The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 299 You Should Be Called Grandma Aijiahuang

Chapter 299 You Should Be Called Grandma Aijiahuang
The queen mother laughed and said: "You girl, you should be called Grandma Ai Jiahuang..."

Nan Ruo lowered his head slightly, and curled his lips quietly.

The prince on the one side laughed happily, walked over quickly, took the Queen Mother's hand from the other side, and said: "Grandma Huang, let Hong'er and Ruo'er see you off together."

But Nan Ruo raised his head and said, "His Royal Highness, I'll just accompany Grandma Huang. You are here. Maybe the Emperor still has something to ask you to do."

The prince heard her call the queen mother as Grandma Huang, and he was immediately elated. She was so considerate, he was very proud, nodded with a smile, and said: "Okay, Ruo'er, you can go with Grandma Huang, and I will come over later after I finish my work." pick you up."

Nan Ruo didn't speak, but supported the queen mother and walked to the queen mother's bedroom.

The queen mother was indeed tired, and went back to the bedroom and fell asleep.

Nan Ruo looked at the queen mother lying on the collapsed bed, and remembered the queen mother's attitude towards Feng Tianying just now, and her suspicions grew even more.

She hesitated for a while, then immediately sat down on the empress dowager's bed, and stretched out her hand to grab the empress dowager's hand.

"What are you doing?" There was a cold shout from behind.

Nan Ruo turned around suddenly, and saw Zijuan, the queen mother's personal maid, walking in with a bad expression on her face.

Nan Ruo smiled and grabbed the Empress Dowager's hand, kneaded it lightly, and said: "Grandma Huang has worked very hard just now, so I am going to give her a massage while she is asleep to relieve fatigue."

Nan Ruo looked at Zicuckoo, with a gleam in his eyes, maybe, he could hear something from Zicuckoo's mouth.

At this time, Zijuan also recognized Nan Ruo's identity, and knew that she would marry the prince soon and would be the future princess.

Hearing what she said, Zijuan's attitude softened, she smiled slightly, and said: "So that's it, Miss Nan, let the slaves do these things."

As Zijuan said, she took the Empress Dowager's hand from Nan Ruo's hand, kneaded it lightly, turned her head to Nan Ruo and said, "Miss Nan, there is some snack outside. If you feel hungry, go outside and eat some." Bar."

Nan Ruo stood aside with a smile, and said: "Thank you sister Zijuan, I'm not hungry now." Nan Ruo said, walked around to the bed, grabbed the Queen Mother's feet, and pressed them lightly.

The moment Zijuan heard Nan Ruo calling her Sister Zijuan, she raised her head in surprise and looked at Nan Ruo, only to see that her face was very natural, without a trace of affectation. from the heart.

Although Zijuan was serving the Queen Mother, she was a servant after all. She had never received such respect in ordinary times, and she immediately had a good impression of Nan Ruo in her heart.

Even so, she still said fearfully: "I don't dare, Miss Nan should call my servant Zicuckoo."

But Nan Ruo said with a smile: "Sister Zijuan, do you know? During the period when I left the General's Mansion, I lived the same life as you. I'm used to it. Seeing you now makes me feel very kind."

If you want to hear news from others, the best way is to sell your own news first.

Zijuan looked at her, she didn't expect that she would become someone else's servant after being missing for more than a year, but what was rare was that she still maintained such a sunny heart, and her affection for her became even stronger.

At this time, the queen mother was already asleep, Zijuan pulled up the thin quilt to cover the queen mother, then waved to Nan Ruo, and said: "Miss Nan, now the queen mother is asleep, you can move around by yourself. When the queen mother wakes up, I will call you."

Nan Ruo nodded, turned around and walked outside, but did not leave the Empress Dowager's Yongci Palace, but sat at the door, staring at a pot of flowers and plants outside the Yongci Palace in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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