The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 333 You Don't Feel Distressed At All

Chapter 333 You Don't Feel Painful At All

As she spoke, she really knelt down and held the glass of wine in front of Nan Ruo.

Nan Ruo frowned and looked at her, it seemed that it would be impossible not to drink this wine today.

Momo tugged at Nan Ruo's sleeve, and called out in a low voice, "Prince Princess."

Nan Xinya's eyes flickered, and she said, "Are you afraid that this wine is poisonous?"

As she spoke, Nan Xinya put the wine glass to her mouth, took a sip, and said, "Now, Second Sister, you should rest assured."

Nan Ruo hesitated for a while, and said: "Sister, we two sisters, what is there to forgive or not, if I blame you, I won't even see your face, but I don't have the strength to hold wine, so let's skip this wine. "

Nan Xinya groaned, lowered her head slowly, tears fell drop by drop into the wine glass, and she could only hear her murmuring: "Yes, I shouldn't beg your second sister for forgiveness, I was wrong..."

Seeing her daughter knelt down to beg Nan Ruo in such a low voice, Liu Shi would be too bullying if she didn't help her up or drink the wine she offered.

Mrs. Liu walked over in two steps, stretched out her hand and pulled her daughter up, and said, "Xinya, what are you doing? You begged her so humbly, she doesn't put on airs, mother sees, she has never Treat you as a real sister." She paused for a moment, and then said: "There is nothing to forgive, you did nothing wrong back then, if she hadn't been promiscuous everywhere, why would that He Zijun not even be the number one scholar, and ran to us Come to the house to be a low-key servant, if she didn't have the heart, how could she keep that He Zijun by her side? In Mother's opinion, even if you don't help He Zijun, the two of them will be in trouble sooner or later..."

"Shut up!" Nan Jiye, who was standing aside, shouted in a low voice.

Liu Shi was shaken by the roar, turned around, looked at her, and in an instant, intense sadness appeared on her face, and big tears fell down her face.

She let go of Nan Xinya's arm and rushed back to Nan Jiye's side, her fists rained down on Nan Jiye's broad chest.

Liu slapped and cried while beating: "Master, you are yelling at me... You are disliking our mother and daughter more and more now, if this continues, why don't you just let me die?"

Mrs. Liu wiped away her tears, and said again: "My daughter has suffered such a great grievance, but you don't feel sorry for her at all. You just watched her being ridiculed to this point, and you didn't say a word...just drink a glass of wine, don't worry about it. What will happen...Xinya has already knelt down..."

It is very disturbing for a woman to cry, but Liu Shi and Nan Xinya belong to the kind of beauties who are charming and charming. When they cry, their tears fall like broken pearls, and their voices are low and soft , there is no sharpness that makes people crazy, only tenderness that makes people pitiful.

Nan Jiye frowned slightly, put his arms around Liu Shi's shoulder, patted twice, and said, "Who says I don't love my daughter, Xinya and Ruo'er are both my daughters, and I love both daughters equally."

Liu Shi stopped crying, her tearful eyes were like flowers with dewdrops after the rain, making people feel pity.

Nan Ruo had goosebumps all over his body, looked at Liu Shi, and suddenly understood why Nan Jiye doted on her so much, this is simply a beautiful woman.

Although she is not as easy as Qingcheng, her tears are definitely a deadly weapon for any man.

(End of this chapter)

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