The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 326 Don't come out before the wedding

Chapter 326 Don't come out before the wedding

As he spoke, he glanced at Nan Jiye, and said earnestly, "I hope General Nan will accept the gift."

Nan Jiye couldn't refuse at this moment, he turned to Nan Qing and said, "Qing'er, please accept the gift."

Nan Qing walked over to accept the congratulatory gift, Nan Jiye said to An Ying, "Thank you, His Royal Highness, King Yun."

Seeing Nan Jiye accepting the congratulatory gift, Ying Ying didn't stay any longer, and left after saying goodbye.

There was a hint of worry in Nan Ruo's eyes.

Why is he seriously ill?That day, she clearly sucked away the poison from his body with Thousand Spirit Beads, but why did he still get poisoned?

She would not believe that he was seriously ill. How could a person who was fine when he left suddenly become so seriously ill.

Could it be that the prince knew he was not dead and poisoned him again?Unexpectedly, the seemingly gentle and elegant prince turned out to be such a cruel and ruthless person.

Thinking in Nan Ruo's heart, she clenched her small hands slightly. Originally, she was still a little hesitant, but at this moment, there was no slightest hesitation in her heart.

At this moment, I heard Nan Jiye's slightly gloomy voice: "Come here, send the second young lady back to Cuizhuxuan, and don't come out until the wedding."

Nan Ruo didn't bother to argue with him, before the four women came up to arrest her, she had already gone back first.

Nan Ruo was full of worries and doubts. Shadow came here at this moment, it must not be as simple as giving gifts, so what is the purpose of his coming?Is it just to tell her that His Royal Highness King Yun has come out of the prison?Or was it to convey to her the news that King Yun was seriously ill, so that she could try to get there and save his life with the Thousand Lingzhu?

However, it was quite difficult for these women to follow him inseparably.

Back at Cuizhuxuan, Nan Ruo didn't go into his room, but just sat on a small stone bench in the yard, resting his chin on his hands, looking at the two women in front of him.

These women just stood beside her, staring at her with four pairs of eyes, which made her very uncomfortable.

Nan Ruo rolled her eyes and decided to take the initiative to get close to them.

She smiled and said, "Four sisters, do you think it's boring for us to just stand like this?"

One of the women said: "This is the master's order. There is nothing boring or boring. The second lady should go back to the room and rest."

They wanted her to go back to the house, so they just had to stay outside the door, so they didn't have to be so cautious.

But Nan Ruo said: "I don't want it. It would be more boring to go back to the house by myself. In the yard, at least I have the four of you to accompany me."

Seeing that the four of them were silent, Nan Ruo turned around and called a maid, saying: "I have some melons and fruits in my room, you go and take them out."

The maid went away in response, and after a while, brought some melons and fruits up.

While peeling melon seeds, Nan Ruo waved to the four of them with a smile, and said, "Come, come, let's pass the time by eating melon seeds together."

The four of them didn't move, and rejected Nan Ruo in fear.

Nan Ruo didn't care, and ate melon seeds with her legs crossed, chatting with the four of them while smiling.

It was the second lady of the Nan family, the future crown princess asked them questions, so they naturally dared not not answer, but Nan Ruo's tone was kind, and they were happy to answer her, it was better than everyone staying silent, it was better to pass the time.

Gradually, Nan Ruo got to know all about their situation.

These four women are all family members of Nan Jiye's subordinates, two of them are his subordinates' wives, and the other two are his subordinates' sisters. Because their families are not very good, Nan Jiye took them in at the General's Mansion Do things to subsidize the family.

(End of this chapter)

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