The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 309 She Must Have Some Conspiracy Secretly

Chapter 309 She Must Have Some Conspiracy Secretly

Thinking of this, Nan Ruo smiled and said: "If that's the case, there's nothing left. I'm very satisfied with this wedding dress, and there's nothing to modify."

After saying that, she turned around and went into the boudoir, changed the heavy wedding dress, and walked out briskly, Hong'er behind her was holding the wedding dress, Nan Ruo said: "Chunhe, I am very satisfied with this wedding dress, You can report back to His Highness the Crown Prince in this way when you go back."

As she spoke, she winked at Hong'er, who immediately handed over the wedding dress.

Someone took Chun He over and said, "Since Second Miss is satisfied, Chun He will go back. Before the wedding, His Royal Highness will send someone over to dress Second Miss."

Saying that, he smiled and led the two girls away.

After Chun He left, Nan Ruo immediately ran out the door.

Hong'er followed and said: "Miss, the master said that you should stay at home and learn etiquette."

Nan Ruo reached out and pinched her face, and said, "I have you, Hong'er, just stay here and help me learn."

"But..." Hong'er looked troubled.

Nan Ruo waved his hand and said, "Don't be rude, stay at home obediently, I will bring you delicious osmanthus cake when I come back."

Because she was afraid of bumping into another servant girl, Nan Ruo quietly slipped to the back door this time and went out through the back door.

As soon as she stepped out, Nan Xinya and Qingdong followed her.

Nan Ruo came to a place that sold jewelry, picked up a bronze mirror, turned his hand slightly, and the bronze mirror showed all the people behind him.

In the bronze mirror, Nan Xinya and Qingdong were at a pear stand, pretending to choose pears.

Nan Ruo's eyes froze slightly, he put down the bronze mirror, turned around and continued to walk forward.

Nan Xinya had just recovered from a serious injury, and after walking for so long, her strength had already run out, and her body was shaking a little at this moment.

Qingdong hurriedly supported Nan Xinya, and persuaded: "Miss, she is just shopping casually like this, and it doesn't look like there is anything important. You are weak, why don't we go back."

Nan Xinya shook her head stubbornly, and said: "I don't believe it, she must have some kind of conspiracy in the dark, Qingdong, don't talk, just keep your eyes open."

Qingdong had no choice but to support her young lady and continue to follow Nan Ruo.

Nan Ruo came to a shop to buy umbrellas, opened the umbrella, tilted her head slightly, and saw Nan Xinya and Qingdong still following behind from a distance.

Nan Ruo frowned slightly, put down her umbrella, turned around and left the shop, and bought some snacks at the snack bar opposite.

Nan Ruo was eating snacks while walking, and suddenly saw a dirty little beggar on the corner of the street staring at the snacks in his hand, swallowing continuously.

With an idea, Nan Ruo waved at the little beggar.

The little beggar came over immediately, Nan Ruo knelt down and said softly: "Little friend, do you want to eat?"

The little beggar nodded vigorously.

Nan Ruo took out a piece of snack and handed it to him, the little beggar immediately snatched it, put it in his mouth and started to eat it hungrily.

Seeing that he finished eating, Nan Ruo said softly: "There is a bad aunt behind me, she always follows me, you go over and help me lead her away, I will give you all these snacks, and give you a piece of silver, how about it?" ?”

The little beggar immediately nodded vigorously, but he stood there without moving, just put his hand in his mouth and blew a whistle.

Immediately, a dozen little beggars in the same ragged clothes ran over from all directions.

The little beggar turned around and walked among them, but he didn't know what he said to them.

The dozen or so little beggars immediately swarmed towards Nan Xinya who was behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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