even so, the few words that Nan Ruo just said touched the hearts of everyone.

Nan Xinya publicly admitted that she admired King Xiang, but tried every means to prevent her sister from marrying the prince a year ago. The meaning of this is intriguing...

Nan Ruo glanced at Nan Xinya who had passed out, curled her lips helplessly, and turned her head to meet the prince's eyes. There was still warm tenderness in his eyes, but at this moment, in Nan Ruo's heart, there was It was inexplicably chilling.

Just as Nan Ruo turned around, Nan Xinya hummed softly, woke up faintly and turned around, and said weakly, "Second sister, don't you want to know the reason? Come here, my sister will tell you now."

Nan Ruo didn't expect her to wake up so soon, but since she dared to call her back, she must have made up a reason.

Nan Ruo turned around slowly, her eyes fell on her face, she didn't speak, and she didn't approach her.

Nan Xinya sighed slightly, and said, "Second Sister, you should blame me for this matter, it's all because of my soft-heartedness... On that day, He Ziling knelt in front of me and asked me to find a way to make him and you happy." At that time, when I saw his humble appearance, I couldn't help but feel hurt. I thought of myself, and I felt pity for each other, but I didn't expect that, because of this, I hurt my second sister, you...I..."

Nan Ruo couldn't help sighing secretly, she made up her reason well, she said so, who would doubt her again?
Even the emperor, who had just frowned, suddenly became enlightened. Obviously, her explanation was extremely appropriate, not only saving the face of the royal family, but also greatly improving the face of the royal family.

(End of this chapter)

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