Chapter 331 Say goodbye to wine
However, Nan Xinya hurried forward and shouted loudly into the room: "Second sister, I can't pay you for my elder sister. You and I are going to get married today, and we don't have many chances to see you again in the future. Please, second sister, give me this Chance..."

The old lady became angry immediately, turned around and pushed Nan Xinya, and said, "Don't be shameless, is the princess the one you can see right away?"

Nan Xinya was pushed to the ground by her, and the two maids walked over immediately, but they were holding the tray in their hands, and couldn't spare her hands to help her, so they asked anxiously, "Miss, how are you?"

Nan Xinya didn't answer, tears rolled down her eyes, she looked so pitiful, even when the old woman saw her eyes, she couldn't help feeling angry and sad.

At this moment, Nan Ruo's voice came from the room: "What happened?"

With the sound of pearls and jade colliding, Nan Ruo walked out wearing that heavy wedding dress.

Nan Xinya suddenly felt that her eyes were full of light, looking at Nan Ruo's wedding dress, which was engraved with gold and silver threads and inlaid with pearls and jade, Nan Xinya felt jealous and angry at the same time.

Why is she?Missing for more than a year, if it is an ordinary person, let alone marrying, I am afraid that even the family members will feel ashamed and refuse to recognize each other.

However, she can still marry the prince, and even the wedding dress was sent by the prince.

Nan Xinya tightly clenched her hands under her wide sleeves, Nan Ruo's beaded hair almost blinded her eyes.

Even though there was jealousy and hatred in his heart, there was a light of begging and pleading in his eyes.

Seeing Nan Ruo coming out, the woman immediately turned around and said respectfully to Nan Ruo: "Go back to the Crown Princess, the slave has already told her that you are not free today, but she just refuses to go back and is still making trouble here."

At this moment, Nan Xinya got up from the ground. She took two steps and said, "Second sister, I know, you hate me in your heart. I came today to sincerely say sorry to you."

Nan Ruo gave her a cold look, she would not be so stupid to think that Nan Xinya really came to say sorry to her.

Looking at the tray behind Nan Xinya and the trays in the hands of the two maids, Nan Ruo's eyes sank slightly. Could it be that Nan Xinya dared to frame herself so openly?
Nan Ruo said: "Since you have said sorry, can you leave now?"

The woman was slightly taken aback when she heard Nan Ruo's cold voice. She thought that the princess probably won the prince's love because of her charming face. Seeing that she was soft and weak, with pure eyes and a delicate look He looked weak, but he didn't expect that when he spoke in a deep voice, he had an awe-inspiring aura.

At this moment, she really felt that she was indeed the Crown Princess, and this woman was worthy of the title of Crown Princess.

Nan Xinya was slightly taken aback, tears were about to fall again, and said, "Second sister, although we were not born to the same mother, we have been close since we were young, and we are inseparable. I, I used to be the same Poor He Ziling, he was bewitched by his clever words, and this made a big mistake. Now, we are both going to get married, the second sister, you have to be loved by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, but my sister... so far, no one has been sent by Prince Xiang's mansion Come here... Maybe this is my retribution, Second Sister, I don't feel like asking for your forgiveness. Afterwards, our identities are far apart, and I'm afraid there will be very few chances to meet each other. Sister, I just hope that I can be with Second Sister today. Say goodbye to the wine, can my second sister agree to my humble request?"

(End of this chapter)

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